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OT: Mafia game thread starts Sunday 8pm 14/9/14

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by moreinjuredthanowen, Sep 14, 2014.

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  1. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    The Story

    Knosuj Place, Arizona...... a typical hick town full of the usual run down tumbleweed and line dancing bar. Knosuj is famous for only one thing, the day the world famous Derek Asamoah accidentally stopped off there and had to sleep in his car while on his way to Las Vegas.
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    It seemed like nothing would ever change in this sleepy little town but ever since old man whiskeybreath popped his clogs and left the general store to his ginger kid things started to go wrong. For old red nose had led the residents in resisting the lure of easy money from the legalization of gambling but recently Don Giovanni has moved into town and is determined to take over and turn Denise's bar into a brothel and legalize drinking, gambling and build a casino called the Cheese. He’s been flooding the town with dodgy cash and even dodgier characters

    An all-out war for turf has emerged, and the good townsfolk have been paying for it. Good people have begun to move out, and in their place, detestable individuals of questionable backgrounds have moved in. An abundance of illegal substances have begun to be sold, Alcohol and weed are cheaper than sweets for the kids.
    Whispers abound, that the mafia have moved in.

    "This has to stop." Someone says.
    And everyone agrees. The maniacal streets must be returned to their order. Those still sharing a tight community bond decide it's about time to step up, and take action…..

    The Players
    Your gamemaster: MITO
    1 Milk
    2 Nozzer
    3 Minxy
    4 Danilo
    5 afcftw
    6 hash
    7 lucaas
    8 ibwt
    9 billy can
    10 gerrez
    11 magic
    12 bodanki
    13 Sky
    14 RHC
    15 Astro

    Game Mechanics
    • The game will run on 24 hour rounds. Start time is 8pm BST Sunday. Night will fall at 8pm each night
    • Roles will be randomly assigned. Roles will be passed to participant by Forum PM System. Keep your inbox empty, you joined so tidy up and be ready, no pm = you are townsfolk.
    • ONLY mafia can communicate privately, no other private communication between participants is allowed. Mafia can strategize via pm as much as they wish and communicate findings
    • Role specific actions are communicated to games master by PM up to 8pm each night, you miss the time you don’t get you action
    • Public forum is used to vote IN BOLD for who the town will lynch. Accusations, discussions and all sorts are permitted. Vote changing and rechanging is perfectly fine. A simple majority vote is required to lynch. 2 votes is enough even in round one.
    • Once a participant is lynched they get ONE free eulogy post where they can say I told you so and no more. Do not post any game related comments to influence the play
    • Messing about will make you sick, there is ebola going about. If you catch ebola you lose your vote in the following round but luckily the drugs in the US can cure you after 24 hours. Be warned. Decisions of why you got it are the games masters decision and final.
    • Posts that hurt the game will be deleted
    • Win conditions are:
    o Mafia win when mafia numbers = towns people numbers
    o Towns people win when all mafia are wiped out.

    [table="width: 500, class: grid, align: center"]
    [td]Number of:[/td]
    [td] The mafia Don [/td]
    [td]Able to convert one player to the mafia team, is allowed to order a hit on two players[/td]
    [td] 2nd and 8th [/td]
    [td]The town cop [/td]
    [td]Able to investigate one person each night[/td]
    [td]The mafia investigator [/td]
    [td]Able to investigate one person each night[/td]
    [td]The vigilante (on town team) [/td]
    [td]Able to assassinate two people in the game, if he is converted he loses his ability and becomes a mafia. kills will be separated by a round or no kill as you lay low (e.g round 1 then round 3) [/td]
    [td]The doctor (on town team) [/td]
    [td]Able to nominate one person per night he protects, may protect himself [/td]
    [td]The snitch, a mafia [/td]
    [td]Able to nominate one person per night, if an investigator looks at that person the answer given to investigator is flipped (mafia/innocent)[/td]
    [td]The goon, a mafia [/td]
    [td]no powers, but if vigilante hits the don he will block once (vigilante will not know if dr or goon is in effect[/td]
    [td]Towns people [/td]
    [td]everyone left[/td]
    [td]no powers[/td]


    The order of night time
    A clear order of events occur at night.

    1. The lynch mob will haul their target out of his house and execute him
    2. The mafia don’s orders will take effect (a convert or kill)
    3. A lone vigilante will slip out and take things into his own hands
    4. The snitch will pass false info.
    5. The investigator’s sitting in their cars staking out places of interest will find things out.
    6. The morning newspaper will be published outlining what’s gone on.

    1. Execution takes priority over all other actions if you are dead you are dead after all and the whole community does the lynching.
    2. Only the don can convert of kill for the mafia. If he is killed both options are lost
    3. The vigilant will be revealed as innocent if investigated. He gets two kills only so make it count and if you want a gory tale to be told please pm it and it’ll go in the morning newspaper
    4. Investigators:
    a. Mafia snitch and goon will be reported simply as mafia, you didn't see them do anything after all. Mafia investigator will be called out, you saw him staking out a place. The don will be called the don.
    b. Townsfolk will be called innocent. The doctor will be called out as such, investigators will be called as such. The vigilante shall be called innocent
    c. Be warned; if the snitch is in effect you will see simply mafia or innocent nothing else

    DAY 1:
    final vote:
    [table="width: 500, class: grid, align: left"]
    [td]no of votes[/td]
    [td]Lucaas, IBWT[/td]
    [td]billy, hash, astro [/td]
    [td]Bodanki,milk, nozzer[/td]


    Not voted: Magic

    RHC was innocent, no other actions were taken

    DAY 2:
    final table
    [table="width: 500, class: grid, align: left"]
    [td]no of votes[/td]
    [td]hash [/td]

    magic was the vigilante, hash was killed by mafia

    DAY 3:
    final table
    [table="width: 500, class: grid, align: left"]
    [td]no of votes[/td]
    [td]gerrez,astro [/td]


    Not voted:,sky, minxy

    lucas was killed, he was mafia investigator, there was a conversion tonight

    Day 4

    [table="width: 500, class: grid, align: left"]
    [td]no of votes[/td]
    [td]milk, nozzer,badanki, afcftw,sky, gerrez[/td]

    IBWT was killed, he was mafia don,no other actions now possible
  2. Good work MITO. I've not had a PM yet though :huh:
  3. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I have sent EVERYONE a PM outlining the role as a reminder the game is on.... just sent them out

    AND everyone get theirs so..... if anyone didn't pm me,
  4. InFrancroatiaWeTrust

    InFrancroatiaWeTrust Rome, London, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, Madrid
    Forum Moderator

    May 22, 2011
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    Or have you and are you bluffing :huh:
  5. Game doesn't start until 8pm :p
  6. InFrancroatiaWeTrust

    InFrancroatiaWeTrust Rome, London, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, Madrid
    Forum Moderator

    May 22, 2011
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    Nice to see the MITO bullet points are back <ok>
  7. He's really gone to town on this too <laugh>
  8. InFrancroatiaWeTrust

    InFrancroatiaWeTrust Rome, London, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, Madrid
    Forum Moderator

    May 22, 2011
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    Makes Milk's effort seem very poor indeed.
  9. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Not at all, milk is merely educating us on how to do it.
  10. Minxy

    Minxy Just Me
    Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    I'm still totally confused :D

  11. Regular day at the office then <whistle>
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  13. InFrancroatiaWeTrust

    InFrancroatiaWeTrust Rome, London, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, Madrid
    Forum Moderator

    May 22, 2011
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    Who's going to make the first move <laugh>
  14. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    pawn to queens pawn 4.
  15. Lucaaas

    Lucaaas Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I vote bodanki

    ****ing Chelsea fans.
  16. InFrancroatiaWeTrust

    InFrancroatiaWeTrust Rome, London, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, Madrid
    Forum Moderator

    May 22, 2011
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    Bodanki the Russian Mafia Don. Intent on bringing in his oil money to ruin the fun for everyone else in the team :bandit:
  17. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    game on 23 hours 47 minutes to night fall... just so's you know.

    to those with specific roles... do think about banking your action nomination early with me so's you don't miss out.

    to those who are townspeople... enjoy the intrigue and do try to not get killed
  18. Germlands Nozzer

    Germlands Nozzer Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2014
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    Getting my vote in early in case I haven't got time tomorrow - I vote Greez cos he loves the attention.

    Thanks for doing this MITO!
  19. I vote Nozzer because he's voted for me the **** :p
  20. danilo.

    danilo. Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Taking a page out of my book I see... the old "I'll vote for you because you voted for me so no one questions my motives" routine.

    I vote IBWT to keep the one vote each thing going. However I will change my vote if they pile up to keep it fair.
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