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Island of chaos

Discussion in 'Newcastle United' started by Captainchaos., Jun 2, 2018.

  1. Captainchaos.

    Captainchaos. Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Set sail Monday

    Okay I'll try to keep this simple

    In May 2016 good bill and ted were killed by bad bill and ted because they had been hired to do so by the kurgan ( bad highlander)

    Meanwhile back in 1985 this information reaches time travelling friends Marty mcfly and dr emmett brown aka doc.

    They try to use time travel to change things, however the flux capacitor gets stuck on 1987 not may 2016

    Doc and Marty end up making contact with a few goonies who's latest project is finding one eyed Willys time machine and other treasures they previously tried to obtain earlier in 1987

    Okay you with me ?

    The goonies ( mouth , data, chunk and sloth) harness a plan to find one eyed Willys time machine and treasure with doc and Marty.

    The goonies speak of a spine tingling flash of lightening the previous night and witnessed a man (the kurgan) slicing of another mans head, experiencing the quickening before instructing two robots to go to 2016 and kill bill and ted because he thinks their music is **** basically.

    They then tell doc and Marty that Connor McLeod is having a cup of tea inside the goonie residence and he too wants to help find the treasures so that he can be granted mortality ( he's sick of living forever)

    So doc and Marty are stuck in 1987 with the goonies and Connor McLeod with a broken flux capacitor and agree to help find one eyed Willys time machine and help the goonies find their treasure but what's the kurgan upto?

    The kurgan has felt the presence of Connor McLeod and he along with his evil sidekicks bad bill and ted will be trying to kill him, Connor, doc, Marty Indiana Jones short round and a heavy breathing sea monster

    The goonies show Connor, doc, Marty etc a map as attached which they advise is one of two and the kurgan holds the other copy.

    On the back of the map there's some information about a sea monster and finding 3 keys at different locations on the map, but the locations have sadly faded off.

    Just as they are about to set off they bump into Indiana Jones and short round ( fancy that) who seem overly keen to help find the treasures and they happily accept their offer of assistance and they head off to what the map describes as a gateway /stargate.

    meanwhile the kurgan feels the presence of Connor leave and he along with bad bill and bad ted make their way to the gateway.


    All indicated on map attached

    There's 9

    locked chest which is where you need to go once you have all three keys but might still hold other secrets too.

    The gateway is where you enter the game this can be used as a location choice any night.

    If any person or team successfully opens the chest and obtains the treasure and time machine they must return to the gateway to win the game so you could still lose if you get, double crossed intercepted or killed by the sea monster. You will basically be given a number of options in terms of direction and so will your assailants (if any) or monster(if alive) if you choose a clear path you win, get unlucky and you could either get bumped or the sea monster could kill you or the entire boat you're in.

    Taankwan thicket

    Kijang village

    Qurada colony

    Xenari caverns

    Dhahran desert

    Thorne heath

    The spire

    Each day you will need to visit a location in order to try and find a key to open the locked chest.

    Mafia team can communicate and pm me their location choice

    Goodies you can discuss vote in thread but must individually vote in bold and remember Indiana knows the locat
    ions of two keys.

    You can't open the chest until you have all 3

    If one team finds a key another key will still be available for the opposing team and everyone will learn of any key findings and at which location they were discovered

    There's other things to find such as highlander swords which will impact any potential battles and there's other boats out there plus crate drops.

    A new highlander sword will increase a highlanders kill ability by 50% and there's two to be found out there.

    If both teams select the same location the highlanders will be made aware of each other's presence and can either opt to fight each other or choose another location.

    Once locations are decided there will be specific places each person can chose within it or they can choose to stay on their boats In safety and let their highlander do the business.

    The same location cannot be chosen twice so highlanders should be able to learn and advise where the opposing team has been.

    Characters/ abilities

    Sea monster

    Will seekout and inhale one person a night

    The see monster can only be killed by lynch, however if a highlander has chosen to kill him it will inhale the highlander and crap him out

    In this situation the highlander and the monster will learn each others identity

    The sea monster can be recruited by the kurgan if he knows his identity.

    This will be requested via pm from the kurgan


    He can kill one person per night

    can sense the presence the kurgan via pm and of this happens can decide to fight or choose another location .

    Connor will pm me a kill choice each night but doesn't have to kill anyone

    100 % kill rate unless he fights the kurgan that's a best of 5 coin toss

    If he dies his sword or swords will pass to a player of his choice - his will if you like

    One eyed Willy

    Doesn't want anyone to win this game

    He will set traps and try to lure people there to their death

    Cannot be killed

    Can be lynched

    Will recruit sea monster if eaten

    The ghost of chester copperpot
    Has to be found he holds a key


    can set up booby traps

    1. Pinchers of hell - this will potentially kill anyone following you or player of your choice that you are trying to protect.

    2. Slick shoes - this will stop anyone following you and could save your life

    3. Dynamite - can set up an explosion at a n area within a location- if a player goes there it's goodnight

    All can only be used once but cannot be used on the same night.

    Send pm to me before nightfall if you choose use one


    Can speak Spanish? This could help both teams

    You are basically ****ed but you might get a weapon **** it's the luck of the draw

    Sloth - hey you guys ! will protect chunk and and can turn into superman if killed by a highlander

    If he's turned into superman he gets a nightly kill

    Chunk - can perform the truffle shuffle to scare of a killer - could save your life but must send pm if you choose to use it

    Chunk and sloth can communicate

    If the highlander comes after sloth chunk can save him with the truffle shuffle but remember he turns into superman if he's killed and superman ain't a bad friend to have either.

    Doc and Marty

    Want to get a new time machine in order to save good bill and ted

    Can communicate and both can choose an alternative future once each during the game

    The kurgan

    Can kill one person per night and send bad bill and ted to investigate a player

    He can feel the presence of Connor via pm if same location is chosen.

    If that occurs he can vote to fight or not

    If he dies sword is passed to bill and ted and all out chaos war will ensue.

    Can recruit sea monster if he knows its identity - he will know this if he attempts to kill it basically and will then be able to recruit It.or if hes the monsters target.

    Bad bill and bad ted

    Can select an alternative future twice during the game so once each just like doc and Marty

    Can investigate a person each night

    Potentially gain highlander powers

    Indiana Jones/short round

    Knows the location of two keys and gets info from short round

    Has a gun with one bullet he will only use if attacked or to protect shorty if required

    Short round can investigate once a night

    He can investigate a person or a location

    Indiana and short round have a secret agenda whether it's good or bad is down to opinion.

    Shorty is protected by Indy

    Plus some roles youll discover along the way


    Each night a normal vote in bold on the thread please

    Highest vote will die unless an alternative future is created

    Individual challenges

    Each day you will get an individual task at your chosen location


    Because all players could gain an option to try and kill someone this way so for non killing roles it makes it potentially more fun and gives killing roles something to worry about.

    Any player can offer any player a fight by nightfall every night which is probably not wise but still adds some value I hope

    The way this works is if you offer someone a fight by sending me a pm I'll notify them via pm if your offer, so they can accept it or refuse it

    If accepted

    You will then both get to choose a weapon and the winner of the fight will be decided by weapon power

    If you don't have a weapon you're an idiot

    The details of your fight will be in the results are immediate and you could well die if you picked a fight with the wrong guy.

    Eg if you pick a fight with a highlander or accept one from one they will not only get their nightly kill but also they will probably choose to kill you too

    If that happens they will decide not me


    During the course of the game you should be looking to find guns

    If you have any or all guns it will be upto you to select them before going into a fight

    You must also advise me in what order you intend to use them during your fight

    Each gun has a score so it's a bit like top trumps

    M60 10 points
    M16 and M4awst 9 points
    Ak47 and ah74 8 points
    Dragunov and mp5 7 points
    G36 and Uzi 6 points
    M9 p226 and pm50 5 points

    Each one can only be used once can all be used at once

    Each gun you take will fire one rd only

    And guns will be pulled out in the order you request them too if you have more than one

    There's plenty to find so its possible to collect them all

    Please remember highlanders cannot be killed with a gun and that fights are not related in anyway whatsoever to the quest and are totally seperate to the usual nightly actions.

    And remember


    Highlanders can only be killed by lynch each other, or a player that's found a highlander sword however they can potentially be injured enough for you to escape, so if you find a weapon you CAN but MUST pm me by nightfall to say you'd like to arm yourself with it.

    Order of actions

    Alternative future actions if any
    Accepted fight offers
    Sea monster actions
    The kurgan action
    Connor action
    Investigation actions
    Key finding, location and other daily info

    Look out for goodies including a giant purple dildo bomb

    Here to answer any questions
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2018
  2. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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    No mention of purple dildo weapons?
    Captainchaos. likes this.
  3. Captainchaos.

    Captainchaos. Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    J. J. McClure likes this.
  4. cronemeister

    cronemeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    Data and short round are the same person! How the **** does that work? Can they use the time machine to travel to different time zones to be either data or short round either at different times or the same time but on different occasions for different purposes?

    I’m confused :-(
    Captainchaos. likes this.
  5. Delusional Full Stop

    Delusional Full Stop Here to serve all your counselling needs.
    Forum Moderator

    May 1, 2011
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    Welcome to the “Chaos Game”.
  6. Captainchaos.

    Captainchaos. Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Confused is good

    Expect the unexpected
  7. ChilcoSaint

    ChilcoSaint What a disgrace
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Er, why is this here?
    Captainchaos. likes this.
  8. Captainchaos.

    Captainchaos. Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Its in the rules mate
  9. ChilcoSaint

    ChilcoSaint What a disgrace
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Sorry, I was also confused.
    Captainchaos. likes this.
  10. Solid_Air 2

    Solid_Air 2 Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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  11. Captainchaos.

    Captainchaos. Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Thats normal at this point

    Confusion is good

    You have to solve the puzzle
  12. Captainchaos.

    Captainchaos. Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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  13. Captainchaos.

    Captainchaos. Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Day 1

    Ok everyone should have their roles and agendas for monday !

    Today you must decide on where to search for a key - to cast your vote post the location on here in bold


    The location with the most votes is where the good guys will end up searching that night

    Remembet the kurgan etc will search a different location if they choose to.

    Poll closes 9pm mon

    You can change your vote at anytime prior

    Decide of a person you think is suspicious

    eg CHAOS

    The person with the most votes will be lynched and his identity revealed

    Poll closes 9.15pm monday

    You can change your vote at any time until then.

    Chester copperpot is out there trying to be found

    He has with him a key and appears to want to help

    The sea monster is double hungry where could he be

    I have a vote in from a mystery player


    List of players

    I am groot
    General lee
    Mystery player


    And try to stay alive


    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
  14. Captainchaos.

    Captainchaos. Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Location vote

    The desert 1. Mystery player
  15. RobEllious

    RobEllious Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    Location vote: Desert
    Suspicious Bastard: Albert
    Captainchaos. likes this.
  16. General Lee Speaking

    General Lee Speaking Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Location vote: Qurada Colony
    Suspicious Bastard: Mystery Player
  17. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    How can you vote for a suspicious player?
    How can anyone be suspicious if no one has said anything yet? <laugh>

    ****, I guess this means I am suspicious now! :emoticon-0106-cryin
    Captainchaos. likes this.
  18. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Location: Kijang Village
    Suspicious Bastard: RobEllious
  19. Captainchaos.

    Captainchaos. Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Crate drop

    Youll have the chance to find individual goodies this afternoon

    So be at the ready if possible
  20. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Do we have to do anything? Or will all be revealed at the time?

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