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JB Engineered this move

Discussion in 'Newcastle United' started by De Kuip 02, Aug 2, 2011.

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  1. De Kuip 02

    De Kuip 02 Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Having slept on it and taking all on board I can’t help feel that Joey has engineered this from the start.

    He DID stall on a contract which was offered mid season at the start of the year. If you remember he stated he was about to sign a contract at the time then said he was waiting till the end of the season.

    After a new contract wasn’t offered things started to turn sour. His outbursts on twitter were pushing the club to act all summer. However contrary to Jose’s misdemeanours where he questioned the ambition, Joeys main tweets were that he was not going anywhere, no matter who came in. This does two things, it gets him support from fans who see this as loyal. But also it also creates a dilemma for the club in that they have a player who insists he will go for nothing at the end of the season and they still have nearly 3 million to pay in wages to him.

    I think the club have taken a hit in both PR and a sell on fee. But I can see their point.

    JB is an intelligent lad and I think he could have engineered this form the start, pushing and pushing until this. He now has the majority of fans on his side and the fuelled the anti-ashley brigade….

    But he gets a nice fat signing on fee at a new club with the contract he wants. If he really wanted to stay he could have just kept his mouth shut and played football, but no he pushed and pushed and this is the result.

    I'm not pro-ashley but neither am i pro-barton. This is just how i see it.
  2. Alfie

    Alfie Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    This ^^^

    good post and all true in my eyes.
  3. simonbh7

    simonbh7 Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    This sums I my feeling too.

    I think that barton knew exactly what he was doing by going on twitter, and he also knew exactly what the outcome would be.
  4. Bykerelvis

    Bykerelvis Member

    Apr 15, 2011
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    Totally agree, only one course of action was possible after Barton continued to Tweet !!

    Whilst I don't fully agree with Ashley's contract discussions or methods, I can't abide Barton's "I love the Toon" stance when he hasn't said anything of substance to back up his claims of his prolific loyalty yet proceeded to cast a shadow over the club's direction and transfer policy.

    I'd love to know what he's playing at and whether he thinks it's going to plan for him personally !?
  5. SirBR

    SirBR Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    As I've said on another article, if he loved the club so much he would have kept his head down and seen out his final year. People are entitled to the opinions but if it's done in the right constructive way.
    Barton hasn't.

    I'm of the same view that he wanted to move, he was offered a contract which he stalled on then mouthed off about and the board retreacted it.

    There is more to it than meets the eye IMO for Ashley to take a loss on a player like Barton, when he knows he can get something back off of him for selling him.

    Does it all come down to money like it was with Nolan?????
  6. Hung Drawn and Quartered

    Hung Drawn and Quartered Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    why are we supprised, they all do it, with a lot of help from their agents

    agents only get paid when players move
  7. Freddd

    Freddd Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Well, I'll be the lone voice of dissent.

    I don't think Barton did anything because he wanted to leave. I just think he is got into a pissing match with Ashley and said what he thought, insofar as it would not violate his contract.

    Now, you canthink that this was helpful/disruptive/dumb/brave whatever, but I don't thnik it was a manufactured attemtp to leav the clkub.
  8. gotcoffee

    gotcoffee Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    :) you're not a lone voice Freddd, there's many who share your opinion on this .. would be interested to know what you think JB was trying to prove/provoke/obtain through some of his comments though? I, personally, just can't understand what he thought he would get out of it ..
  9. SirBR

    SirBR Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    He must of done something serious for Ashley to cut his losses and let him go for Free!!!

    Ashley is not the kind of person to take a loss on a player like Barton
  10. The Secret Ingredient

    The Secret Ingredient Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    regardless whether it was KK or not the club still stood by him through all his troubles if he was grateful/loyal he'd have signed the contract as soon as it was put in front of him simply for the fact if we didn't support him he might not of been playing at this level or at all so bad was his name at the time.the club had every right to cancel his contract so bang would have went his 60k+ a week wages and at the time no one would have blamed us but we didn't,i know everyone said it was KK and not the board who supported him but do you honestly believe if the fat one didn't support him he'd have still been here.As gutted as i am he's gone this he's loyal crap sticks in my throat the only thing loyal in football is the fans

  11. De Kuip 02

    De Kuip 02 Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Hes not letting him go for free though he will save £3,000,000 in wages. Now some might say that we need to spend that on another player. However i think we are covered in Joeys area, especially with Gosling an Vuckic coming on so well in pre-season. Perhaps his wages can be put towards a striker.
  12. Freddd

    Freddd Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Ah, now what he thought he was accomplishing. Doubt it got that far, actually.

    My guess (and it can't be more than that) si that JB and MA realise that they seriously dislike eachother. MA is a contyrol freak, JB has an attitude - - it's easy to see that they wouldn't get along.

    MA decides that JB won't be offered a new contract. JB decides "Fine, I'll just play football, speak my mine and enjoy pi**ing you off".
  13. Hung Drawn and Quartered

    Hung Drawn and Quartered Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Ashley will have to stump up that if he was released
  14. simonbh7

    simonbh7 Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I have no doubt that, after his previous outbursts on twitter, Pardew would have had a word with him (like he did with Enrique). I am sure that Barton would have been warned about the possible repercussions of continuing to slag Ashley off in public.
  15. Rafa's Championship Party

    Rafa's Championship Party Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Not be funny but Barton comes across as someone who wears his heart on his sleeve, the fact that other players on twitter seem to back up his feelings to me shows where the problems lie. Also can't help but think if we'd kept Hughton none of this would be happening now.
  16. Freddd

    Freddd Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Am I right that JB has never been fined for what he's said on Twitter ?

    I think he found out where the line is and decided that he would say what he liked while stating just on the right side of it. Frankly I kind of like that approach, though you do have to acknowledge that it really hasn't doen us any good.
  17. Freddd

    Freddd Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    You can imagine the talk that Pardew (the poor sod) and JB might have had

    AP "Joey, you've got to stop this Twitering"

    JB "Have Iviolated my contract or club policy ?"

    AP "No, but Mike doesn't think it's good for the club"

    JB "I don't think Mike's good for the club"

    AP "It's his club, he has the right to run it how he likes"

    JB "True, and so long as I don't violate my contract I have the right to say what I like"

    AP: quietly wonders what he did to deserve this
  18. Blacky

    Blacky Member

    Apr 10, 2011
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    You'll find that Joey Barton actually said back in February, that he was waiting to see if Nolan and Enrique signed contracts first as it would give an indication of the direction the club is going. Clearly, that direction is backwards and there is no wonder he doesn't want to be a part of it.

    Joey, last season, performed better than any player in our team, he was player of the season and made himself into the fans favourite.

    Mike Ashley is destroying this football club and has been since almost the day he arrived. I hope that the real fans don't let this pass, as they have with so many other things over the past 3 or 4 years, Ashley needs to be forced out by whatever it takes.
  19. captainmycaptain

    Jan 25, 2011
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  20. gotcoffee

    gotcoffee Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Replace Hughton with Nolan in that statement perhaps .. maybe Nolan was more of a political animal and provided that bridge between the dressing room and management .. ensuring any management/boardroom crap never actually made it verbatim down to the likes of Joey and Co... his removal allowed more information to flow that was previously filtered by a more mature individual? (just a thought)
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