Ouch. Glad noone hurt. Did you see the guy who was pepper sprayed whilst holding a flare? please log in to view this image
Big question I have is, how have flares come back in fashion so much in last three or four years. I don't remember seeing them as much a decade ago, they had been taken out of the sport. Suddenly fans seem more able (or more willing) to smuggle flares into stadiums again.
please log in to view this image I googled flare images to try and catch another of the guy on fire and found this instead.
Back in the day I had a pair of flared jeans that had 36" bottoms, the waist was only 30" as I was about 15 at the time. With the wind behind me I would walk a lot quicker, wind against me I virtually stood still. If it was raining they gained about 2 stone when wet.
We had skinners in my day. please log in to view this image I remember when it all went new wave and thin jeans were in, a mate swore he'd never wear flares again. That lasted until the 90s, when they came back into fashion. I recently bought new jeans and walked right by the Levi's shop. Went to Primark and there were shelves and shelves of stretch-fit. Every kind of stretch-fit. It felt like wet tissue clinging to my thighs, so I went to M&S for some good old dad jeans. There was a time when you had to earn the holes in your jeans. Now you buy them like that. ****ing kids don't know they're born and they've got the nerve to say we've ruined their lives.
They had pre ripped jeans as early as the 80's. I remember seeing them when I was a kid. The amusing thing is how the holes are getting bigger over time. please log in to view this image
I'd be distressed if they charged me a hundred bucks for that. Distressed jeans did indeed start in the late 80s.