anything other than this case being thrown out of court will be a miscarriage of justice, so far this case has been a flagrant waste of money and would have gone a long way to buy van persil. who washes whiter. that is if anyone wants him after he played like a cpmplete plank in the euros. floreat salopia, floreat john terry.
Hard to say but what I am sure of is that it would not have gone to court if it were any other player. There has been a witch hunt against Terry for years and it goes beyond the 2010 alleged affair. I'd never seen so much public joy in another mans misery as when JT missed that penalty in Moscow and cried his eyes out. That was the first time i really knew how hated he was outside of Chelsea and how hated we were in general. The fact is it has been Chelsea v the World for ages now. Chelsea fans will never understand why he is hated that much but non-Chelsea fans will never understand why he is revered so much, he is definitely a marmite character no doubt. But once the establishment have it in for you, you are as good as done, look what happened to poor old Anne Diamond for starters. Katie Price, Lauren Goodger, The Williams Sisters and Ashley Cole suffer similar character assassination from the press. The fact is no matter what the context Terry shouldn't have repeated the phrase, that alone will probably warrant suspension from the FA regardless of the outcome. But I'm not sure this is as cut and dry as people seem to think.
Perhaps. His defence is truly awful though. I suspect hes already used the classic, I have black mates, my uncles uncle is black, I once said hello to 3 black people line of defence to go with his I only called you a b***k c**t to tell you I didnt call you a b***k c**t defence.
The defence doesn't have to be great though. Remember it's for them to prove he racially abused Anton not JT to disprove them. I happen to think the Prosecution has been very weak and I'd be surprised if Terry was found guilty but stranger things have happened. Bu building up his character it enhances his chances of getting off slightly
I think John Terry should have to prove he said it in a none offensive context seeing as he admitted to using the words. The same as how a murderer who admits to murder but claims it was self defence then has to prove that. Considering he admitted it, shouldnt he now need to prove to the jury he did so without racist intentions.
All this us against the world talk makes me uneasy mate. We're not Liverpool fans and we don't want to turn into self pity city mark ii. JT does get a lot of stick in the press, but then to be fair he has given them a hell of a lot of ammunition over the years. He doesn't help himself in that regard. I'd say Ashley gets a lot more unfair stick than JT and that's mainly because he cheated on the "nation's sweetheart". Even Simon Cowell has been ripped to shreds in the press since he dared to mug Cheryl off. According to the BBC correspondent in court, the original complaint came from an off duty police officer who watched the game on TV and not a Rangers fan. Why this police officer hasn't been called to give evidence, given that his/her complaint started all this, I don't know.
Chelsea are not hated, the idea of them is. John Terry is hated for all the right reasons, its just a shame people cant feel the same about those similar to Terry. Instead you get people slagging Terry but praising Gerrard. Even Giggs for what he did. As a footballer I love him, as a Unitd fan its the same but I wouldnt even spit on him if I knew him personally.
Paddieu--That is an extremely informative piece of information! It makes me wonder if anyone thought of engaging someone with your disability in order to defend JT. No doubt the truth will out in the end, but with your input it could have happened a lot quicker!
Had to laugh at this. Prosecutor - You are respected in the football community? Terry - I'd like to think so. Funny guy that John
I'm going to complain to the police the next time anyone on this site calls me an "Aussie %#*^# " Although its certainly true, I object on racist grounds, and want to go to court and waste some of your hard earned ! Or we could shake hands and have a beer or two.
From what I have heard of the trial, there isn't much of a case at all. Anton says that JT didn't racially abuse him and then says he called him a BC. Which one is it? Also, nobody on the pitch seems to have heard him say anything racist. Surely they would have heard it.
You don't have to of heard it. Only the member of the public does I don't think anybody "wants" JT to be sacked for this but it might be a matter of having to. It will undoubtedly affect sponsorship deals and the public image at the club but more to the point if the club didn't sack him it would show he is above the club. If you went to a football match and hurled racial abuse at a player you would be banned from attending matches at that ground, possibly all grounds. Let's be honest if it was Malouda standing trial I'd wager a bet many would be thinking more rationally but JT is our prized asset, he symbolises what Chelsea are all about so there is obviously a huge amount of sentiment involved but if JT is found guilty the press may leave Chelsea with no choice but to terminate his contract. We all know we come last so if it comes down to backlash of fans v backlash of media/sponsors we won't win
district, he did not just hurl racist abuse, he was severely provoked, antons verbal assault was proper in his face, full of hatred and totally uncalled for. I think It was the severity of this that made him respond as he did.
District, so you're telling me that nobody heard him say it when he supposedly shouted it across the pitch. Sorry I dont buy that.
I'm not saying JT is guilty and if that side of the story is true yes he should have responded but within reason. If somebody punches me in the face that doesn't mean I have an excuse to wield an axe across their neck. If Terry did say it in the heat of the moment (I'm not saying he did or didn't) he shouldn't have brought colour into it no matter much he was provoked