Glad you lot have been relegated, but only because of your greedy manager. You played some decent footie last season but obviously not consistent enough to stay up and play with the big boys. Anyway my questions are: 1. Will your greedy twat of a manager still get a cut of any transfer fees for players that you are going to have to sell now such as Charlie Adam? 2. And do you reckon he'll still try and sell to the dirty mancs (because he thinks they'll pay the most) even though they're the team that made sure you went back where you belonged?? 3. Will he still be manager for the next season? Obviously by now you've worked out that I think Ian Holloway is a complete prick, but here's a thought for you. Why not let him be manager for the next season and get you promoted back to the Premier League? Then once that is done sack him and get a real manager that'll be able to keep you up there.