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Discussion in 'Formula 1' started by Forza Bianchi, Jan 27, 2011.

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  1. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Xiglly you may be the only person called Xiglly on Not606 and have an original IP but I just want some clarification if you are the original xiglly on bbc 606 just so we know who we are dealing with...
  2. LewisWDC

    LewisWDC New Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Ok you lots pack it in give Jose a chance and stop argueing.

    Jose I will make a new youtube account today so I will add you as friend.
  3. McWilliams

    McWilliams Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Jonah why are you so obsessed with 606? This is NOT 606, you are ruining the forum.
  4. allsaintchris.

    allsaintchris. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Jonah, Jose is the moderator here. He will make the decisons not you so stop trying to be the police here.

    Anyone is free to use what username they like. This is a different forum to 606, I agree it is pathetic for someone to takeover the username of another from 606 and make them look bad, but that is allowed and within the rules as 606 Xig has not registered an account on here yet.

    Is best to ignore them and not comment, otherwise they have achieved their aim to wind you up.

    If this is going to be a clean break you need to show some decorum and not take the bait, otherwise you will put others off from joining.

    So far I think it is going well on here. It is new and will build up, but not if you keep having a go all the time.

    I will still be on muzz606 and here, that is also allowed but your hatred to muzz606 is not acceptable and is more likely to push people over there rather than join here.

    What is wrong with being members of multiple forums?
  5. Hyperupdate

    Hyperupdate Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    As longs as I am allowed to keep posting the latest F1 news I don't care who is mod <ok>
  6. JugglingJonah

    JugglingJonah Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I am more than entitled to let people know that someone is impersonating someone from 606 especially if I have a lot of respect for the said member.

    So please spare me your morality when it should be obvious what the motivation was in joining in the real xiggly's name....

    not rocket science is it.

    Hatred is a strong word, disdain is better, lots of the little clique were instumental in getting el-nando banned numerous times and what for? the personal attacks and insults he endured were far more disturbing than a light hearted article that failed to praise a certain driver or criticize a certain driver, then there is the selective membership, which is hardly appealing to anybody in the real world, who wants to join a gang who decide who can be in it or more to the point who cant? the same goes for many other users who have been hounded over the past. I have to say though, none of the above from yourself, well not much, accusing new members of being so and so and so on and so on, extremely tedious, then before I joined here there was the slagging of of Jose for being a mod here and another recruitment attempt to get people at muzz.... there was no need for it.. it was tasteless and desperate and unwarranted... so I decided that since 606 is closing, to dish it back and obviously rufffled a few feathers, tough, if the clique stopped being so selfish and looked at what the was doing and stopped then none of this would have been happening. Any reason to have a go at another member is sad and I put my hands up to stooping to that level, but what the hell it is closing time.

    If muzz continues to slate jose et al I will slate muzz... pro rata.

    Dont lecture me on decorum, I was hounded of the 606 boards through the bullying and intimidation that so often happens when cliques forms, they feel empowered.. I fight my own battles and choose my own battles if i ever do battle which is not that often but the offensive against this site was completely unwarranted and now I am bored with it so just move on and think on about personal attacks, I counter attack, never strike first. So it can stop when other people stop.

    people will make their own minds up, I have faith in people, they will not be lied to, bullied or shamed into not joining a site, it is their choice and more power to them whatever that choice is be it several forums or just a singular forum.

  7. McWilliams

    McWilliams Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    "I fight my own battles and choose my own battles"

    Perhaps you should stop fighting other peoples battles. You are behaving in the exact same fashion you have slagged off the Hamilton fanboy cleeeck for. Alonso fans are better than that. Maybe you are a Hamilton lover in disguise - yes?
  8. allsaintchris.

    allsaintchris. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Jonah, please re-read what I wrote.

    I was saying it was pathetic those who have come on here using others usernames and then creating a bad image of those.

    As for other stuff. tit for tat to be honest. There were as many pro-Alonso clqiues as there were pro-Hamilton cliques.

    Surely this is what not606 is tying to avoid, otherwise what is the point in being here if it is just going to be 606 all over again?

    I am here as I like other sports, not just motorsport. muzz606 is very good, I don't find it clique-y at all but as it is just motorsport I am on here too.

    As for Jose, yes I said it was not good as on paper it looked a bad choice, having had a look i think he is being very fair as if he was not the moderator priviliedges would be removed as the site admin would not want to be associated with any nonsense, bias or wummery.
  9. Mick

    Mick Probably won't answer PMs
    Staff Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    you boys are really not a harmonious lot are you? <whistle?
  10. allsaintchris.

    allsaintchris. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    We all got on really :emoticon-0116-evilg

  11. JugglingJonah

    JugglingJonah Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Mick the f1 boards are hilariously sad.

    and chriss sorry if i have misread anything but why did you feel the need to point out that jose was the moderator here? did you think i did not know?

    Last look over 3000 members, people are liking it here, I am too and again... NO PERSONAL ATTACKS on other members.. report any thing untoward to the moderators which I have done and the issue was dealt with.. what can be fairer than that?

    I did NOT launch into a tirade against the user I just informed them that it was just not on and was going to report it. sheeeeeeeeeeeeeesh the amount of times people have had post removed on 606 through spite or malice is unbloodybelievable (sic) that cannot happen here, least I hope not as I am sure the moderation on 606 was on autopilot.

    water under the bridge chris as far as I am concerned, anyone giving me large over an internet forum simply go on my ignore list as I know that in real life I would shove their heads down the ****ing toilet and more than capable of doing so if they ever talked that way to me, although it is easy to make out one is dead hard over the internet... hence the beauty of da ignore list which is another thing Not606 have got right <applause>:emoticon-0148-yes:
  12. McWilliams

    McWilliams Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Jose did you delete my post about the Ferrari JUST because it happened to not be to your liking??? I didn't offend anyone, I corrected you and then I said the car looked ugly.

    What's your problem??? You applaud El Nando for calling Hamilton dishonest and a hooner but anything against the most complete driver on the grid or you is not allowed.

    I thought you'd changed Lorca. Same old wum from 606 I see. And I thought you were on MY side as a fellow Hamilton disliker!
  13. McWilliams

    McWilliams Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Until EL_NANDO, FRED, LORCA, ME and YOU get on to 606 and apologise for destroying the board you cannot criticise.
  14. nh-f1

    nh-f1 Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    And he does the exact same thing with muzz. One of my freinds goes to a school that has a character just like JJ................they call him bullshit nick
  15. Forza Bianchi

    Forza Bianchi Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I deleted your post because I believe it was written purely to wind up fans of Fernando Alonso.

    I did not remove EL_NANDO's thread because I have a sense of humour.
  16. McWilliams

    McWilliams Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Even though it was clearly designed to wind up Hamilton fans?

    I said to me the car looked ugly but as Alonso is ugly that's a good sign. You're a hypocrite LORCA!
  17. McWilliams

    McWilliams Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    "LOL Very funny."
    F1 drivers initials?
    I have been thinking we can learn a lot from the drivers initials on the grid today. Sometimes you realise that with some drivers we should have seen the warning signs long before events have unfolded:

    Fernando Alonso (FA):
    - Finished Article
    - Fully Accomplished
    - From Asturias
    - Fastest Alive

    Lewis Hamilton (LH):
    - Lacks Honesty
    - Likes Hooning

    Is Lorca is gigantic hypocrite that congratulates anti Hamilton threads and deletes things he does not like because it is not licking Alonso's beard?
  18. Forza Bianchi

    Forza Bianchi Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Clearly there are some serious issues on the forum that are ruining the forum for everybody.

    1. Personal arguments - Some users are just bickering amongst themselves, either by making accusations without evidence, or just generally insulting other users. If you must express your view of another user, just send them a PM or something, Just don't do it publicly - it is very frustrating for other users and ruins the quality of the forum.

    2. WUM Posts - I thought that I would only need to step in very occasionally, and that the people on this forum would be mature enough not to make wum threads. A lot of current 606 member do not wish to join the forum because of these wind up articles. I am going to close a few threads very soon, but I ask that in the future, you do not make threads/posts designed to wind up.

    Thank you.
  19. McWilliams

    McWilliams Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    You'll be closing the driver initial one then?
  20. nh-f1

    nh-f1 Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Jose has been well and truly shat on!
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