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New owner confirmed…

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Hutch-tiger69, May 30, 2016.

  1. rovertiger

    rovertiger Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    That's gonna cost a few quid in compo.
    Plus the farmer got the ready cooked steaks <laugh>
  2. Wessie Exile

    Wessie Exile Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2020
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    Gone by this time next year after one of the most bizarre periods in the club's history, or any club come to that. Not sure he knew quite how difficult it was going to be.

    Hope I'm completely wrong but I'm getting that feeling. He'll want to step away and focus on his media stuff again
  3. Ron Burguvdy

    Ron Burguvdy Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2011
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    Might not be that easy - took the last owners well over '24 hours' to sell...
    ChunkFTM likes this.
  4. Amin Yapusi

    Amin Yapusi Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Not easy to sell a club that isn’t in London.
  5. Sumatran_Tiger

    Sumatran_Tiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2015
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    Wrong, it was within 24 hours as promised.*

    * but who specified when the 24 hours started... Papa Allam.
  6. Brucebones

    Brucebones Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    It seems we got what we wanted, but as usual, out of the frying pan and into the fire.
    It’s hard to say where we’ll be in a few years if things go more tits up.
    Wessie Exile likes this.
  7. PLT

    PLT Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Bloody hell, bit dramatic that. Countless wrongs have been righted but yeah let's write the new owner off because the team aren't playing well currently.
  8. Brucebones

    Brucebones Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    It’s nothing to do with the team, results, I don’t give a **** if we get back to the PL, all I want to see is effort from the players & management, a team that has a chance of getting a result. Not this **** performance game after game, a depressed guy coming out saying he’s out of form, the other team was good.
    Yes Acun has to take the blame to some extent for hiring his mate & not binning him off after last season, then bringing in players from all over the place with no idea how they were going to play together.
    I watched a lot of **** football in the 90’s, but at least there was highlights. Even up until Adkins was here, there was some joy.
    I’m sure Ehab’s now laughing his arse off at the ****ed up state we’re currently in.
    You can call it an over reaction, but I was always cautious about Acun, his approach to making a lot of noise was good in theory, but every game he’s got crowds to come to with offers, we’ve been ****, outplayed, outthought & well beaten, how long do you think the honeymoon will last if that keeps going? His summer signings sound good on paper, might be good in real life, but under Shota, I have my doubts we’ll ever see if they are any good.
    Acun likes all the glory & high times, but he’s also going to get a lot of **** for these times too.
    He reminds me a lot of Mike Ashley when he first went to Newcastle, sitting in the crowd with the fans, then they turned on him, I’d have preferred Ashley to buy us, over pretty much anyone. It didn’t happen, so we’re now in the Acun era of ownership, we’ll have to see how that goes long term, right now, it’s his dream, that’s turning into a nightmare very quickly.
  9. SW3 Chelsea Tiger

    SW3 Chelsea Tiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    A massive massive over reaction. Wrong time of the month??
    Yes we are on a bad run, yes I’ve lost confidence in the manager but in Acun we trust ….
  10. Blaknamberblood

    Blaknamberblood Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    He has thrown himself into this, its his dream and to a certain extent his reputation that is on the line. Acun doesn't seem to come across as a bloke that gives up easy, rest assured he knows what the general feeling is around the place, and when him.and his right hand man leave 5 mins before the end of the game that kinda tells ya all you need to know.

    Me personally, I think he wants to show he can do this, make big bucks on us in the future then look at taking over at his first loved club in Turkey. As long as gets us on an even kilter, improves us from where we were under the Allams, that'll do for me.

  11. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I don’t trust any owner
    Sorry mate
  12. Brucebones

    Brucebones Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    Not at all, my post might be a bit of a disjointed rant, but he’s still got a lot of work to do to convince me he’s the owner that we all dreamed of when he came in.
    I hope I’m wrong about Acun & he admits he made a mistake, gets a bit quieter & steps away from the limelight, he’s done lots of things getting us exposure with, IMO, higher profile sponsors than we’ve had outside the PL, if that’s what he’s good at, then he should stick with that. If the manager wants a specific player & Acun can persuade them to come, stick to that, not chasing players off his own back because he knows them, or they’re from the team he supports. No one wants interference like that, but to me, that’s what it looks like.
  13. Ric Glasgow

    Ric Glasgow Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2014
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    There's no option but to trust him at the moment,he pulls the strings and owns the Club...

    His ability to turn things round and his 'Selling' of the Club has been admirable,he's worked hard at bringing in extra revenue through lucrative sponsorship deals and he's vastly increased season memberships.He's made it attractive to pop in due to extremely reasonable matchday prices and he pops his head in to local hostelries to meet fans..All good on those fronts.

    Where he seems to be letting himself down is his insistence on believing that paying huge salaries will bring about huge performances,he's created a monster which he'll be hard pushed to get rid of and anyone considering signing for us in future will see us as a cash cow ready to milk.

    Apart from the glaringly obvious reality that Shota isn't cutting it,he's also underestimated the volatility in our fan-base,hopefully he's sussed that out in the last fortnight..I genuinely believe that he can turn things around again but he maybe needs to stand back,draw a deep breath and look at the on field activities in a bit more depth rather than trying to market the Club as some sort of showpiece to be admired from Ankara.

    Edit:- Remiss of me not to mention the paying of buses for away fans travelling to a midweek game in London,that was warmly received by the many who took advantage.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2022
  14. bradymk2

    bradymk2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2020
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    Nor should anyone
    When money, lots of money is involved
  15. originallambrettaman

    originallambrettaman Mod Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    He's quite obviously not going to step out of the limelight, the limelight is what he does.

    Nor should he, he's been fantastic for us, the ground's full again, we've signed players again, the mood is completely different to the past few seasons.

    All we need now, is the football to match.
  16. Brucebones

    Brucebones Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    How long do you think that’ll last if he hires another one of his mates? It’s ok, if they can get a tune out of the team, but if it’s the same as this, then the feel good will be gone quickly.
    Football’s still a luxury, but if things aren’t going right, how many do you think will stay round long term?
    Relegation & losing isn’t the issue, it’s how we turn things round & start performing.
    Chazz Rheinhold likes this.
  17. Howdentiger2

    Howdentiger2 Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2019
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    I doubt he'll hire another mate, men like acun don't make the kind of money they make and have the success they do by repeating mistakes they make
    highpeak tiger likes this.
  18. willyfog

    willyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Acun has been fantastic for the club in terms of raising the profile, listening to the fans and generally understanding that the community is the heartbeat of the club.

    The problem he has is that he is struggling to understand how a football club needs to be run and the loss of Jim Rodwell is actually huge loss. Finance and the football side of things aren’t currently matching his understanding of how to tap into a community and sell a project.

    If he can swallow his pride and let football people steer the ship, we will have a chance.
    Brucebones and Wessie Exile like this.
  19. Wessie Exile

    Wessie Exile Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2020
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    I was wondering about Rodwell yesterday, and whether he saw the writing on the wall
  20. Tony Angelino

    Tony Angelino Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
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    I thought rodwell was only a short term gig anyway, just to get the takeover done and as an advisory role.

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