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Off Topic No words...only tears...

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by wishiwasinliverpool, May 23, 2017.

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  1. carlthejackal

    carlthejackal Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2012
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    It is a difficult issue and always will be. Few will be convinced by rational arguments. I am not saying that this subject is out of bounds and should not be talked about but that we should not, today of all days, raise the possibility of hatred and blame towards a significant section of the population. While the vast proportion of such atrocities are from one section of the population, the vast proportion of that same section are peaceful law abiding friendly people. That is the crucial point that people have to bear in mind if/when they start generalising.
  2. Prince Knut

    Prince Knut GC Thread Terminator

    May 23, 2011
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    Confucious he say - don't argue with ancient, just-made-up Chinese wisdom.
  3. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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    Once there was capital punishment in UK,
    some said it was barbaric.Killing of children and innocents is now acceptable because some people want to prove a point.
    Those who kill by the sword must die by the sword.If "God" is love some people are misrepresenting God.
    wishiwasinliverpool likes this.
  4. DirtyFrank

    DirtyFrank Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    I know I'm in a minority but I've always had the belief that child killers or those that help them should hang.

    Obviously the bomber himself took care of that before we could but his accomplices should hang.

    **** this martyr ****e..if teenagers hero worshipping guys like this on the internet think they could come to an end, not in glorious struggle but ****ting themselves at the end of a rope they'd think a little more about it.

    Plus I don't want to waste resources on people who when caught will never be a useful member of society.

    By all means go through the justice system...appeals etc...then if still proved guilty string them up.

    Make their belief system...fantasies..poltical ideology irrelevant in the process. We don't care why you killed or helped kill a child...you did so is a fact; your existence is removed from our society.
  5. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    He's passionate , as lots are at the moment , I agree however ISLAM is not the issue , that's millions of peoples honest daily belief. . The issue is , vermin like this would appear to use it as an excuse to hide behind .

    Lets not forget none of us know know yet the perpetrator / Reasons behind this yet .
  6. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    He's a dickhead, but we'll leave that there.

    What happens every time there's an IS inspired atrocity, people like that come out and attack Islam in general. Muslims in the main don't identify with these people nor their beliefs, but there'll no doubt be race hate incidents aimed at Muslims in the wake of this, which are inspired by comments like his....
  7. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Ok . We will leave it there :emoticon-0150-hands
    wishiwasinliverpool and Tobes like this.
  8. FedLadSonOfAnfield

    Dec 27, 2013
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    There already have been. So predictable
    wishiwasinliverpool likes this.
  9. FedLadSonOfAnfield

    Dec 27, 2013
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    Nobody's accepting anything man

    Just because we no longer have capital punishment doesn't mean we're somehow necessarily complicit in and accepting of atrocity
  10. FedLadSonOfAnfield

    Dec 27, 2013
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    You know what's worrying ... how little info they've provided about the deaths in this barring the two little girls

    It's going to be absolutely horrible and disgraceful

  11. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    95% of these guys are petty crims who have been to jail and just turn towards something cos they have marginalised themselves.. they get taken in and used by internet warriors

    Basically the real story is still that post iraq war the US compounded their idiocy by disbanding the Iraqi army. they then bogged down and obama made a promise to pull guys out and he won his election so did it and left a vaccum

    NOW we are 5 yearsinto a terrible civil war that cameron was happy to see when lybians shot gadaffi and he even went there.. egypt went radical and army took back over.. its a total and utter abdication of responsibility.

    UN should have rolled tanks over the whole isis areas 2 years ago but they won't and won't even consider it after bush went off and did iraq on his own

    The only solution which is not great... is to roll over the caliphate and burn the place to the ground and then rebuild somehow.

    The iranians and saudis are perfectly happy to fund this **** show thats going on too.

    I mean... honestly... in the past these criminals would head off to turkey to walk into syria and the caliphate. now the place is bombed out they seem to be staying home and doing lunatic things.. Its a form of cowardice from the people feeding them this lunacy that they no longer call for troops there but just want to snipe like this.
  12. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    we don't need capital punishment

    The western powers and russia need to agree in un to send proper troops and tanks and roll over this festering sore of a caliphate.

    the way of the world sadly is these guys don't fear the west cos they see it as weak. the only way is to use the proper agreed forum... the UN to put together a coalition and roll over the whole place.. but russia and us will never agree cos its in or out for al asid...
  13. FedLadSonOfAnfield

    Dec 27, 2013
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    It, and everything associated with it, and I refuse to refer to it by any other name, needs stamping out

    We'll be doing ourselves and future generations a massive favour
    wishiwasinliverpool likes this.
  14. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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    Give them an inch they are going to take a mile. United Kingdom is a fair society (though not completely blameless). Anyone who cannot accept the rule of law in this country has the right to leave.
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
    wishiwasinliverpool likes this.
  15. Milk not bear jizz

    Milk not bear jizz Grasser-In-Chief

    Nov 12, 2013
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    Probably more people killed in the name of Christianity than any other religion to be honest.

    If you include the millions killed in the America's because of diseases (sometimes deliberately) passed to the natives, no other religion will catch up.

    Sure, the conquistadors we're after gold but they were backed up by, and encouraged by the church and used "spreading God's word" as a justification.

    Even if you don't include that, how many people killed and tortured by Jesuits and the Spanish Inquisition? I'm sure Islam doesn't come close.

    Historically, Christian nations would kill people of non judeo-xian religion in their territory. Muslims historically just taxed at a higher rate non-believers.
    * Record Points Total likes this.
  16. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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    Every one knows that religion is about politics. Some people who do not believe anything, but their conscience are better than some that of one faith or another.
    wishiwasinliverpool likes this.
  17. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Yes. I agree. France, US, Uk, Russia, turkey.. should all get together and say lets roll the tanks here.

    arming kurds in iraq will only end up with war in turkey in 3/4 years

    As bad as 22 dead peopel and over 50 maimed is.... the suffering in syria but millions of people and kids is just as sad for me. We are letting those refugees and innocents down in the UN and the result is ISIS recruit these petty crims and disaffected idiots think they are doing something

    Sadly on a global scale may can twit on about never give up and all that but it looks hollow. The disproportional effect of the small attack they can managed compared to the millions over there being destroyed and yet we continually allow it to happen

    For me the UN needs to step up and commit troops and end it. **** it give half syria to turkey and half to iraq or whatever... of is russia insists al asad must be in power ok... better that than this slaughter.
  18. Prince Knut

    Prince Knut GC Thread Terminator

    May 23, 2011
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    I'm an atheist - so was Hitler and Stalin. And Mao. Any ideology that excludes doubt and propagates some sort of self-righteous piety is a religion/zealotry/closed mind. These people can't step back from their acts and thoughts, for if they allowed doubts they'd see the absurdity and needlessness of their deeds. It's circular reasoning and allows the deluded to give justification to their base bloodlusts.

    Or I could be wrong. Point is, I don't know and neither do they, and no code of thought gives you the justification for this.
  19. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    well...... I dunno... I would actually say thats a happenstance based on powers seeking empires than anything.

    Nobody REALLY came to the americas for converting the natives. they came for land and power.

    The romans predated christianity. they slaughter.

    genghis khan slaughter millions not for religion.

    Religious wars are the darkest kind no question but really if you boil it down... there are far more peoepl using religion as an excuse or just plain land grabbing than anything else
  20. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    the people in power in Saudi could not give a **** about religion really. the people grabbing a slice of real estate in Syria and calling it a caliphate IMO are more about oil and power than religion. If the cynical **** at the top wasn't in total control and they were run by some religious council that would be one thing but the reality is they are sitting on top collecting salves and acting like total ****s... cos they can.

    The guys over in iran took over on religious grounds and while they are totalitarian they don't act like this


    iran = bad cos in the 1960s or whenever the us was made look bad and thier buddy the shah was ****ed out
    cuba = bad cos they made us look bad and ****ed out their leaders there

    it basically ends up as...... well... two facedness about the interests of various states.
    Sauerkraut Inia and BobbyD like this.
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