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Mercedes: Team Thread

Discussion in 'Formula 1' started by TopClass, Feb 18, 2022.

  1. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Would love to see it... But let's be honest, he's really not even close to Max on ability. If he wants a shot at the title, he's going to have to first of all dig really deep and find an extra few tenths and secondly take on the RBR camp. Both of those things seem like monumental tasks to me..
    ched999uk likes this.
  2. push

    push Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2021
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    Yep I`m afraid that your`re right. Was just dreaming really,but then again Perez did match the pace of Verstappen for 30 or so laps in the last race and he has stated he is not going to help MV anymore.So could be some fireworks to come.He needs to get more pole positions,that would put the cat among the pigeons.

    By the way,don`t know how RBR comments got onto the Mercedes thread !!
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2023
  3. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Max vs Perez is the only competition for the title this year.
    My sentiments too.
    push likes this.
  4. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    it'll be over by summer break.

    perez will start to suffer odd mechanical issues that are unexplainable
    Justjazz and push like this.
  5. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Mercedes reorganisation sees James Allison return as technical director
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    By Andrew BensonChief F1 writer
    Last updated on 50 minutes ago50 minutes ago.From the section Formula 1

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    Allison joined Mercedes in February 2017
    James Allison has returned as Mercedes technical director in a major reorganisation following the team's disappointing start to the season.

    The 55-year-old swaps roles with Mike Elliott.

    Elliott assumes the position of chief technical officer, to which Allison was appointed in a 2021 reshuffle.

    The changes come a month after Mercedes started a season in an uncompetitive position for the second consecutive year.

    The team said Allison's return to lead car design came at Elliott's instigation.

    A Mercedes spokesperson said: "Mike has led a review of our technical organisation to ensure we have the right structure to deliver sustainable success in the future.

    "We are focused on building the best racing car - and building the best team to develop that car, with everybody playing to their greatest strengths in the organisation."

    Mercedes team principal and chief executive officer Toto Wolff endorsed the reshuffle.

    Unusually, the changes have not been formally announced by Mercedes. Instead, Wolff revealed them in an interview with the Motorsport Network.

    Wolff said: "Mike's assessment was, and the introspection is really admirable, that with James we have a gladiator on the field and the troops are going to go through the fire for him and with him."

    Elliott will focus on "developing the organisation going forward", Wolff added.

    What has led to this?
    Mercedes won eight consecutive constructors' championships from 2014 to 2021. Allison joined the team in February 2017, having split with Ferrari the previous summer and led the design group through the final five years of that period.

    In 2021, the team embarked on a transition period that led to Elliott formally taking over as technical director in July that year with Allison becoming CTO.

    In his new role, Allison relinquished overall control of car design and had a three-day-a-week role that focused on strategic issues such as planning for the next F1 rules to be introduced in 2026 and other projects, including the America's Cup campaign of Mercedes F1 partner and shareholder Ineos.

    Mercedes' period of success ended last season, when new technical rules were introduced into F1 in an attempt to make the field closer and the racing more competitive.

    Mercedes chose a unique car design philosophy that differed significantly from that of other leading teams and spent much of last year struggling for competitiveness and battling an aerodynamic phenomenon known as 'porpoising', or bouncing.

    They recovered sufficiently to win the penultimate race of the season in Brazil and decided to stick with their design approach.

    But Wolff admitted after the first qualifying session of this season in Bahrain - which George Russell and Lewis Hamilton finished sixth and seventh fastest, 1.6 seconds off the pace - that they would have to abandon their philosophy.

    Wolff said: "We got it wrong last year. We thought we could fix it by sticking to this concept of car and it didn't work out so we just need to switch our focus on to what we believe can be the right direction and change approach."

    Hamilton, who won six world drivers' championships for Mercedes between 2014 and 2020, said after the race in Bahrain that Mercedes engineers had not followed his wishes in the design of the 2022 car.

    Hamilton said: "Last year, there were things I told them. I said there are issues with the car. I've driven so many cars in my life, I know what a car needs, I know what a car doesn't need. And I think it's really about accountability. It's about owning up and saying 'Yeah, you know what? We didn't listen to you, it's not where it needs to be'."

    An admission things were going wrong
    Mercedes' decline coincided with Allison's move away from direct, day-to-day, hands-on leadership of the design team responsible for the F1 car.

    But F1 teams are complex organisations and it would be overly simplistic to blame Mercedes' struggles solely on Allison's move away from day-to-day F1 involvement and Elliott taking over.

    For a start, because of the timelines involved, Allison would have been leading the design group when the fundamental decisions about the layout of the 2022 car were made, before his move.

    Equally, Elliott, who was head of aerodynamics before becoming technology director, was integral to the design of all Mercedes' successful cars.

    Nevertheless, Allison is probably the second most highly regarded technical leader in F1 after Red Bull's Adrian Newey, and his return as technical director is an effective admission that something has not been working in the past two years.

    Mercedes say Elliott began conversations with Allison about the way the team was working and whether staff were being deployed in the best way.

    The conclusion they arrived at was that Elliott would be better used focusing on medium- and long-term strategic issues and that Allison's strengths were better deployed in returning to the role of technical director and leading the design group.

    As part of the restructure, chief designer John Owen's role has also been revised. It was accepted he had spent too much of his time concentrating on compliance with F1's budget cap, which was introduced in 2021, and he has been refocused on car design.

    Giacomo Tortora, previously Owen's deputy, has been named engineering director to manage the design office organisation.

    Allison, who will attend the next race in Azerbaijan on 28-30 April, said that when he became CTO he believed "people have a shelf life in senior roles in this sport".

    He is said to be excited to be focusing on the F1 car project again.
  6. TopClass

    TopClass Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Will be interesting to see how James changes things. Very clever cookie indeed- was he behind the Ferrari title challenging cars for Vettel in 16/17 before moving to Merc?
  7. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Mercedes have played down the significance, ln which case why would they make this change.
    Not expecting great things, if such is possible, till next year/end of this season.
  8. Viva_Giggsy

    Viva_Giggsy Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2015
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    Why is that Benson so miserable when Mercedes struggle, hope it continues lol
  9. push

    push Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2021
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    First image of new Merc on twitter. Zero pods are gone now looking very Red Bull.. I`ve said all along that you need a side pod one each side.that`s the problem.It`s taken the terminator two years to admit defeat.
    ched999uk likes this.
  10. TopClass

    TopClass Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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  11. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    hopefully first shots of actual car assembly led will arrive shortly.

    I'm more interested in the suspension and floor changes than these.

    suspension = stability to run lower
    floor = majority of downforce
    side pods = so what. imo
    TopClass, ched999uk and Justjazz like this.
  12. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Thinking that rear wing could use a few thoughts too.
  13. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    yes 100%

    I can only assume they spend 8 weeks on suspension and floor, 2 days in side pod design and have to get round to the rear wing.
  14. push

    push Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2021
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    Hope that they`ve not exceeded the budget cap with all these new pieces of kit.No more technical directives to help them this time either.
  15. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I doubt it. they look like they spent 4 quid on those side pods lol
    Justjazz and push like this.
  16. TopClass

    TopClass Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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  17. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    wow. one look tells us this is a cluster.

    even Ted has it right.

    a complete compromise due to safety parts. not one thing nor the other.

    the real story is that floor. if anyone can screen shot that floor side cos it's fairly different
  18. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    I wondered about cost but the build is perhaps no more than a rebuild of a crashed car.
    All in the development therefore but they obviously stopped further development on the earlier car. My guess, they will probably have to penny pinch later in the season but ought to be able to retain the cost cap. In essence they have largely redeployed rather than increased. My guess the role swap saved cash as they tapped into existing thoughts rather than start afresh.
    Random lad and push like this.
  19. Viva_Giggsy

    Viva_Giggsy Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2015
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    Na be him just crashing all the time lol
  20. push

    push Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2021
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    Like Q1 in Monaco this weekend?
    Random lad likes this.

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