Just been to B&Q and of course the place was filled with them all there in their shiny brand-new Adidas toon tops.. it’s as if they can’t leave the house without branding themselves in case someone thinks they might not be a massive saudi lover
It’s branding themselves in the whole family which I don’t get. It’s as if they feel that everyone has to wear a brand new home shirt even those like the mothers and daughters who don’t even like football but you have to be branded so everybody knows. it must make packing for your holidays and absolute dream. Two pairs of pants no pairs of socks, 1 toon top
I read somewhere at the time he was a mag. Probably people who knew him or summat saying so on social media. It's no surprise really,
A load of mags found out which gate they were going from - it was like watching a wildlife programme with a load of zebras being chased by a lion!
Went to a Tesco in North Wales yesterday morning , some tit in a van pulled out in front of me. Walking in behind him I noticed the nufc badge on the back of one calf. I was gonna comment "yerv got a bit **** down ya leg". But thought better about even entering into conversation with the nob.
The trouble with attempting a conversation is that they can appear normal but they're a living Jekyll & Hyde ... ... they appear perfectly normal but switch, in seconds, if football is mentioned. A strange transformation occurs and their accent becomes thicker, their voice louder and their ears become sealed. All sense of reason vanishes, there's an agenda to stop them winning anything and the Fairs Cup was the UEFA Cup with a different name. Every one of them were in the Fulwell End every derby, they're not completely obsessed with Sunderland and, despite being from Hartlepool, have 'arlways supported thu TOOOOON!!!' Best just avoid them mate, they're just after your attention.
Thankfully they only beat a club none of them can spell or could point to on a map ... ... just imagine if it was Barcelona
That's exactly it! When me and the missus and the kids went on our first holiday together, there was a mag in the next apartment. The 2 sets of kids got in so they asked us out for a drink one night. I was told to be on my best behavior, no winding him up and no football talk. One the first questions he asked was if I was a Sunderland fan, I answered yes. His response was " Yeah we are you all before we get on the plane wearing your football tops and I am myself "where's your airport?" and started guffawing like it was a big joke. I looked at the wife, she nodded and then I was let of the leash. For some reason we weren't asked out again! She now realizes why I hate the b'stards now tho
I had both my daughters with me (17 and10) and I had to tell them to be quiet as they were taking the piss and laughing at him.
Aye, there's a lad I know from simonside, texts me on WhatsApp anything anti safc or pro nufc. He's only passing on what he gets off other mags he knows. Doesn't even like football I reckon he has a mag top with a geet star on the front, and stained y-fronts just for sitting in the back yard drinking fosters and covered in steak bake.
I was in B and M earlier and a bloke in mag strip eyed me up and down as I had my Sunderland polo on. I was holding a spade at the time and it did cross my mind to bat him with it. Washington Wearside mags are like vermin.