Pre-season the season before this. Steve Bruce forced out. Reckless guesswork quick fixes ever since.
A virus cannot feed or grow on it's own. They thrive by infiltrating a host & attacking the host's cells. Once done they move on to another host & repeat the process. We'll continue to deteriorate, crumble, depreciate & become weaker, no matter who the host is, until such a time that the virus is eradicated.
[Q.UOTE="Blaknamberblood, post: 11103234, member: 1003490"]Alexander at Scunny would be a fair shout, but given his loyalty to Burnley from his playing days, i doubt he would leave his contract, and tbh I doubt anyone from the outside currently in employment would come here. I hate to say this, but Nigel Pearson would be my shout, as a bloke i think he is an arrogant ignorant bully boy, but right now thats what we need, someone to kick this lot of players up the arse and into shape. I doubt he would come, but you never know.[/QUOTE] I may be wrong but was he with us when the Allam's first came in. I think he might have been.
This. Had some candidates and interviews but no deal, so then we went bottom of the barrel, outside the box, and now Slutsky. Also in that time we have become less and less attractive to any potential manager so i can't see anyone known coming in. Having said that and now with my conspiracy theory hat on, knowing how the Allams work would they do like they did when we got Steve Bruce. Similar times on and off pitch, more supporters turning against them so they pull a rabbit out of the hat give him a few quid to spend in the January window and all the bad things/times are forgotten. One or the other, no name or blow your socks off big name TWT
Whilst the owners of our club are in charge, we're ****ed. If I knew how to get us out of this mess (without life imprisonment) I'd sort it.
I may be wrong but was he with us when the Allam's first came in. I think he might have been.[/QUOTE] No your not wrong .. was here when they came as far as I can recall then left to go to Leicester .. replaced by Barmby who was subsequently replaced by Bruce. I also seem to recall that Papa Allam was less then impressed with him leaving to join Leicester
New manager - Ehab Allam. At least that might get the ****ing chicken at the stadium on a match day. Atrocious human being.
Surely you could “take one for the team”. And if you got a good lawyer (Hudgell?), he would put forward mitigating circumstances behind your actions, like how you flipped when not seeing a hull cc sign, or you was so frightened to go out in your car in case some pampered ****wit, tried to cut in front of you and slam his brakes on in his penis enhancer mobile etc.. And even if the worst thing happened and you ended up with a short fortnight stint inside, just look at all the benefits you would enjoy, endless amount of time to spend posting on not 606, learn how to make post sacks, go on numerous working trips (I have seen it all first hand on porridge) and best of all, never again having a problem with your farts making a noise when they come out after your regular shower encounters.
i'm relieved to hear it! i have to admit i tend to rail against suggestions that players who've performed with any sort of distinction will automatically be superb managers of the future.
Although belatedly the media seem to becoming aware of the car crash created by the Allams, I'm sure managers, players and agents will be well aware already. And as balkan says, we have become less and less attractive to anyone of any calibre, and those that will want to come will be out of work chancer managers (the Steve Evans types), agents looking to get one last contract for old crocks, or young untested players 'with potential'. All of the foundations put in over nearly 2 decades by Adam Pearson, Taylor, Brown, Pearson, Bruce, all those players that strived to take us to places we'd never been before, all that lot of it spunked up by the Allams. Through the Needlers, Fish, sheffield stealers, Lloyd and so on, for me, never has it been so bad. Cannot see it getting better. For what it's worth a token ALLAMS OUT!!!
Only way allams could actually gain anything is Windas & Dawson double act im sure they have both done there badges
Windass couldn't manage his way across the road, I'd as soon have Dawson (Andy) playing left back again.