I was on BBC606 from about 2006, I think. But that was pretty much exclusively for posting about MotoGP. I did read the Saints forum though. We're all like ships that pass in the night, really.
Used to be Markus Liebherr's Chequebook, but changed out of respect to Rickie Lambert's Golden Boot when he passed away...
I was an original but didnt post much, in fact now i think about it i may have the same name as before.. hmmm only name i can remember from there was Rocket Swanie for some reason haha
I was a far more regular poster on the old 606 than I am on here, for some reason! I miss some of the old Pompey contributors, though it's good to see Meowth still going strong. (I recall that OAP Pompey was actually old enough to remember Pompey winning the league and was the only skate I would admit could use that as bragging rights). LD still winds the Pompey board up but, for some reason, their small band of survivors are a tad sensitive these days!
their small band of survivors are a tad sensitive these days! __________________________________ Can't think why????
I remember many a good spat with the Pompey boys on the bbc606, in fact I can still click on and read through my profile and posts. Playingtimeaddedon who I used to call playingwithmydingaling gave me great joy winding up on the Pompey board.
Remember aclameater getting banned for flipping his lid & threatening to kill people, still to this day, its the biggest melt down I've witnessed on line. Very funny.
I am another who visited Saints board back in the old bbc days but seldom posted. I guess that's much the same as now!
I used to regularly read the posts on 606 but could never get registered as for some reason due to my location the BBC would not allow me to complete the registration process. I had no difficulty in registering here and although I do not comment regularly I look in here most days to see the latest news and gossip.
I was on the old board, with the same name, as it really is my surname! I remember TFLS who ended all his/her posts with a "bubbly" smilie. That was one Pompey poster who could wind people up, but with a bit of style and panache! During the very dark days of Lowe and then again in his second incarnation, the 606 board was a tad intense. I remember AntiMoaner who was so far up Lowes rectum that he could peer out of his mouth. He would never really answer any points put to him, but would just repeat his pro-Lowe diatribe. I set up a Nom de guerre as AuntiMoaner just to be rude to him, and someone else set up UncleMoaner with the same idea. I also remember StAlan, who was a good egg, but had some health issues towards the end of 606. I hope he is ok and still posting?
You forgot to mention Frauline which used to be TFLS in another life...the battles between uncle mooaner and Anti.....could get a bit tense. By and large though it was a good forum and some intense debate..........Although the banning mobs had occasional red fingures.... I agree the great majority of them did not have a sense of humour.
Yeah I was on 606 from around the time of our Cup Final. There wqere some characters on that site. Widley Chimes had the biggest post count out of both Saints and Pompey boards. Alwways thought he was TFLS. The one I can remember most though was Scooby. He was a strange individual and was so for Rupert Lowe it was un believable. you then had LD, Shirley Saint and a few others who were in the anti Lowe group. The stand up and claps I think Scooby called them. In the end someone found out who he was and posted pictures of him on the site. That was the last we saw of him. Although GMI and Antimoaner have some of the same traits.