You're nothing but a filthy scum ****. Throwing about baseless insults about some ones kids. You're nothing but a spineless prick.
You're a filthy, point scoring scumbag, Provan. I may be of the opinion that you were an easily excitable fruitcake, but I always gave you the benefit of the doubt that because of your personal heart-ache, you were maybe over-compensating using the medium of the internet, and I was fine with that. Needs must. I've never insulted your kid(s) nor have I felt the need to slag other prominent posters mentally disabled family, even though one particular poster thinks that it's hilarious to constantly accuse my kids of being disabled, yet you and others think that it's fine to assert that my children are disabled or mentally ******ed. Like I said earlier, I can accept that 2 ugly ****ers who'll never have kids of their own, can make baseless insults about someone elses kids, I don't agree with it, but I can accept it. What I find repulsive is that a middle aged man, who has 'allegedly' known the heartache of losing one of his own kids, can throw about vile insults about someone elses children to score petty points. You are a manky scumbag, Provan.
You're a ****er too, making baseless insults about folk you don't know Dev stylin' you all over the shop
I have no idea if you have kids, i've never read you mention kids but what I do know is that you posted some of these hilarious tags, or was it all Nev as usual? wes beel @struggle cuddles wes fears late night hugs wes got his arse skelped wes hate russ and liz wes hates trev wes in glee boxset hell wes pain@nightly fistings wes wants trev meatfeast Liz wants divorce
Don't talk ****e. You're now a lying scumbag too. You posted a comment to me yesterday, something along the lines of "your kids are ******ed and it's hereditary so you're to blame". Now you have no idea if I have kids? You're a scumbag, Provan, a manky, lying, hypocritical scumbag.
I think you're being a tad disingenuous here. He was merely making a quip based upon something someone else wrote which you responded to. I don't believe for a second that he was insulting your kids, more making fun of the structure of your comeback. That's how I read it anyway.
I'm not. He's a hypocrite. Some **** wrote "your kids are ******s", Russ quoted that and replied with a < laugh > obviously finding that highly amusing. When I protested, he replied that it's hereditary and my fault that my kids were ******ed. That's an example of a lying hypocritical ****. Like I said, for someone who's allegedly experienced what he has personally, and for him to protest constantly about personal insults, to come out with these comments, the ****'s vile. His predictable "whitabbotery" earlier just about sums him up.
You never insulted my kids? I've already shown you where you've done that so please spare me your pish. As for me being "Spineless", at least I don't hide behind the anonimity of tags and then fly off the handle for some off the cuff remark which is no worse than what you post on a regular basis. You are the ****ebag here, i've said it on every occasion where you have insulted me and my family so pipe down and stop talking about my circumstances of which you have no earthly clue. The ****ing gall of you
You spend your entire day trying to wind him-up, now you're taking the moral high ground about who can and can't slag you off and what they can and can't slag you off about. Spending your time telling folk they get rammed by their dad or laughing about children being abused, but then BEELIN' like a maniac because Dev has wound you right up Great at dishing it out but heaven forbid you get it back. Fanny.
Shut the **** up ya baldy wee ****. I've never insulted your kids, and you know it. It's all fair game now, you can no longer squeal about personal ****, ya ****ing spazzy prick. Game on.
And you think wimmin are bitchy Edge is the queen bitch on here. **** sake I truly hope he's taking the piss