To non-£ity fans, Noel Gallagher seems to hang around the club like a very bad smell. It's been a decade since his particular brand of ****e pop music was in fashion, and yet there he is every time £ity is in the news, with media fawning over his every word, like he is some football guru when, in actual fact, he knows as much about football as Julian Clarey. Do you £ity fans actually like this bloke being held up as the spokesman for your club, or do you wish he would simply **** off?
To non-£ity fans, Noel Gallagher seems to hang around the club like a very bad smell. It's been a decade since his particular brand of ****e pop music was in fashion, and yet there he is every time £ity is in the news, with media fawning over his every word, like he is some football guru when, in actual fact, he knows as much about football as Julian Clarey. Do you £ity fans actually like this bloke being held up as the spokesman for your club, or do you wish he would simply **** off?