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Mafia XI - An Unknown Evil -GAMEOVER Town/Anarchist Victory!

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by Milk not bear jizz, Aug 30, 2015.

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  1. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    So it seems. I think the unknown nature of this game is making some people frightened to say anything for fear of setting off some hidden consequences.
    J. J. McClure likes this.
  2. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    The Newcastle game was quiet too. Unless they think the game starts today?
    Super G Ted'inho likes this.
  3. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Just had a thought. In a lot of horror stories, the main characters accidentally do something that wakes the 'evil' up. Perhaps they are not allowed to speak until they have been activated? Perhaps once they have been voted for they wake up? Or once the thread hits so many posts they get to speak?
    J. J. McClure likes this.
  4. Obi Wan

    Obi Wan keeper of the peace
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Hmmm, you might have a point there Nev.

    OR it's your usual attempt at 'apearing' to be innocent and deflecting attention onto others. <laugh>
  5. FFS, the game wasn't meant to start until today AND it's a bank ****ing holiday <laugh>

    Obi Wan likes this.
  6. Obi Wan

    Obi Wan keeper of the peace
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    <laugh> Right folks, the game has officially started now that Gerrez has decided to show up!
  7. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I don't know guys but i think gerrez is right. I think milk as he is not a mod threw is open as he had nobody to just close it.

    I posted when i found out about it later on yesterday but I am not ruling anything out now about anything like this.I think more will post today.

    For sure its a holiday which can affect it too.

    There's probably a large amount just on the prowl right now waiting to see what happens.
  8. #allaboutgerrez

    Absolutely dude <ok>
  9. Obi Wan

    Obi Wan keeper of the peace
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Coulf be right especialky with it bring bank holiday Mondo. Some might nit be online if they've been awy.
    Or as Nev said thre might be a way yo activate the evkl.
    Or somd are quietly lurking/watching.
    or there are just domd lazy buggers.
    Who knows?
  10. WTF is a Mondo...?

  11. Obi Wan

    Obi Wan keeper of the peace
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    <laugh> Monday FFS! MONDAY!
  12. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I've been trying to read through the rules and OP.

    1. One of your number is a medium. He knows the nature of the evil in this game. Protect him from harm and understand The Medium could be a force of great good or great evil in this game

    This is interesting.

    2. One Role that is new, and the only role that is revealed to everyone at the start of the game is the Medium. The Medium is town and is not aligned with any evil. That said, although that role is good, the medium could be USED for evil on day 5. The medium knows ALMOST all the rules (a few role specific rules are hidden and sent to the relevant people instead). The medium knows all the win conditions. The medium knows all the roles that are possible, but not how many people have each role. The medium DOES NOT KNOW who has which role. The medium also has knowledge as to the order in which events happen at night.

    This gives is a key piece of information. The medium is a know town ROLE (not person) and is aligned to the town. On Day 5 the evil forces might use him. We don't know how this would be done.

    This means we need to protect our medium at all costs as for the bad guys to win they need to use him in the end.

    The medium then also has an unenviable task, he knows what roles are likely and he knows the win conditions so he knows how he might be used i suppose. Therefore he's got to figure out who is bad and who is good from what we tell him but he has then to find some way to tell the town who'd bad without blowing his cover. The problem is nobody just wants to cough up what they are at the start nor do we want to lie to the medium either as both with attract bad guy attention (OP says murder on their minds) or worse the medium will see our lie and so think we are bad.

    My starting strategy then is that we need to get talk going somehow. The medium needs our help to figure things out. I've no idea who as I'm not the medium btw but as long at there is chat there is a chance the medium gets to work.

    Medium, my advice is start with your list of known roles. then start mapping things to it. I hope that helps.
  13. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    That's good strategy unless Tennis is the medium <laugh>
  14. Obi Wan

    Obi Wan keeper of the peace
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    MITO, didn't you say that last night too?

    problem we havd do far is only half the folk in ghe game are currently inactive (whether intentionsl or mot) so hard to make any reads on people. Will bd boring if the onlh person able to figure stuff out is the medium.
  15. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Now... by my count on the votes several people have voted without any reason given. I'm not calling any one out par se but I am just saying it does not add any info so can be called suspect by some.

    As there is hardly any info some look like pure just vote for who i always do etc etc.

    I am sure many think... ok i have to vote better get something out of the way early as i'll be called on later if i don't.
  16. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    All of this piss taking if Tennis is naughty I'm ****ed <laugh>
  17. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I can only try and help at this point.

    here is another point that might help

    "You must place in bold the name of the person you wish to vote for and be clear that it is a vote for that person to be lynched.
    Example: I Vote for ZINGY to be lynched.
    This isn't to be pedantic, it is to be clear what is and isn't really a vote.
    - You are allowed to vote "NO LYNCH" - No Lynch means you don't want anyone to be lynched that night.
    - If one person gets more votes then they shall be the person lynched.
    - In case of a tie there is a non-random method I will use to decide who will be the one lynched. The specific rules of how I decide gets lynched in a tie has been sent to the medium. Understand that when a tie occurs it could result in multiple people being lynched, or just one.
    - One individual in the game is immune to lynching. If he is picked to be lynched, he will be lynched as normal but will not die."

    I have run games so i read the fact that milk sent the rules of lynching to the medium as simply that he wants one other person to back that he has done this fairly.
    In other words we might find the lynch in a tie very odd or unfair depending on who is in there.

    We are allowed to vote no lynch.

    The rule is very specific. if there is a tie this non random method comes in. so lets be clear. That means whoever we pick to die gets lynched (unless he is the immune one) or if we pick nobody then nobody dies

    What is not clear is the order of actions at night nor the reporting we will get. IF we lynched in a prior game we would be told the person's role.. and so be able to assign them to the role and start narrowing the field.

    We have to assume that as the town we are in the big majority today. After today we do not know what the story will be. The game is about gaining information and then using it to get to the win before the other team or teams. (we don't know that either) If we no lynch we will in likelihood avoid killing a town. that's just the odds. We also don't gain any info or narrow the field or encourage any discussion.

    Therefore I would encourage all to be available to vote and to be thinking ok.. I'm going to vote for someone but I need to be ready to vote no lynch too.

    In the past games I have sat back watching you guys at 8pm, 8:30pm and thinking isn't this obvious guys (running the game) and people don't switch.

    I see the no lynch as a great get out of jail card.... If we really don't see some hint of a team defense or even a link between people and there no movement. we can't just lynch a town role.

    Lets just all try to be on tonight to see what occurs.
  18. My first thought was that with the game ending within five days, the unknown evil must have powers to ensure that happens.

    If the unknown evil has kills (eg Mafia) then no lynching is a good option for the town because it slows the killing rate down slightly.

    If the unknown evil is recruitment based (zombie / vampire) then no lynching is a bad option assuming each evil member can recruit so their growth gets faster.

    One thing for certain, this game is certainly going to be gnarly!
  19. Sir Tennisball

    Sir Tennisball Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2012
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    Right I've finally caught up, looks like an interesting game!

    It's going to be very strange not knowing what the roles are, usually I'm trying to piece info together and guessing who is who, but there's only so much we can do until we find out more...

    A big thank you to all of you who made references to my brilliant past performance as cop, I really appreciate it @Lucaaas @ValleyGraduate12 ! :bandit: Very happy there's no known innocent here, and I know you share my joy <laugh>

    My take on the whole thing:

    Lynch voting
    As per usual Town knows nothing, so we probably will end up killing innocents on day 1. Usually day 2 has more info due to investigations etc so then we usually get better results then. I agree with @Obi Wan 's earlier post about multiple lynchings. I don't think it's a good idea to tie the vote up on day 1 in case we lynch multiple people. History tells us that we usually end up lynching town on day 1, we can't afford to lynch 2 or 3 town day 1!

    The mafia team (or teams) will no doubt be chatting on their QT boards and co-ordinating their votes, so even if we manage to suspect a mafia member their teammates can help save them from ties or add extra guys in. They'll also be killing and recruiting so we're bound to lose townies tonight to the lynch/kills and possibly recruitment as well. I'm sure mafia can recruit due to the OP:
    "Certain individuals may be invited to join private Quick Topic forums. This may happen at the initiation of the game- or might happen as a result of an event that happens in the game".
    So it's pretty standard for Mafia games, the mafia team gets their QT board at start and the recruit gets access later. I just hope the town team has QT boards as well such as Masons or something to even the odds a bit.

    The one person who can't get lynched is probably the medium. I hope he manages to find some way out of being lynched if he's in the running for lynching as we can't afford to have the evil guys find out who he is. I'm assuming the Medium can be killed by the evil guys as the OP just mentions immunity from lynching, so it's important that they don't find out who you are (which they would if the lynch failed).
    Lucaaas likes this.
  20. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Yup just trying to get the massage across. I'm not sure who read or didn't read so there no harm. I think all know it is on today so they should be on even if its later

    I am sure that we can narrow the field ourselves too from the nightly reports. As the OP said murder I am presuming there are killers out there. I think JPF said something like this too yesterday? If there are then we will be getting info on the players who get killed at the very least.

    I think we have to think about how to find suspect behavior somehow. The one thing we certainly can do is look for the patterns in play. who's voted where, who looks like they are a team. The evil, we don't even know what to call them, are out there now talking so there has to be some pattern there.
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