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Is the world at a dangerous crossroad?

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by invermeremike, Feb 21, 2022.

  1. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    After reading the news about the terrorist bombing in Iran I have just seen that Islamic State have claimed responsibility. Now you will forgive for pointing out that IS is an Islamic terrorist organization known for it's brutal murderous campaigns over many years and yet they feel they have a need to kill in another country that follows, basically, the same faith as them selves. I know that are various factions within Islam and it just boggles my mind that if any of the sects haven't got a war going with anybody of the Western world then they turn on their own peoples without a thought. The saying goes that all Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim and the goings on of the last few days just goes to show that is a fact even more as each day passes. The reality is that the day to day functions of this religion dictates that men rule the roost and the women just sit by and do as they are told and seeing as a general thought that men are more bellicose it helps understand why this is a constant problem that won't go away soon. With the current situation of Iran supporting just about every other terrorist group, including Russia, with weaponry the West needs to up the ante to stop any more attacks in the vital waterway that is the Suez Canal. All known sites of Houti rebels in Yemen need to be blasted out of existence to stop missile launches against ships in the Red Sea even though those rockets are supplied by Iran. Ukraine is fighting a campaign against Iranian supplied drones without response from Teheran so why would we expect any further action by destroying launch sites in Yemen to protect ships doing international trade from many nations who are on our side plus some that are iffy. Get some balls someone and make these morons see that we don't intend to play nice any longer - so go get them all, no matter who they are.
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  2. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    3 major elections in 2024 . UK .. USA .. Russia .... [ also India, where the Hindu incumbent has built a temple .. massive one on the ashes of a 400 year old Mosque! ]

    Russia, why bother, they are a dictatorship, like North Korea and dwell on the past and blame everyone else because they are not top dogs!
    Russia has 46 oblasts, a sort of cross between a county/ region, USA has 50 States and county wise has over 3200! I have spoken to at least 1 person in all Oblasts and all States [ plus over 2800 counties!! Ham hobby! ] In RUSSIA you have to have at least 1 person in 40 of the 46 but a minimum of 100,000 people "signed up" before you stand! So Putrid through fear and oppression need not waste time on ballot boxes just say "prospective candidate is enemy of the state" and ban the first principal.

    Amazing how many Russians are on the radio and do get contacts ... so they must believe all is fine!??? or Ham radio bans Political chatter etc so dont get to know what is really going on! ?

    Been a bad couple of weeks for Putrid so far in 2024 .. lost 2 spy planes [ $millions ] 1 lost other severely damaged and managed to land!
    Has a lot of the population building military drones and a whole load of people learning to fly them " in anger? ! ".. .. uumm "homeguard! " ... come in Mr MANERINGSKI!
    No news yet as a follow up to wife of a soldier fighting in Ukraine being very voiciferous at Putrids election HQ and being in a argument another wife who is ultra pro war and didnt seem to worry if he got killed? maybe she has another boyfriend whilst he's away and if get killed will be an income for life! ..just saying........

    Worrying comments from third parties.. [ media ] Putrid and friends apparently discussing using NSNW's "TO MAKE SURE THEY WIN IN THEIR TERMS" ...

    about time we had some info on activity centred around Crimea ... not been any for a few weeks!
  3. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Am I misreading things or does it seem to have come to a stalemate in Ukraine?. There doesn’t appear to be any meaningful gains territory wise on either side.
  4. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Maybe the Israel/Hamas conflict, and what's going on with the Iran backed Houti's in the Red Sea attacking merchant ships has taken the focus away from Ukraine/Russia ?
  5. oneforthebristolcity

    oneforthebristolcity Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    That's the media for you and how it sucks you in!!!
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  6. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I tend not to believe a word that any of them say !
  7. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    The absence of attacks on Ukrainian "energy infra structure" has a couple of reasons? lack of ordnance to hit it due to better air defence /lack of ordnance / hit for hit tally / this winter Ukraine better prepared to keep warm via generators etc millions supplied in past year!....
    Heavy fighting in some areas as they brave winter conditions to take/ repel small area's ....

    Ukraine has quite a good network of spies? and groups of "resistance/ anti war Russians! " able to cause damage inside Russian border... etc's

    EVERYDAY that passes brings closer the advent of a better "airforce" for Ukraine... F16's, ! it wont be many of course maybe 50? HAS up to 9 weapons points plus canons / and 7.62 machine guns!? On the front line should have more devastating attack power!
  8. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Russia certainly isn't running away with this was because Ukraine is made of stronger stuff than them. The support of the West is crucial and the new Trump friendly speaker of the house isn't doing the clown any good in his declared intent to cut off all aid to Ukraine, if and when he comes to power. Currently a decent aid package has been agreed by the House of Representatives but it had to include more money be added to the defence of their southern borders with Mexico to stop mass illegal border crossings primarily into Texas. My wife saw a prediction by some analyst or other that claimed Putin would finally finish his special operation in Ukraine by taking Kyiv and then target the Baltic states in a concerted effort to kick off a major European conflict. I think it is definitely on the cards that Putin won't stop at Ukraine because it his main intent is to re-establish all or part of the old USSR. With all of the other conflicts that have started up around the Middle East I tend to think of that area as a smouldering pile of camel dung that will never accept peace with their neighbours as long as a certain religion continues to believe that we heathens are after them in some way. It does rather seem that the shoe fits the other way and until they wake up and smell the roses that our world can be a better place then basically we are travelling down a one-way street to hell. The Suez Canal is a major route for Saudi oil to get to the west and I'm sure they won't sit on the sidelines too long before they stick their two cents worth into the picture and stop the blockage caused by the Houtis along with their arms suppliers in Iran. My suggestion would be to obliterate all the Houti launch sites and then go after Teheran's part in the mess which would be to destroy all their manufacturing facilities. The Middle East as an entity has long been my suggested site for major conflict and what started with the Hamas assault on Israel has now taken on bigger proportions with the kickback from the invaded country into a major destruction of what is left of the Gaza strip, with indiscriminate bombing of civilians followed by a declaration the there will never be a separate Palestinian State if Israel has any say in the matter. The carnage in Gaza has to stop due to the human rights being abused by a state that was set-up to right the wrongs committed during WW2 but now have no intent of getting into talks to give back some of the stolen land to the displaced Palestinians. Sad all around and we have to hope that sanity prevails but don't hold your breath because religion is involved and that never augers well for common sense.
  9. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    My take on it all is that Putrid thought his "special op" would be done and dusted inside a month [ more realistic than a week! ] .. he is now bogged down and most probably knows that the death of [even ] 150,00 Russian conscripts and soldiers will put him into history on / as a par with Hitler and all the other historically "EVIL" rulers before him. I doubt he gets a good nights sleep, maybe his bedroom is a super fortress a self contained survival hole to withstand a " assassination while he sleeps " because he needs 4 sleeping pills to go to sleep!

    He is now up the kyber! and has likely had discussions with Iranian leader [s ] to stir up anger and wars on all fronts with the almost dozen terrorist groups they supply to do their dirty work as a distraction and use their weaponary on other than supplying Ukraine!

    The other worry is N Korea, they make things like Russia did, to keep the population employed! [ I will never forget the TV programme that showed the tractor factory] but instead of useful items [ they do have a few exportables ] they just seem to make weapons and ammo! A massive [ weaponary ] build up would likely see them maybe threaten the south! Although China may not readily support that!
  10. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    The biggest portion of North Koreas GDP is made up by arms manufacturing and sales to nasty people including Russia in Ukraine and the Houti rebels in Yemen. I like you don't think China will allow North Korea to wander too far off on it's own path as that could impinge on anything China wants to do in the region. The individual threats along with their myriad of associations with other nasties to form another version of everything you don't want to see. The main world suppliers of killing machinery need to be taken care of, because without the support of these pariah states and their leaders the terrorists that plague the planet could not survive and thrive.

  11. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    Putrid interview in short............

    Here's the key points from the sitdown, which was aired late last night...

    'Annoying' 30-minute rant on history of Russia

    At the start, Vladimir Putin said he would take "only 30 seconds or a minute" to give a "little historical background".

    But that went on "for about half an hour", according to Mr Carlson, and the president spoke at length about the history of Russia.

    He talked about Russian history, including the establishment of the Russian statehood, and said he would give "documents" to Mr Carlson "so you don't think I'm inventing things".

    He said the countries that were part of the USSR were "ultimately enshrined as belonging to Russia" after the Second World War and lands that were later made part of the Soviet Republic of Ukraine were transferred "for inexplicable reasons".

    A 'coup' in 2014

    Mr Putin said there was a "coup" in 2014 and that Ukraine had "started persecuting those who did not accept the coup".

    "They created the threat to Crimea, which we had to take under our protection," he said.

    His comment was referring to the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, which is not recognised by the vast majority of the world's countries.

    Mr Putin also claimed Ukraine "launched the war" in the eastern Donbas region in 2014.

    Why invade?

    Pressed on why he invaded, the Russian leader said he decided to take action after the Ukrainian leadership "declared that it would not implement the Minsk agreements".

    The Minsk agreements had sought to end the Donbas war fought between armed Russian separatist groups and Ukraine's armed forces.

    Asked whether he had achieved his aims during the war, he added: "No. We haven't achieved our aims yet because one of them is de-Nazification."

    US 'blew up Nord Stream'

    Mr Putin told Mr Carlson that he believed the US blew up Nord Stream.

    The pipelines transporting Russian gas to Germany under the Baltic Sea were ruptured by a series of blasts in September 2022.

    Wall Street Journal reporter

    The Russian president said he would be willing to release Evan Gershkovich "as a sign of your decency".

    He said he "will not rule out" returning the journalist if the US takes "reciprocal steps".

    On Biden

    Mr Putin said he had not spoken to Joe Biden since before February 2022, when the invasion of Ukraine began.

    Mr Carlson asked why Mr Putin had not called Mr Biden to "work things out", to which the Russian president said: "What's there to work out?"

    On NATO

    Mr Putin said Bill Clinton misled him over Russia's potential membership of NATO two decades ago.

    He said he asked the outgoing president if his country could join the alliance when he visited the Kremlin in 2000 and claimed Mr Clinton initially suggested he believed that would be possible, before rowing back on the statement later.
  12. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    BEEN A WHILE POSTING ON HERE......peace talk weekend
    A lot has happened recently which is of concern, a new front in the Kharkiv region due to Republicans stopping aid!
    Russia has been concentrating on killing civilians and destroying the power grids
    UKR has been slowly taking a toll on the more costly bits of Putrids armaments damaged a sub sunk a couple of warships and a number of ancillary ships. Also has destryed a number of their top of the range warplanes,
    Also destroyed by about 15% the total oil production in close proximity to war zone !
    UKR HAS NOW GOT PERMISSION to use weapons defensively into Russian territory
    UKR is about to get first F16's [ and hints also mirage fighters and A10 ground hogs ]

    this weekend is the "world peace symposium" so Putrid and his propagandists will be going full tilt,a bit like Labour!!!..lol ... picking up UKR's peace plans formula being discussed by over 90 countries and saying the same but from a Russian perspective.Today first time in 3 years he has been to the foreign ministry to give a speech on the day before the Swiss conference .wait for all his inuendo's regarding we want peace .. but need a breathing space we have to bury 30,000 recently killed soldiers in a fruitless attempt to capture Kharkiv
  13. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    The "selfishness and hypocrisy of Western countries" has led to a "dangerous turn of events" and we have "come close to a point of no return", Vladimir Putin has said.
    Speaking at a meeting with Russian foreign ministry officials, the Kremlin leader issued the ominous warning as he accused Washington of undermining global security because of its exit from arms pacts.
    He also said the West's theft of Russian assets would "not remain unpunished".

    "We have come unacceptably close to the point of no return.
    "Calls to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, which has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrate the extreme adventurism of Western politicians.
    "They either do not understand the scale of the threat that they themselves create, or are simply obsessed with the belief in their own impunity and in their own exclusivity.

    Vladimir Putin has set out what he said were Russia's preconditions for starting peace talks with Ukraine.
    He said Russia would be ready for such talks "tomorrow" if Ukrainian troops withdraw from the Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Donetsk and Luhansk regions and if Ukraine gave up its plans to join NATO.
    If Ukraine agreed to those conditions, he said Russia would cease fire and start negotiations.
    "Conditions are very simple," he said.
    He continued: "As soon as Kyiv says they're ready for such a decision and start the real withdrawal of forces from these regions and officially declare rejection of plans to join NATO, from our side, immediately, literally the same minute, will come an order to stop the fire and start negotiations.
    "We will do it immediately. Obviously, we will guarantee the uninterrupted and safe withdrawal of Ukrainian forces."
    It should be noted that Volodymyr Zelenskyy has vowed to liberate all occupied regions from Russian control - and himself said all Russian forces must leave Ukraine as a condition for any peace deal. ........... Almost a mirror image of UKR's formula but justifying their invasion.

    ALSO it would mean he saves trillions of roubble's in compensation costs and damage repairs

    Mr Putin has also said that his army's advance towards the Ukrainian capital Kyiv in 2022 was aimed at forcing Ukraine to agree to a peace deal.
    He claimed there was no intention of storming Kyiv.


  14. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    It's no coincidence this speech was made on the eve of the Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland.
    Russia won't be there as it hasn't been invited. So this was about putting Moscow's side across first and undermining the summit's legitimacy before it's even begun.
    Is his peace proposal credible? Not according to Ukraine or the West - Kyiv, NATO and the Pentagon have already all dismissed it.
    But the Kremlin sees things very differently, or at least pretends to.
    "We didn't start the war," Russia's president said. "It was the Kyiv regime." who attacked who?

    In reality, he knows these conditions are not something Kyiv will ever agree to. Ceding territory is a red line for Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
    But that doesn't matter to Mr Putin. This was more about seizing the initiative ahead of the Switzerland summit, where Mr Zelenskyy will be centre stage.
    As for relations with the West, they are "close to the point of no return", he said.
    What does that mean exactly?

    all in the same day ..says..... KIEV'S FAULT... I WANT A CEASEFIRE ...... POINT OF NO RETURN ... and bucket load of tears because he losing out and wasnt invited to the party! [ maybe he should have been then arrested on his outstanding warrant ]
  15. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    The peace summit is under way closely followed by Putin's terms for a permanent cease-fire which are so far off the mark in any reasonable person's mind. Nobody will ever be able to get inside Putin's head and mindset because people like him and his predecessors are single minded to the point where the thoughts of others really don't matter because getting their own evil way is paramount in every possible event. Trump is exactly of the same mould and does not listen to the advice of others because again they don't even want to give others any opinion just in case it undermines their control of the situation. Essentially both parties mentioned are psychopaths hell bent on becoming lifetime dictators of their population by whatever means it takes and to heck with human rights and freedoms along the road to democracy being erased from the planet. Whatever happens at this attempt by others to stop the slaughter occurring in Ukraine the world is still in a precarious position given all of the other conflicts being inflicted across the globe. The worst possible scenario in regard to Ukraine and all of the other hate hotspots is that we as the leaders of democracy sit back and do nothing, as that mindset led directly to WW2. One point I may have missed along the way is that I can't remember the actual Western jet fighters that were promised ever arriving at the scene of the crime. The time has also passed it's best before date for Ukraine to start firing back deep into Russian territory with whatever weaponry they chose with no thought as to who supplied them. Just recently I believe they hit and destroyed a missile battery well across the border and immediately the barrages on Kharkiv diminished to almost nothing and so I would encourage them, with our full unfettered support, to continue as long as is needed to push Russia back to the east. I wonder if ever there is a possibility that Putin would accept a third party intervention in all territories currently occupied by Russia whereby all of his troops would withdraw back behind the borders as they were prior to the invasion of Crimea? Perhaps an interim peace force made up from the U.N. and a country of Putin's choosing (Belarus?) could police the ceasefire whilst allowing both Russia and Ukraine to mourn the horrible loss of young lives and allow some down time without conflict to rethink what should really happen to end this senseless war? <peacedove>
  16. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    latest news filtering through is that UKR has destroyed 2 fighter bomber and their glide bomb store at Morozovsk airbase in southern Russia the second time in 8 weeks!

    Putrid is said to in paranoia over todays happening ... 10 year deal .. peace accord harmony ... no response to his ill broadcast we will act straight away with a ceasefire [ trouble is most of the world knows he is a lying scumbag and cannot be trusted ]

    Chechnia SORT OF LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG volunteering another 9000 troops to replace those lost in KHARKIV assault, now estimated at 30k mostly fatal and poorly supplied with ammo and protection as they continue to target UKR civilian homes and infra structure ....

    3 ? more patriot systems being delivered plus a FRENCH? / GERMAN one
  17. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Apparently Ukraine has never got the fighter jets it was promised but they will be in service around July according to latest news. One of the biggest fears surrounding their deployment was that it might tempt Putin into a higher level conflict but a lot of water has passed under the bridge since the first words about the jet supply and we need to be even more supportive of Ukraine in everything they decide to do to this monster. The one thing we know for sure in this total mess is that we cannot trust Putin in any way shape or form and the only words he will understand is the removal and destruction of his brutal regime, but unfortunately that could be catastrophic in the longer term. Those are the kind of things that have to be implemented if we and Ukraine are to stand up to any attempt to remove democracy from any parts of Europe because inaction could end up costing us all dearly. Bullies need to be dealt with in the same way that they prey on innocent citizens, as it is the only language they truly understand - total thuggery and commitment to the task.
  18. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    used carefully and in conjunction with diversionary attacks by drones could be a real game changer

    Moldova is undergoing intense dis information strikes by Russia if they become part of europe Russia wont be happy as 2 enclaves isolated!

    Hungary is playing a very dodgy game ..basically supporting Russia by not supporting UKR ...
    Finland is being tested by aircraft over flying Finlands territory ... only for 2 or 3 mins @ up to a couple of miles incursion. Finland currently analizing the occurrences and have warned Russia? !
  19. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    typical Russian attitude ... dictating what was going to happen and who would be invloved............

    on Sunday After the peace talks? ] Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Russian leader did not rule out talks with Ukraine, but added that guarantees would be needed to ensure their credibility and Mr Zelensky could not be a participant.
  20. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    latest figures drifting through indicate that Russia has lost over 527,000 troops killed or injured... of 144,00,000 that would equate to around 1 in every 300 Russians knowing something that was amiss /lost/ or had a wounded relative! in the year the Afghan war ended there were near riots because the casualty rate was 15,000!
    Putrid staes [ via a lackey ] that if UKR doesnt agree to THEIR demand to ceasefire it will only get worse. Is this rhetoric because after the delay of arms from USA AND THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE TIMINGS ... of F16's. / a million drones from the drone collective all begining to ramp up he needs to put on pressure. He now knows 90 plus countries expect sovreignty to be foremost and he should leave UKR!

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