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Leave Wenger Alone

Discussion in 'Arsenal' started by BillysStatue, Apr 17, 2017.

  1. BillysStatue

    BillysStatue Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    Arsenal fans need to stop protesting against Wenger, specially after everything he has done for your club. He is a great manager and a decent person. Trust Wenger, he will know when his time is up, and it may well be sooner than you think.

    Wenger should be treated with the respect he deserves, and definitely not be hounded out like a dog. I have been lucky enough to have been allowed in to Arsenal training sessions over a five year period, and Wenger was always a true gent and happy to talk football. The man is a genius, that's for sure, and he deserves better from the Arsenal fans.

    Sure, it's been tough to fight for the title since the likes of Chelski and Citeh have been handed hundreds of millions to assemble winning squads, but those clubs have no soul anymore. Arsenal is a proper football club with proper, knowledgable fans, so it's sad to see the anti Wenger protests. I never thought I'd see that from Gooners.

    Wenger may have a struggling team right now, low on confidence, but that's how it goes sometimes. I don't think Wenger will overstay his welcome, he's not a selfish man (unlike that nob at Scumchester), so he will leave when he feels he can contribute no more. I personally wouldn't be surprised if he left in June, but that may well depend on Arsenal having a solid replacement ready (Big Sam anyone?)

    For me, as a simple football lover, it would be fantastic if the Arsenal faithful rallied around their team and gave them unconditional support for the rest of the season, and also did the same for Wenger. How brilliant it would be if Wenger was allowed to leave the club with his dignity and reputation intact, rather than a beleagured manager booed out of the Emirates in shame.

    Think about it (Big Sam is lurking)

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    PINKIE likes this.
  2. cini65

    cini65 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
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    This post is as amusing as it is to watch Wenger try and 'manage' a football club
    Sign Da Ting likes this.
  3. white_gunner

    white_gunner Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    The one issue I take with other clubs' fans telling us we are being impatient, we should give Wenger respect, we don't know how good we have it etc:

    People are only looking at our manager in a vacuum and not taking into account the aspect of length of tenure. We have seen the same weaknesses in our team over the past 13 years, with nothing being done to fix it. If Liverpool, United, Chelsea, City, and really any other club had a manager for 13 seasons that refused to fix the ridiculously apparent flaws they would replace that manager with someone else. There is nothing wrong with this. Its called AMBITION. You are taking a risk to try and move forward, to accept that the status quo is not good enough, to give yourselves realistic targets to obtain, and also preventing any STALENESS from setting in to your club.

    I do not believe the model of sack one manager every season, but again, the reality is we have been watching the same thing over and over and over again. Sooner or later, we want to see the board and the club ATTEMPT to move forward, and evolve. This cannot be done by keeping the same people in charge year after year. The truth is, managers need to leave if they see no progress over an extended period of time. It is that time NOW - that is all we are saying. The fans, the club, the players, they need to ALL be reinvigorated.

    I do understand when people say "I wish my club made top 4 20 years in a row", but you have to understand change is inevitable. Arsene Wenger WONT be manager of Arsenal forever - there will eventually be someone else. The fact the club does not seem to acknowledge this idea even in the SLIGHTEST, is what bothers us; its this lack of motivation, direction, and frankly cajones that bothers us. As fans, we all recognize this is the BEST time to move forward, to begin the process of rebuilding, we recognize that having more of the same cannot be productive (never mind the atmosphere and feeling that goes along with keeping this status quo).

    The bottom line is, sooner or later you have to give fans a reason to get excited about their club again, or else you are clueless and have no chance at ever being successful.

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I agree. I think Wenger's time is done, but some of the vitriol being directed towards him is shameful.
  5. winifred122

    winifred122 Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    I'm with you on that one- his time for departure has come, may be even overdue, but let's see him go with the respect he does deserve
  6. lazarus20000

    lazarus20000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2011
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    I agree some of it is shameful, but what about the way he is behaving? Isn't that shameful? I'm not one to abuse anyone, but his arrogance and indignation towards fans who don't worship at the alter of Wenger is bad and i can understand why there is so much anger towards him.

    I guess a lot of fans tend to hero worship but i don't subscribe to that. I support Arsenal and don't have time for petty sentiment, although i really liked him in the beginning. The man has been past it for over 6 years and i'm finding his tenure utterly repetitive and tedious.

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    What arrogance and indignation towards fans exactly ?
    BillysStatue likes this.
  8. lazarus20000

    lazarus20000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2011
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    The fact that he is delaying his announcement and laughing at the fans when everyone is desperately waiting for a response. What the fck is taking him so long exactly? But i'm not going to go through a ton of Wenger quotes for you, I've got better things to do. The fact that you are asking me suggests that you are a die hard Wenger supporter, which is your prerogative. But i'm not going to listen to bullshit that Wenger isn't an arrogant so and so, because he definitely is and he's been known to be condescending on many occasions.
  9. Sign Da Ting

    Sign Da Ting Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Shut up.
    lazarus20000 likes this.
  10. Sign Da Ting

    Sign Da Ting Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    I'm so tired of these tossers from other clubs telling us how to protest at our club. The audacity of it.

  11. BillysStatue

    BillysStatue Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    nope, you've missed the point ... Wenger does need to go at the end of the season, but not with boos ringing in his ears ... he has done far too much for Arsenal to warrant abuse ... if you genuinely are unhappy and want to protest, then why not roll out SACK THE BOARD banners, because that is where the real problem is

    Kronke doesn't seem to understand football, and even worse, doesn't understand Arsenal ... we all saw what happened at Villa under a clueless American owner, and I'm not saying Arsenal will get relegated, but they may end up competing with Everton for sixth place for a few seasons if your board doesn't get the next appointment right ... the board also needs to start spending like a title chasing club, go and buy some top talent, starting with a back line

    Wenger has become stale in his approach, loading a team with small, quick and technically sound players, playing triangles all over the pitch ... now Arsenal are struggling against organised, physical teams because they don't have a Bergkamp or Henry who can destroy opponents in a heartbeat and take the game away ... yes, a change of manager is necessary, and I believe Arsene will quit in June, but celebrate him as a true Arsenal legend rather than having the lasting memory be that of Wenger being stoned as the left the through gates in shame

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  12. BillysStatue

    BillysStatue Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    PS not telling you how to "protest", rather asking you to respect Wenger, because that's how I have always known Arsenal to behave as a club

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  13. lazarus20000

    lazarus20000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2011
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    You make a very good point and yes the main problem lies with the Board and owner. But Wenger takes a large slice of the blame too for staying well beyond his tenure and pretending like everything is fine, in a very pompous way. As I've said before, really liked the guy before, but the last 6-7 years have been groundhog day, not because we haven't won much, but the way he repeats the same mistakes over and over again. When questioned about it he acts all superior like he has a god given right to play his way, the right way, which is Wenger's pure footballing philosophy. Well we know what that did against Bayern Munich, being thrashed 5-1 three times in a row!
    Sign Da Ting likes this.
  14. BrunelGooner

    BrunelGooner Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2015
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    I have no problem with you posting alternative (and somewhat patronising) opinions, but I really do resent points like this.

    "Those clubs have no soul anymore" Do you really think the fans of those clubs actually give a damn? I'm sure they've all been sobbing about their lack of morality in between those multiple league titles and dozens of cups that they've won.

    But honestly though, why are fans always so quick to try and take the moral high ground? Lets be honest. If you were a midtable Premier League club with no prospects and, all of a sudden, a foreign benefactor takes over, meaning you would be winning trophies, competing with the very best teams in the world, having the very best players, facilities and staff at your club etc. Are you seriously telling me the large proportion of fans would not be biting your hand off for that opportunity? I think we both know the answer to this.

    Besides, we are currently owned by two very rich businessmen who do not have a clean past whatsoever. The only real difference between us and Chelsea is that their owner has been willing to invest heavily into the club, whereas our owner(s) haven't.
    PINKIE, Naas Blue, BobbyD and 3 others like this.
  15. lazarus20000

    lazarus20000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2011
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    Just in case you thought that Wenger still had it, don't forget Arsene Wenger reportedly turned down the chance to sign N’Golo Kante and Thomas Lemar for a combined £12.6million

    ARSENE WENGER reportedly turned down to the chance to sign N’Golo Kante and Thomas Lemar for a combined £12.6million just two years ago.

    The under-fire French boss was offered the duo when they were playing together at Ligue 1 side Caen in 2015 for an extraordinarily low fee.

    However, Wenger decided to look elsewhere – with Kante joining Leicester City for £5.6m and Lemar heading to Monaco in a £2m deal.

    Since then, Kante has won the league with the Foxes and is on course to do so again this year with Chelsea.

    Meanwhile, Lemar is thriving at Ligue 1-leading Monaco, as they sit above Paris Saint-Germain with a game in hand.

    According to French football expert Gilles Favard, Wenger passed on the opportunity - despite recently expressing his interest in Kante.

    Favard said: "We all know the story. Two years ago he [Wenger] had a deal for Thomas Lemar and N'Golo Kante for €15m [£12.6m]."

    This is further proof that he no longer has it or had it for quite some time. In his earlier days, you'd think he or his scouting network could properly identify top talent, now they are buying over priced tat. But missing out on those two players is BIG.
  16. cini65

    cini65 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
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    I'm not sure anyone needs proof that he no longer has it. Most now seem to know he's been a sack of faeces for over a decade.

    However these stories are welcome and provide good laughs to fuel the fire of hate that I have for the stupid, inept, arrogant prick of a manager.
  17. Naas Blue

    Naas Blue Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2013
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    Great post B.G. Honest and to the point.
  18. PINKIE

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    When Usmanov first came on the scene, I was dead against him being involved with the club. But looking back at it now, is he really any worse than Kronke ? Usmanov was made out to be the Devil incarnate, an evil shady man with an evil shady past. But to be honest, is any super rich magnate squeaky clean ? I doubt it.

    The only real difference I see now is that Usmanov has said that he would have invested heavily in the squad, and he had David Dein in his camp, who was a great negotiator and Wenger's right hand man. Looking at it from an objectice viewpoint, it is highly unusual for the second biggest shareholder not to have a seat on the board.

    Would things over the last 10 years have been any different with Usmanov and Dein on the board. I think the answer to that is probably yes.
  19. lazarus20000

    lazarus20000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2011
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    Around 2 or 3 more league titles and better progression in the CL.
  20. PINKIE

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Speculative... but if Usmanov had invested heavily in the squad as he said he would have done, then it's possible.

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