Hi guys, Two colleagues and myself have been working for some time on an in-depth look into the managerial reign of JACK MANSELL at Reading FC (1969-1971) and of his general life before and since. This is of great interest to all fans with a passing interest in Reading FC as one can read between the lines and get and understanding into club policy, ambition, and enthusiasm (or lack of it!) at that time. Remember that we are looking into an era before internet and social media, so the quantity of material uncovered by RR member Pete is simply staggering. We even have a video from that time, plus many programme covers, newspaper & medias articles ... Not only that, we achieved a real coup by interviewing the man himself, now a sprightly 85 years of age. It makes for fascinating reading. It is simply all much too long to reproduce on here, sorry, but I'd like to direct you to our friendly site, where you'll find it all nicely laid out: http://royalsrendezvous.co.uk/topic/9821472/1 Please give any comments on this thread, and if anyone could still remember the man himself, then PLEASE include any recollections here too!! daib0/David
Many thanks, for the compliments. I must admit that although I've been on over 50 clubs' forums I've never been on anywhere Charlton. however that looks like it may well change next season!