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Next Manager

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by JAMES THE GILLS MAN, Sep 24, 2017.


who will be next Gills Manager

  1. Bugs Bunny

    1 vote(s)
  2. Tony Blair

    2 vote(s)
  3. brb

    2 vote(s)
  4. Tony Pulis ( if only)

    0 vote(s)
  5. Mark Patterson

    0 vote(s)

    JAMES THE GILLS MAN Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    please feel free to add ideas
  2. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I was nearly tempted with Bugs Bunny but as there is a striking resemblance between me and that rabbit, I voted for myself <laugh>

    For alternative ideas we could have grumpy alright pegleg as our new trio managment team or G Ar Pl for short or sugarplum for the full management team name.

    Last edited: Sep 24, 2017
    grumpygit likes this.
  3. Old Timer in Cyprus

    Old Timer in Cyprus Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Tony Blair would be excellent for making excuses in the best tradtion of Gillingham Managers. Also being a barrister he could give Scallywag free legal advice on all the disputes he is likely to get involved in.
    grumpygit likes this.
  4. grumpygit

    grumpygit les misérable

    Feb 13, 2011
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    brb I'm backing you to take over, you can have 10 minutes grace before I start calling for your head.
    Your fist job is to sort out the non-existent midfield and playing with 2 strikers, a car with no wheels is going nowhere so having 2 cars without wheels doesn't make it go any further.
    Flat back 4 with Hess in front, Parker and list on the wings to give us a small chance of speed, Oldaker and Clare in the middle for attacking flare and Nash up top.
    If you take on board my suggestions I'll extend the grace period to 20 minutes.:emoticon-0148-yes:
    brb likes this.
  5. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I'll count myself out -- I'd rather do the catering. And I reckon I could do it quite cheaply. You might end up with horse burgers for a while - and you won't be seeing Tommy Trublu any time soon (( mind you - it will prevent him from being promoted to manager ))
  6. Gills_Steve

    Gills_Steve Active Member

    Apr 4, 2011
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    How about a Gang of 10: Iffy, the Doc, Hessy, Patto, Wayne Jones, Jeppo, Sarbs, Baldy Shaw and Peter Taylor, feat. Lance Cronin
    brb likes this.
  7. Old Timer in Cyprus

    Old Timer in Cyprus Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    One bookie is quoting 12 - 1 on JED'S return. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
  8. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Jet and maccamon
    Or Josh Wright brother plenty to say
    Well at least have his wife in the stands
  9. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I thought that football is all about results ? Well, it appears that if you win a championship - it's likely that you'll get sacked before the end of September - just ask MA.
    This sort of decision certainly gets my head shaking in disbelief. If it can happen to Ancelotti - the joint most successful football manager, what hope is there for anyone ?
  10. itstimupnorth

    itstimupnorth Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Just a thought about Ancelotti.

    Financial considerations aside, if he (or any other manager of equivalent standing) actually took it upon themselves to manage at a lower level for a period of time - for example the bottom of the third tier - to what extent do you think they would they be able to improve the team's performances assuming that there were no major changes in the squad?

    My point is, are these managers actually achieving something that is beyond the ability of the sort of manager that we are likely to get. Without wishing to be disrespectful to someone whose identity I don't even know yet, they are unlikely to have managed even at Championship level.

    Even at the top level it's not all about the players, so there must be something in the ability of the coach. We have seen on numerous occasions managers / coaches going into teams and improving performances of broadly the same squad. But at that level you are dealing with a certain quality of player. Can they achieve similar improvements with less able players?

    And how do I secure the rights to the TV deal for the programme that follows the progress of said manager???

  11. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I do feel for managers, I think in modern football today the expectations are too great, but is that surprising as even most Gills supporters aspire to the Premier League ie second club.

    It's well known that I hate that aspiration with a vengeance and you only have to look at the latest SKY TV negotiations to understand why. The deals in 1992-1997 witnessed the beginning of the death of football as we once knew it, when the first £191M deal was struck, it was to change the face of football forever. Today we now have the greedy top six wanting an even bigger slice of the money. Currently for 2016-19 that stands at over £5 BILLION! It beggers belief what the next deal is going to be on the table.

    So what does that do for the little clubs like Gillingham - well to give you that answer I would have to break it down in to a load of expletives. And in turn this all puts every manager under pressure at all levels to satisfy the mainly juvenile dreams, because it's what they have been born and bred to grow up and know.

    I will never forget the time some so called fans turned on Andy Hessenthaler after the Dover game, it was the most appalling show of support or lack of that I have ever known. That tide in with the graffiti and anti Scally vitiolic behaviour I have been unfortunate enough to witness.

    Then to please those same supporters Maddog also became a victim, when anyone who was travelling to the games knew we were turning a corner, yes the Chairman was there that day to witness our defeat at the hands of Shrewsbury, but anyone that was attending the immediate prior matches knew we were about to turn a corner but as always we were too quick and hasty to wield the sword. Must admit on that Shrewsbury day, I had to double take, I thought alwaysright had sneaked off the coach to don a Scally fancy dress outfit.

    Then we had Peter Taylor what an f'ing disaster that was, yes, I witnessed that episode every step of the way, but those prior supporter outcries brought us to that day. Taylor was ready to jump on Maddog's coffin in my honest opinion, if memory serves me correctly without finding media publications, the Chairman denied any prior talks. Albeit I found many contradictory timings of publications back then of what was said when but time has passed and I have forgotten them. Yet more recently the very same man back in the hot seat was claimed to have said via media reports that he had no time for people that were applying before AP's departure. Really, well blow me down with a feather! Someone make me a cuppa because the pot needs to talk to the kettle.

    So what about JE, I felt he had the biggest crack of the whip, I felt like and believed that the Chairman was putting in every last dime to achieve his ultimate fantasy, was Dack staying an indication of that? Well that one failed in the grandest style ever. At least Hugh Hefner made it to the grand age of 92 and actually HAD the money to live his fantasies. Sometimes round here it's like waiting for a closing down sale at another O2 stadium somewhere near you, I'm sure some will get what I'm on about.

    Forget the dreams we always have been a League One or League Two club and always will be and I'm happy with that. Division Three and Division Four in old money. And before anyone says I lack ambition, no I don't! I support my club that's the difference between YOU and ME. And if we were by any miracle ever to get to the Premier League I may very well consider taking a break from that support until we again find our rightful place, the home of true traditional football.

    What about AP, well I cannot be a fair judge of that one, I set my consistency based on the same dished out to MA. I was five days short of when I said he would be dismissed, not a bad judgement in the reality of things. But let's side track from AP for a few seconds, Dack went, strange that, does anyone remember something I highlighted in another thread about Dack not playing a particular game under PT's reign, a game where we got annihilated, oh what short memories we have, but it's easier to blame AP for everything.

    So here we are again but what I will say before I end is that I don't judge managers on aspirations, I judge them on fairness and consistency in relation to other appointments. And based on that Taylor should not be standing at the helm under any circumstances. Proof in the pudding regarding my words on that is when MA said the prior season that we were going to smash League One, the Gills not606 lads took weeks to lift me back off the floor where I had been rolling about laughing so much.

    Mr Chairman I thank you for saving our club but your dreams are not my dreams, the club is my blood and that does not involve pound signs or flash new stadiums. I don't want an Ancelotti, I just want an half decent manager that can do a reasonable job on a shoe string budget, you Mr Chairman are the Primark not the House of Bijan. Look at it this way you had a Pulis and even a Maddog and you f..... it all up - as I see it now, you need a serious damage limitation exercise before I ask you to leave OUR club, Brexit means Brexit and all that stuff.

    Oh and Mr Chairman before you get your legal team on me, it's called tongue in cheek, well I've had to endure it for over 40 years and it's cost me a fair fortune too! But I must admit your great big white elephant still gives me a laugh and I'm going to keep laughing at you until you prove me wrong. Sorry five years, ten years, please remind me. In truth I'd rather have the devil I know than the one I don't but I just want to see grumpygit smile again as Hugh forgot to leave him the secret formula.

    Pegleg get the beers in! Oh and up the Northern Elite and all that stuff.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2017
  12. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb - As usual I agree with most of your post. but -

    It is possible for dreams to come true on a shoestring budget - ask any fan of Bournemouth ! I don't expect GFC to perform miracles - as ever, I merely ask for 100% commitment and fight from the players.

    Regarding Mr.Scally - I make no apology for reminding you that he spent a grand total of £ 1 in 'saving' the Club. I have seen NO evidence that he has personally spent any more of his money. Mr.Scally has increasingly infuriated me over the last few years. The 'off field ' nonsenses in which we have become embroiled have increasingly shown his inadequacies in terms of running the logistics of a business - without due diligence ! - and, as a result, GFC ( or rather, us fans ), are having to spend huge amounts of money on lawyers, the courts and a growing list of ex-employees.

    At the same time, Mr.Scally has taken £ Millions of OUR money in 'consultancy fees' - to lead the life of a pop superstar - in a tax haven ! And, like I keep saying - WHAT personal money has he invested ?

    To me, it appears that Mr.Scally has lost the ability to make the right 'business friendly' decisions - and the ones he is making are financially destroying the Club. I'm not sure that GFC shouldn't have a chairman who can make better 'business friendly' decisions - and not just acting as a pimp to extract more money from the sluts that is you and me.
    brb likes this.
  13. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I need no reminding of the £1, as I'm sure you got my tongue in cheek O2 banter <laugh>

    AP got a lot of stick for stuff, but if you looked deeper a lot of them problems already existed. And I don't just mean looking back at JE, this stems from PT's short reign but gets overlooked. Hessenthaler (i've no problems with the lad) back in against Scunthorpe, the very same player that came back in against Orient on that humiliating day.

    Let's note, the ever influential Taylor didn't manage to maintain Dack at the club as much has the finger pointing at AP, let's also remember who also never made the bench back on that fateful day!

    People may forget, I don't, that's why I never gave AP a rough ride. It's a bit like Wright, who the hell did he think he was, taking to Twitter to stick the knife in the boss. Yeah AP spoke publicly out of turn, but if that had been J Mourinho or A Ferguson no one would have batted an eyelid.

    Cody kissed the badge, I always said when he done that he better bloody well mean it. To me it means you die for the cause, so where is he now?

    This is the problem with supporters in modern football it worships individual players, but never puts things into perspective. I remember getting slated once elsewhere on social media for saying a much disliked player actually played well, if someone is a hero they can do no wrong but as I once told Gills365 Simon Head, I save the hero status for Soldiers.
    Resurgam likes this.
  14. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb - you are correct, and I do remember the O2 business - probably the last time Mr.Scally actually did any decent 'business.' - but -that is very indicative of how Scally is running the business of GFC - on the cheap !
    You cannot really totally blame the managers we've had - when, despite the bold claims of 'biggest budgets,' it is abundantly clear that we're spending pennies on players and expecting them to jump through hoops. No manager would make much out of our current squad.

    I also don't blame players for declining the peanuts-for-contacts that Mr.Scally offers on a reducing scale each year. They have bills to pay etc. They are not earning a lot at GFC -- according to AP, some are on £200 a week (( if you can believe that.)) - so I understand the likes of McDonald looking for a better deal - that is normal human nature. Tell me that you wouldn't do the same. It is also understandable that employees on low wages will very easily be disgruntled - and cause problems with their behaviour - due to a lack of being 'valued' by the Big Boss - and show displeasure and 'apparent' lack of loyalty in an environment that is under closer scrutiny than most of us have to endure. It is easy for fans to then react without knowing all the facts.

    You & I may have a slightly different take on GFC than some of the impatient, unrealistic glory hunters. I don't necessarily mind seeing Gills lose - provided they put in 100% ( even if they are not good enough to beat the opponents ). Like you, I am not unambitious. I actually would love for The Gills to get into the Premiership - just to sample the 'high life' -- but the way that [ I see ] the club being ru(i)n(ed), -- by one man -- I fear that, not only won't Premiership football come to Gillingham in my lifetime - but that Gllingham FC will die before I do ( and as you know, I am no spring chicken.)
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2017
  15. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Bookies suspended betting. Does that mean Taylor:emoticon-0101-sadsm
  16. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Shaun Derry is the outright favourite but I can't see us doing the same as we did with JE. My choice and was one of my choices before Pennock got the job is Chris Powell who I think did a sterling job at Charlton.

    Off the wall choice? Then for me Stephen Constantine. Phenomenal track record of coaching and working with very little resources to improve teams. He's also very keen to promote youth development and has worked wonders some of the international sides who have a budget not much larger than ours as a club.
    brb likes this.
  17. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I've just come off the phone to Dennis Wise!..
    grumpygit likes this.
  18. grumpygit

    grumpygit les misérable

    Feb 13, 2011
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    I've just got off the phone to Chris Powell having explained his budget would be lower than the one where he failed at Huddersfield, he told me where to stick the job. <yikes>
    brb likes this.
  19. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Martin Allen odds come down to 6 to 1
  20. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Yeah, i was lying earlier when i said it was Wise on the phone. Maddog told me to have some banter with you guys.

    MA is coming back, watch this space...

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