Look at all you old people reminiscing about old players! Right, I'm going to drink some Jaegar Bombs then go and listen to some Skrillex and Basement Jaxx. Bet you old people don't know what I'm talking about now.
I am sure was all remember from those few hours when wiki said Adam Drury is better than Messi and would have been recognised as so if he had not have been so humble....
We have had children. I know my sperm is like French milk now but I did produce a couple of "clubbers". Wheres your head at.
These "best player ever" discussions are pointless really. It usually comes down to the best players in living memory from each contributor. As anyone on the planet can now is aware of how good Messi he will get plenty of votes, a few less people can remeber Maradonna, and even fewer people can remember Pele. And who knows about players way back.
..........pitches are so much better now, and the ball is a different animal altogether. for those too young to remember, the old leather ball was dangerous to head, it must have been at least three times as heavy in wet conditions. don't think messi would have looked as good in a mud bath with the old ball.
Can't believe that nobody has mentioned the first player to score 5 goals in a game in europe's premier club competetion. Yes thats right, Ipswich Town very own Ray Crawford! As always we are the standard bearer to every club in the world!