Me and Declan cylced to Ibrox on Saturday for the game and was quicker than either driving or getting the train/subway combo. 30mins to get there and 35 mins to get back (going is all down hill basically) Chained our bikes up at the school in the bottom right. WATP
I hardly ever drink when at Ibrox... sometimes on a euro night, I'll go for a meal beforehand and then smuggle in cans of gin but that's it. We were going out for Bernadette's 21st birthday too on Saturday night so would've been ****ed if I ended up swallying, cycling to Ibrox, smuggling in bevvy then cycling home.
Ill Phil on the phone to FARE looking for the Dortmund away result to be overturned and wiped from the record
@Lochers are you ever on that lost grounds page? It can be not bad sometimes, that is 2 people posted Ibrox today.