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Discussion in 'Horse Racing' started by Cyclonic, May 29, 2017.

  1. redcgull

    redcgull Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    If England take a lead in to the 2nd innings after their first innings shambles then it'll be some come back with the ball and possible Test result if they can build on it...
    SwanHills likes this.
  2. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    2023 Womens' World Cup

    Germany 1 - Colombia 2

    Have to say that was one hell of a match. Just could not believe that second and winning goal right at the end of the game. In fact, both Colombian goals were quite brilliant. Popp ('The Beast') did score the penalty for Germany, but all-in-all she will want to forget her abject overall performance today.
  3. redcgull

    redcgull Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    What a difference a day makes...!!!

    3 wickets in the opening hour of the final Test and all of a sudden the tide is a changing...
  4. redcgull

    redcgull Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    And what a difference a session makes...!!

    Smith & Head looks set for the session, and a bad dropped 'catch' by Stokes compounds the pressure...!!!
  5. OddDog

    OddDog Mild mannered janitor
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    Jun 2, 2011
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    Looks like being a sorry, soggy end to the series
  6. redcgull

    redcgull Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    Well, well, well.... How did we all fair watching the end of that Test...?? If we do have Sporting Gods they were definitely looking down on Stuart Broad late yesterday afternoon as he took the final two wickets of a pulsating final session to the final 5th Test of the Ashes. I think the final 2-2 result looked a fair result but i bet the post mortem from both sides will have the series 3-1 or 3-2 in their favour as both sides did have their moments... I don't think that these two side are the best that i have seen, far from it, but the closeness of the series made it a very close and it could have gone either way in the end.

    I suppose if this is Baz Ball moving forward a lot of people will be tuning in, and that can only be a good thing. It may take some getting used to if you are of a certain age and can remember some of the true great sides of the past. The decade of the West Indies beating all before them, the all conquering Aussie sides of the late 90's and through to the mid 2000's are tow that come to mind. But the brand of cricket is what makes this so appealing nowadays and long may it continue...

    Well done to both teams, you may not be the best we have seen, but you certainly gave it your all and entertained us all royally...:emoticon-0137-clapp :emoticon-0137-clapp :emoticon-0137-clapp
    SwanHills and Chaninbar like this.
  7. Chaninbar

    Chaninbar The Crafty Cockney

    Dec 30, 2011
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    A great series Red, but for me an opportunity lost for England. We could and should have won the series. Weather denied us at Old Trafford but we should never have been 2-0 down and that’s cost us dearly. England did get a massive stroke of luck yesterday with the ball change. Managed to swap a knackered old seamless sponge doing nothing for a shiny new cherry doing plenty. Apparently no similar balls in the Umps spares box. I can’t believe it’s that hard to have a box of spares which reflect a range of ball conditions between 0 and 80 overs old.
    Bustino74, redcgull and SwanHills like this.
  8. redcgull

    redcgull Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    So with the Rugby World Cup just on the horizon we see the top teams play a few warm up matches to think those squads out and see who has the golden ticket to play for their country over in France. Having watched the NZ team come back from 17-3 to beat the re-vitalised Aussie lads 23-20 it would seem that they will be once again to the front of the teams you must beat to win the tournament...

    The French, who play NZ on the opening night of the whole thing lost out to a Scotland side who were down to 14 men for most of the 2nd half, even if they did field a side made up of mostly a B team players, wont have the rest of them shaking in their boots yet...

    The Welsh having gone through hell recently with bad form, injured players and retired players gave England the run around to pump live in to the Red Dragon when all seemed lost for Gatland and co.

    And what can we say about dear ole England then. Well it's safe to say that we won't win the World Cup, in fact id advise Borthwick to build a team up for the next seasons 6 Nations with half and eye on the next World Cup. He can hardly be blamed for what he has been left with, England were going now where under Eddie Jones, but he couldnt have been impressed with that performance on Saturday, can he now...

    The Irish look strong once again, though their injury list is growing which will be a slight concern, but they look a solid outfit as of now.

    Argentina have come on big time for me under Aussie Coach Cheika but when it comes to the more established sides will always come up short, even if they do manage to turn one of the over, the next one will get them...

    All in all, i cant wait for it all to start, and it looks a very open tournament with no absolute nailed on winners. Yes the NZ lot will take some beating, the French are at home, and the Home Nations are playing closer to home than last time so shouldnt hinder them too much...

    Bring it on as they say, but if your an English fan, don't hold out for any big prizes come the start of the knockout rounds...!!!
    Chaninbar likes this.
  9. Chaninbar

    Chaninbar The Crafty Cockney

    Dec 30, 2011
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    Interesting thoughts and I think entirely accurate points re Englands chances Red. Though it’s early days we dont seem to have progressed much under Borthwick. Still extremely ponderous and seemingly very adept at getting on the wrong side of the ref. Our game seems to be based on waiting for the oppo to make a mistake. Argentina first game too. Having played multiple competitive matches against SA,NZ and Aus I fully expect them to give us a proper test in our first group match
    redcgull and SwanHills like this.
  10. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    I can barely remember an RU game when England were not on the wrong side of the ref.?
    redcgull and Chaninbar like this.

  11. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    I am sick and tired of this Harry Kane business. For goodness sake close the Bayern deal quickly and without any more fuss. Bayern have met Spurs demands so let's get it over with. The intransigence of the Spurs CEO has been the main cause of the nonsense, with Kane himself not helping things much. At last it has dawned on Spurs that in one year they won't get a brass farthing for Harry K. PLEASE, no more crap from the media, and close this unsavoury stupidity once and for all. :(
  12. NassauBoard

    NassauBoard Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    What’s different to any other transfer?
  13. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Good point, Nass, but this one took the biscuit for me.
  14. NassauBoard

    NassauBoard Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    For once it was a genuine question, I haven't paid much attention. He is a poor Will Grigg.

    Is it just the time taken and the media stories that are frustrating? Or is something else happening that I've missed?
  15. OddDog

    OddDog Mild mannered janitor
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    Jun 2, 2011
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    Its the dreaded "summer hole" Swanny - nothing proper to report on so the media go into overdrive on drivel. Haven't you noticed in Germany? Even rising petrol prices made the news today. I mean, shock horror, most of Germany are going on holiday and petrol companies decide to put the prices up? Now there's a surprise ........

    It will all change on Saturday though because its .............................. Shergar Cup Day :headbang:
    redcgull, Chaninbar and SwanHills like this.
  16. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    "England captain Harry Kane is set to have a medical at Bayern Munich after being given permission to travel to Germany by Tottenham"

    Who in hell do Tottenham think they are, the UK Foreign Office? Harry should have given the nearest Spurs representative at Stansted Airport the good-old two finger sign, and boarded the plane straight away. Barring anything unexpected in Munich, this whole unsavoury mess will at last be at an end. Thank goodness for that. :(
  17. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Pursuant to the above comment, I would be very interested in the general opinion on the Spurs chairman, Daniel Levy, by Forum members? Have my own thinking on this which could well be off-target, so that's why I am asking this question. Thank you!
  18. OddDog

    OddDog Mild mannered janitor
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    Jun 2, 2011
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    Looks like a shrewd bit of business. He came on as a 2nd half sub for Bayern as they lost 3-0 to Leipzig. Here’s what the BBC said:

  19. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Given a few more days he'll make a difference to Bayern. Kane is a hard worker and a team player, and is just as pleased to have given an 'assist' as to actually scoring himself. Quite different to Lewandowski, a fine goal scorer but IMHO a right lazy sod.
  20. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The all girl GB team smash it at the Eventing European Championships. Team Gold by miles and Individual Gold and Silver. Well done the girls <applause><applause>
    SwanHills likes this.

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