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Idiot of the week.

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by alwaysright, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I do not expect more than one nomination.
    brb likes this.
  2. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I'm probably quicker than most to be critical of the Officials..... and sometimes I probably do not give sufficient consideration for the 'difficulties' that Mr. Magoo has to face - BUT - you'd have thought that the Whistler would know one of the most basic rules of the game.
    The (idiot-of-the-week ) Referee got the yellow card out of his pocket.. Coleman is 'pulled' out of position - to face the ref as he started the disciplinary process -- thus creating a space in the Gills defence - into which Mansfield played the illegal free kick (( taken from several yards ahead of the place of the foul..... The referee got it wrong in so many ways...........

    ...... Having said that - I am not sure that Mansfield wouldn't have got the point that they 'deserved.'... Don't get me wrong - Gills played well - Mansfield played well - it was a good game......shame about the idiot-of-the-week
    The Changing Man and brb like this.
  3. The Changing Man

    The Changing Man Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I thought a draw a fair decent result following a good game of football between 2 sides that both played to win.

    But the nature of their goal clouds the feeling that the draw was the right result, because the only they scored was gift wrapped by the idiot of the week

    And yes there is only 1 nomination this week (though the VAR at Spurs might be in with a shout too!!)
    alwaysright and brb like this.
  4. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    gioblues likes this.
  5. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    The Changing Man - I agree that overall the result was fair - but - the referee was an idiot for not complying with a basic rule - he couldn't blame a blind(er) linesman or VAR (( unlike in the Spurs game )) -- and then allowed the free kick to be taken at least 5 yards from where the foul occurred... Did he wonder when Gills tried to do the same 3 minutes later - and got called a W...ker ?
    brb - sorry mate, I couldn't give you a 'like' for that reminder !
  6. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Terrible decision from the ref but Mansfield did actually take the free kick from the right position. Gills didn't when they took quick free kick later on. The VAR at the Spurs game have already been suspended
    brb likes this.
  7. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    gioblues - without wanting to engage in an (Ehmer-style) debate.... The free kick was taken around 4 yards from the foul 'site'... The pitch is cut in 6 yard section - at ever-so-slightly different heights - which gives the 'striped' effect... The foul was about 2 yards from the edge of one section of the grass . The free kick was taken from the middle of the next 'forward' section. Mansfield 'stole' approximately 5 yards.
    The distance might be academic in the bigger picture - but just compounds the mistakes the referee made....
    I know that goals are said to change games - but - I believe that Mansfield were playing well enough to more than suggest they would get an equaliser ( or more - but for Turner ), with or without help from the referee....

    ..... not sure what Bonne has to do to get a free kick - his marker was literally strangling Bonne all afternoon.
    The Changing Man likes this.
  8. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Its taken me a while to calm down from this incident and I'm still extremely peeved even now. I chose not to post immediately afterwards as I haven't been this wound up by an officiating decision for some time and felt the need to bite my tongue (extremely hard I must say). The referee simply broke the rules in which he is meant to enforce and that has potentially cost us 2 points.

    Were Mansfield the better team second half? Most definitely. Did they score a goal that is legal within the realms of the law? No they didn't. Could we have perhaps seen out another 1-0? Maybe. Was the referee a useless T**t? Undoubtedly.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2023
    alwaysright, brb and The Changing Man like this.
  9. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Pegleg - I've been swearing at everyone I've met since Saturday (( including at myself )) - we share your anger.... I can almost stretch my imagination to accept that VAR gets things wrong - but- if the referee doesn't know a simple, basic rule, he needs to go back to school.......... It's not as if this referee hasn't used his card before this season --he's had enough practise on disciplinary protocols. Looking at his stats, he dishes them out like confetti.
    The Gills PegLeg and brb like this.
  10. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I hope our players learned one thing from Saturday though, don't give the ball back! It's funny in some way, because I remember crediting Bonne for exactly thatin a previous MOM thread for holding onto the ball, so much so the ref went and had a chat in his ear. Yeah I know the new rules, but I'd rather pick up a booking than see what happened against Mansfield.

    I went and found what I'd said in another game, it was against Morecambe, I'll requote it here....


  11. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    What I find frustrating the most is just the lack of consistency we find from referees at this level and it just isn't good enough. These results affect people's lives, the employees of the football clubs, the supporters and the officials themselves will no doubt get lots of abuse hurled at them in various outlets. The PGMOL, the body responsible for the referees has submitted a public apology for the VAR incident in the Liverpool game. Where is our apology? Is it because we play in the fourth tier that we aren't entitled to one? Is it that if they apologise for our incident, its deemed as an admission of guilt and they will find they have to apologise to every other EFL team for their transgressions? I think we as football fans are right to have these answers, we pay such good money to watch our teams play in EFL competitions only for the officials they use to manage and enforce the laws of the game, to be not competent enough to fulfil their roles correctly.

    I honestly hope it doesn't come to it but if we miss out on Automatic Promotion at the end of the season by a point or even the play-offs by a point, pretty much every Gillingham fan will be pointing to this game as the reason why, and frankly, it shouldn't be down to poor officiating that could cost us a chance at going up.
    brb and alwaysright like this.
  12. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    If we don't go up because of 1 or 2 points it won't be because of this game. We have 30 odd games left. How many wrong decisions will we get in those.Will there be a pen given or not. A sending off. I know it feels like it now but we still have most of season left.
    Who knows if Mansfield would of changed system in second half if they needed to score.
    Resurgam and alwaysright like this.
  13. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Just shows if goal was not given. We may of woñ the game and Harris may still be in a job today.
    brb likes this.
  14. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Tbph honest gioblues and this is me being straight up with my thoughts now...I'd always given Neil Harris until the end of the season, with the no lesser achievement than play-offs being the goal...

    However, after Tuesday I did have concerns, that a more ruthless business owner would send NH packing, because all said and done, and as alwaysright often reminds me it's business, so it comes as no surprise that the gaffer has been sent on his way.

    Some credit to the Galinson's to be fair, it takes a very good business head to do what has been done today, and they have my full support.

    Lastly to Neil, I wish you all the best, and thank you for being here in our time of need, I will never forget that.
    alwaysright likes this.
  15. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Surprised as most new owners would have sacked Harris last season when we were rock bottom. He then turned things around and we were still only 4 points from top now. I actually wanted Harris to stay on and see if we could start winning. Starting with Mk Dons on Saturday. I honestly thought he had more time at least to Christmas
    brb likes this.
  16. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Well putting a positive side on him going, we can both cry together, instead of opposite sides of the fence for a change. :emoticon-0150-hands
  17. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Nearly Millen for bringing on 2 defenders and almost losing 2 points
    The Changing Man and alwaysright like this.
  18. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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  19. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Think the ref for Macedonia v England . Appalling decision to give pen against Lewis and not to give one against Maguire
  20. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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