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Kelechi Iheanacho

Discussion in 'Leicester City' started by Proud Fox, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. Champions of England

    Champions of England Active Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Let me ask you what your predictions were when we got promoted and when Ranieri was appointed?

    I'll tell you what I said and I had people like you telling me I didn't know what I was talking about.

    First of all, before a ball was kicked I said our Championship team was better than WBA's PL team and I said Vardy and Drinky would play for England. I was right on both counts. The WBA fans told me to one back in five years when we've been in the league that long. Had to laugh at that.

    When Ranieri was appointed I said we'd qualify for Europe and I said we'd challenge Spurs. I was called deluded of course, again by people like you. In September or October when we were top I said it wasn't a purple patch or good form, it was just how good we are and subsequently we wouldn't drop off. I said we'd do well during December and would be top at Christmas. I said for the rest of the season that we would win it because we have the mentality. I was right again.

    I guarantee 100% that if you were arguing with me back then you would have been telling me how wrong I was and well you'd be wrong wouldn't you, just like you are now!

    You'll see how wrong you are next season, when you realise that I do actually know what I'm talking about and you don't.
  2. BigFox

    BigFox Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    You also predicted that Powell would be our assistant among other things - how does that fit into your narrative o wise sage
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    I am laughing at you because you are a child stamping your feet shouting for approval and it is hilarious <laugh><laugh><laugh>

    As for my predictions from years ago I don't know or care - you are the one living in the past so tell me :emoticon-0140-rofl:
    Tobes likes this.
  3. Wight Fox

    Wight Fox New Member

    May 10, 2014
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    So... Iheanacho then...
  4. BigFox

    BigFox Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Come to the transfers thread where I have posted some new rumours about the transfer - leave this as a pissing contest.
  5. HarboroughFox

    HarboroughFox Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2011
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    We need to get this signing done and dusted.
  6. Barwellfox

    Barwellfox Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Numerous sources say that the deal is done - just needs sorting out how much the player will have to give to his previous agent. According to the Nigerian press, the buy back fee is £37.5m for the four years, but if we achieve Champions League will increase to £50m. He actually turned down Monaco to sign for us - wants citizenship.
  7. FosseFilberto

    FosseFilberto Pizzeria Superiore and some ...
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 2, 2011
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    I think you are just a touch deluded ... if your theory held weight there would be no need for any football managers .. all you need is a bunch of players that run around quickly <laugh>

    Here are some facts - under Claudio Ranieri's title winning season we lost just 3 games - something Leicester City have never done before in the top flight - now I put that down to a manager employing the right tactics game by game and playing the right players in the right positions to play to their paricular strengths - Vardy and Drinkwaterr were revelations and for me benefitted from Ranieri's complete faith in them together with the way he wanted to play ... add to that the mercurial talent of Mahrez, the amazing Kante and a bunch of committed players willing to work and the formula was perfect. To assume that another manager was capable of acheiving exactly the same as Ranieri did in that season is, quite frankly, just ludicrous ... but you stick to your FIFA game based theories buddy ... it's your prerogative ,<ok>
  8. LeicesterWizard

    LeicesterWizard Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    £50m for a striker that (presumably) would be a big reason for us achieving CL football is still peanuts in a maket where Sigurdsson and Mahrez are deemed to be worth as much ...
  9. Barwellfox

    Barwellfox Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    They can bid the money - doesnt mean he wold go - just look at Vardy with Arsenal.
  10. Champions of England

    Champions of England Active Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Powell was a guess but I knew 100% that Shakey was getting the job while you were thinking there was a problem because it hadn't been announced and it would stop players from joining us. I was right and you were wrong, so what if I guessed the wrong assistant? It was just a guess based on very little.

    What I talk about how good we are it's based on what I see on the pitch and that's very different. I saw how good we were before we kicked a ball in the PL and come the end of September 2015 I could see that we weren't in good form, we'd just carried on from the Great Escape because that's just how good we were. We weren't always playing well but we always got results regardless because we just know how to win games. This is why I said our form won't drop off and it didn't.

    My predictions about where the club are heading also aren't predictions or opinion, they're fact because I know 100% what the owners plans are. Have any other clubs submit £40m bids for any player and I include Everton in this? I said we will be ambitious in the transfer market and that we have more money and more ambition than other clubs but keep getting told that everyone has the same ambitions, even though they blatantly don't. Again I was right.

    So I said Shakey would already have the job and he confirmed an interview that he'd got it in France before his holiday, as I suggested. I told you all about the stadium extension and then it was announced weeks later. I told you all about our ambitions and that it would be reflected in the transfer market. I've been right about everything so far apart from Powell which as I said at the time as just a guess but knowing 100% Shakey had the job.

    You'll see during the season how right I am about how good we are, I'm that confident in our ability that I have no issue putting my neck on the line. I've vehemently backed us since we got promoted and they've never let me down so far, well apart from when they've been played in a system that doesn't suit them but then the managers are to blame for that.

  11. Champions of England

    Champions of England Active Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    What you're missing is that Pearson ALREADY did that during the Great Escape.

    He played Vardy through the middle with Ulloa and allowed Mahrez the freedom to do his thing. Drinky was poor first season and we had James and Cambiasso keeping him out of the team until James got injured and then when he came back in he was good. Without Cambiasso we needed to fill that void and quite obviously we had to bring Kante into the team, considering he tried Inler and it wasn't working, Kante wasn't Ranieri's first choice, I mean he didn't even want him but he put him into the team because Inler wasn't good enough, had he been we wouldn't have seen Kante.

    So here you are trying to tell me that Ranieri was somehow this genius who brought all these players into the team but he didn't at all. He recognised what they were doing under Pearson during those nine games and told them to carry on. This isn't even a debate, he was very open about just letting them carry on with what they were ALREADY doing.

    Tactics are important of course and some of the changes he made were brilliant but the style of play is the most important factor. That's the platform and tactical changes are determined based on how the game is progressing. As good as Ranieri's tactical changes were, it's nothing I've not seen Shakey do. His tactical changes against Atletico were as good as I've seen. He recognised that Griezmann was running the show and changed formation to nullify his threat while still maintaining our own. Top quality and as good as anything Ranieri ever did. I think Ranieri's best tactical change was against Norwich when it wasn't working through the middle so we went 3-5-2, put Albrigton on the right, pushed Mahrez into the middle and stuck Ulloa up top and all three combined for the goal. That was brilliant.

    So rather than tell me about how my opinion is based on FIFA, I suggest you take a closer look at the team you support because you don't know very much. Shocking.

    Pearson lost one in nine, Shakey four in 13 but those four were with half a team and against Arsenal, City, Everton and Spurs. If we had a full team I'd say we'd have lost one (Arsenal) not four. So talk about Ranieri only losing three but one in nine would be four in 38 and one in 13 would be less than 3 so you could say that this style of play averages three losses out of 38.

    Of course it doesn't work that way but my point is all three managers have had similar results irrespective of formations and teamsheet so how do you explain that? Truth is you can't. You haven't been able to so far, you just come up with uneducated posts because you don't actually know what you're talking about.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
  12. JohnTheFox

    JohnTheFox Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2012
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    I've got to say I don't think we'd have avoided defeat whatever side we put out against Spurs that night <laugh>
    Unlucky away at Arsenal with the late own goal and we shouldn't have lost at Man City given the penalty. Everton hard to say, we did seem distracted by the CL but Spurs just wiped the floor with us. Maybe we had wound down by then
  13. Champions of England

    Champions of England Active Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Yeah but we had no defence or midfield and they've not managed to beat us when we've had our best XI on the pitch so I don't think they would have beaten us last season either.
  14. BigFox

    BigFox Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    This thread is gold <laugh>
  15. FosseFilberto

    FosseFilberto Pizzeria Superiore and some ...
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 2, 2011
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  16. FosseFilberto

    FosseFilberto Pizzeria Superiore and some ...
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 2, 2011
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    We had a weakened side no doubt, but Spurs were also in excellent form and playing with momentum ... so it's not all about us ...

    .... but here's a fact you'll like ... Mautricio Pochettino has never managed any team to a league win against a Claudio Ranieri team ... in their entire managerial careers ...

    Guess Claudio has just been lucky in always having players that run arouns a lot <laugh> ... can't possibly be down to tactical nous eh? <whistle>
  17. FosseFilberto

    FosseFilberto Pizzeria Superiore and some ...
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 2, 2011
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    <laugh> my 'uneducated posts' stem from having watched Leicester City live from the 1969/70 season to date ... just as a matter of interest, how long have you been watching them?

    PS All 3 managers have not had similar results Ranieri managed us to victories against Chelsea, Man City (twice), Spurs, Liverpool and Everton ... and to 2 draws againts UNited when it mattered...Arsenal was his only 'failing'..

    In marked contrast Nigel Pearson has one win against United in a bizarre early season encounter ... ..go figure Einstein. <laugh>
  18. BigFox

    BigFox Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I remember that game - we were losing 3-1 and won 5-3.

    Was a false dawn - we lost the next dozen or so and Pearson went mental and swore at our fans, attacked opposition players and was "sacked" for a day before we went on the great escape run. Still managed to call a reporter an ostrich then make a grovelling apology as well - good times...
  19. BobbyD

    BobbyD President

    Oct 25, 2013
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    I'm sorry that's just fairy tale telling.

    If Ranieri didn't have the players revolting, then he would have won the league again. I can't assume this because what happened is that leicester completely ballsed up their season (minus the CL which Ranieri was smashing). You can't say half your team weren't playing so you lost but they don't count so i'm chalking them. Fact of the matter is Shakey lost them and they are the facts. He chose to not put a full team out (for understandable reasons against some of them).
  20. BigFox

    BigFox Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Shakespeare also chose to have our LB Fuchs in the middle of the back 4, a position he had never played in his career when we had 2 fit proper reserve CBs in Amartey and Wasyl and we conceded 9 in the last 3 games - but that doesn't fit into the narrative so let's ignore it...
    BobbyD likes this.

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