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Match Day Thread Norwich City v Middlesbrough Sat 12th Nov ko 1500 hrs.

Discussion in 'Norwich City' started by Bure budgie, Nov 10, 2022.


Where will the 3 points go

Poll closed Nov 13, 2022.
  1. Canaries

  2. Boro

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  3. Nowhere

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  1. RiverEndRick

    RiverEndRick Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I'd rather see a proven manager who builds a team with synergy, where the total output is more than the sum of players individual skills. That's what Robins has achieved at Coventry where they are definitely punching above their weight.
  2. Robbie BB

    Robbie BB Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    Of course, but it's a mistake to think that that is instantly achievable if presented with a given set of players. There wasn't much sign of Farkean synergy in 2017--18. It hinged crucially on the arrival of Pukki and Buendi. Likewise, what has given Coventry lift-off is the arrival of Gyokeres. There are a lot of different factors playing into where we are right now and the idea that they are all going to miraculously disappear with a change of head coach is just illusory. It would simply be a case of throwing DS to the baying wolves. It's not as though we haven't been through this before either, with Lambert/Hughton.
    SuffolkCanary likes this.
  3. Robbie BB

    Robbie BB Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    Hayden was brilliant against Rotherham, and everyone has seen (and commented positively on) the difference his presence has made. He has looked leggy quite often, hardly surprising given his long period of rehabilitation. I suspect he has had to play more often, and for longer in games, than DS would ideally have liked. DS would have been crucified if he had gone back to 4:3:3 but, as you point out, playing the diamond again put extra physical pressure on Hayden.
    SuffolkCanary likes this.
  4. SuffolkCanary

    SuffolkCanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
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    I was just suggesting another coach who Norwich links RER. I quite like Robins
    RiverEndRick likes this.
  5. RiverEndRick

    RiverEndRick Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I'm not advocating a change yet, but the pattern of second half fades does concern me and, like others, I'm not convinced DS is getting the most out of our players.

    As for Hayden, who did have a good game against Rotherham, I've not yet seen a player worth £9m up to now. He shared the blame for not picking up McGree running through the centre of our defence to score. He has the 4 week break to get fully fit for the packed holiday season and I hope to see far more from him then.
    SuffolkCanary likes this.
  6. Robbie BB

    Robbie BB Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    Judging by the body language and performance, I don't think either Max or Teemu really want to be here, going through this again after a second, thoroughly dispiriting, relegation. I'm not convinced about Cantwell either. Smith and Webber would have been crucified if they had let Pukki go, but I really think that would have been best for all parties. Max is playing knowing that the club were willing, even keen, for him to go. He has sprung into life in the last couple games. One explanation is that the diamond midfield suits him, which it does from an offensive point of view, with the FBs providing the width; but it also leaves the space behind, which both Rotherham and 'Boro targeted. A more cynical explanation would be that his revival coincided with the re-emergence of rumours of interest from "big" clubs, Man Utd for example.
    I think the consecutive EPL failures, together with the sale of Buendia and the sacking of Farke, have negatively affected our Farke-era players; you can talk all day about them being "professionals", but being professional doesn't necessarily translate into playing at the top of their game. I don't see a change of coach making any difference to that.
  7. GozoCanary

    GozoCanary Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    That's one possible reading of the situation. Two other possible readings, equally possible in my opinion, is a) that they don't like playing for Smith b) Smith has no idea how to utilise their talents.

    If either a) or b) is correct, a change of coach probably would make a difference.
  8. Canary Rob

    Canary Rob Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    I think this is a plausible alternative.

    Certainly I think we can all at least agree the energy isn’t there across some key players in our squad and that systemic issue is likely to be due to a number of different factors and different for each player.

    I don’t understand the inclusion of Pukki at all though, bearing in mind he is getting on a bit in footballer age terms and he needs good service which has been lacking, I really don’t think his performances have indicated a lack of energy or enthusiasm. He’s not been as ruthless as I would have liked, but he’s always gone through periods of missing the goal frequently.
  9. Canary Rob

    Canary Rob Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    I would add to Robbie’s post that the sentiment of the fans is also adding to it. The fans have a powerful impact on player/team/manager mood. I found that really frustrating with Hughton, because he was essentially forced out by a large section of the fan base against my personal preferences.

    Now, I accept that’s just the way of it, and I think Smith has lost critical mass of fan support which is almost irrecoverable - it’s only downhill from here. And in that sense it doesn’t matter whether Smith’s doing a great job or has the right ideas and the players are not performing for him - the battle is lost.


    Dec 18, 2015
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    We are really digging deep looking to attribute blame aren't we .

    Last season's EPL disaster was mainly Farke's fault Smith did what he could but it was an impossible task.

    Which in turn made the players want to leave and not perform this season , Smith tells them how to play but they simply don't listen and end up not carrying out his orders for 80% of most games.

    What else ? The World Cup, climate change , Covid , Robbie always said it would be better to stay down this season as getting promoted too quickly like Farke was foolish because promotion football won't keep them up etc etc .

    It would be more sensible to go up next season or perhaps the one after that to give them the best possible chance of actually staying up unlike the silly German show off coach
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2022

  11. GozoCanary

    GozoCanary Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    IMO, almost certainly yes. Unless we immediately go on a very good run playing a level of football which suggests that this run is sustainable, I think it's only a matter of time until Smith departs.
  12. Robbie BB

    Robbie BB Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    The trajectory will turn upwards again only when there is a genuine acceptance that Farke is now history. For that to come about, enough blood has to flow, and the thirst for retribution has to be satiated. That's the nature of football fandom. Hughton had little or no chance simply because he wasn't Lambert, Smith will go simply because he isn't Farke. You see it all the time -- look at Arsenal following the departure of Wenger, and Man Utd following the departure of Ferguson. Does anybody really think that, in these circumstances, replacing Smith with e.g. Mark Robins will, in itself, resolve all the problems?
    Last time, it was the appointment of Webber that proved the catalyst. The Attanasios look like being the catalyst this time.
    SuffolkCanary likes this.


    Dec 18, 2015
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    That's a bit of a stretch <laugh>

    The ultimate failure to take personal responsibility ladies & gentlemen.

    The reason Norwich are failing to perform for more than 20 minutes of the 90 in the last 12 months has nothing to do with the management.

    It's the fan's fault for not believing in Smith hard enough, even if they were playing swashbuckling football and sitting first in the league that wouldn't be good enough because we all hate Deano & Shaky so much that poisons our ability to see FACTs .

    It doesn't matter now how brilliant we would be next season under Smith because he was never given a fair chance by those horrible so called fans.

    Houton was sacked because of his negative style and results, nothing to do with Lambert
    Arsenal parted company with managers based on poor results not because of Wenger, the same with Man United and Ferguson etc .

    You build yourself a Dean Smith statue in your back garden and celebrate the man that would have made Norwich great if you like but you are simply too stubborn and blinkered to realise not for the first time that you are wrong .

    IF Smith takes Norwich on a long run of great performances and results unlike you I will eat humble pie but from what I've seen over the last 12 months I won't hold my breath.
  14. GozoCanary

    GozoCanary Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Robbie, if I had written something like this, you would have been excoriating in your criticism, accusing me of sensationalistic language ('enough blood to flow', 'thirst for retribution') and woolly assumptions which are based on pure speculation. Regarding the latter:

    a) How do you know that there isn't a genuine acceptance that Farke is history? Did you survey the fans?
    b) What is this mysterious 'nature of football fandom' which you somehow have discerned?
    c) How do you know that Hughton had no chance because he wasn't Lambert rather than because of his style of football?
    d) 'You see it all the time' is hardly the language of scientific proof. It's someone down the pub. Or me on a bad day.
    e) How do you know that a catalyst is required for a club's fortunes to revive? And why is this a person/people? Can't other reasons equally explain change? Or a mix of reasons rather than one event? And if an exceptional person/people can be a catalyst, why couldn't a new manager, even if the odds are against him?

    Then there is the underlying thesis of your post that subsequent managers of a club will always suffer if they come immediately after a very successful manager. This may be true, but it is a thesis, not a fact. Just like my underlying belief that Smith is a mediocre coach. It's fair enough to base one's argument on a disputable thesis (there's no real alternative), but not if someone thinks that his theses are always grounded in pure logic and hard fact and beyond dispute.

    I freely admit that many of my posts are full of unproven claims, emotional outbursts, and appeals to vague concepts that other people might dispute, but this post of yours matches anything I've ever come up with. You can't have it both ways, Robbie, but as always you'll try.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2022

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