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I don't think Moyes will be our manager next season...

Discussion in 'Everton' started by shogs, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Peej

    Peej Fabio Borini Lover

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Well how have the sides below us and now relegated managed to win something. He hardly turned lescott into a £20m plus player...we were just lucky to have City to bleed dry
  2. Peej

    Peej Fabio Borini Lover

    Feb 25, 2013
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    The graphics perfect to highlight my point about Martinez. Spends on wages half of that Moyes does. And he has accomplished the same in the last three years. Won nothing and stayed in the league.
  3. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    So you'd swap Moyes acheivements at Everton for a Mickey Mouse in the cabinet & relegation?

    The answer to your question is generally a favourable draw btw.
  4. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    They finished 11th under Bruce & now stay up on the final day of the season every year, as opposed to Moyes league finishes that I highlighted to you yesterday...............

    To diminish Moyes contribution to EFC as "win nothing & stay in the league" is unbelievable tbh, you've lost the plot lad.
  5. Peej

    Peej Fabio Borini Lover

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Don't call me lad.

    You just can't admit that its possible for someone to home in and do just as well. No matter how Martinez keeps Wigan in the league....he still manages to.

    Also Bruce was banned by whelan, that cash has now been reduced as he stated he can no longer bankroll the club.
  6. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    Your argument is nonsensical & you avoid having to counter any of the facts thrown at you by responding with yet more nonsensical ****e.

    Come back with something that makes sense & actually counters the point made for once Phil.
  7. Peej

    Peej Fabio Borini Lover

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Just at the car....

    I don't think i need an argument.
  8. shogs

    shogs Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2012
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    no you don't.
  9. Peej

    Peej Fabio Borini Lover

    Feb 25, 2013
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    We were out thought by a manager deemed not good enough and outplayed by a team that is seen as poor. Like Jose at OT, Marine had the perfect job interview today and set his side up to win.....and win comfortably.
  10. shogs

    shogs Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Still not convinced by Martinez, one game doesn't change that.

    I hope we can get Solskjaer who has won two league titles in his first two years in management. That or Bilic, though he's not brilliantly in Russia, However I have no idea how strong his team, Lokomotiv Moscow are.

  11. Justovertheline

    Justovertheline Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2012
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    I don't know what's going on behind the scenes but this not signing a contract ****e has definately had a huge impact on the team I don't care what Moyes or the players says...
  12. shogs

    shogs Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Fatigue, Moyes staggering on new contract, no reinforcements in January.

    Could be any of those three, probably a mixture.
  13. Justovertheline

    Justovertheline Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2012
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    Yeh for sure but for me Moyes has fooked up doing what he has done...Fatigue maybe but we have had a poor 1st half to a season and finished very strong how many times? No reinforcements I agree with It's always nice for a few fresh faces to liven things up..

    But...Moyes not signing and coming out and stating he wouldn't has had the biggest Impact IMO he clearly thinks he Is bigger than the club now he know's the budget constraints so why wait for the summer and create Instability? It's not like Kenwright Is going to Just conjure up 30m or so and say here ya go Davey boy? He know's whats going to happen he will get little to play with end of? If he doesn't like It he should do the decent thing and fook off now IMO he Is rapidly losing respect by doing what he has done<grr>

    We were battering sides creating loads of chances 1st half of the season then he comes out with wait until the summer ****e and we can't even conjure up a shot on goal tidy? Somthing must have changed the way things are run Inside I couldn't believe Fella's reaction today when he gave the ball away just waving his arms about like a spoilt child If he wants to go he can fook off an all lol

    Rant Over...
  14. shogs

    shogs Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Fatigue isn't something with a squad like ours you can avoid and even though Moyes should have used a lot more of his squad, I don't think it's something you can attach blame with anyone.

    Lack of new players is obviously the boards fault. I do feel this has been overlooked as a reason for our recent performances though. No proper fresh faces at all to lift the atmosphere, morale and quality of squad. Look what happened after last January, brought in three players and played like a different team.

    I'm not sure whether he thinks that he is bigger than the club, I just think he has handled the contract saga in the worst possible way. Beginning of the season, he said he would wait until after January suggesting he would see if the board backed him in the window in any way. After lack of backing, he said he's see how we do in the race for fourth and FA Cup which as you say set off instability. Again, you have to attach at least some blame to board. He clearly sent a message to them that if you're going to keep me then you'll have to back me which they failed to deliver. However in February he should have just told the truth instead of trying to protect the board and trying to make sure the media's portayal of him wouldn't end up tarnished.
  15. Stow

    Stow New Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    as far a fatigues concerned you cant just blame the board tho for not backing him, the fact is hes got a squad full of youth players there and if half of them are as good as we are told moyes should be using them, but he doesnt. today is a classic example, never has a game called out more for a young mobile central mid but he goes with captain speedy (who im sure hes gaying off with in the showers post match)

    why not give barkley, lundstrum, duffy velios etc a game. they get 5 minutes at the end of the match if theyre lucky while durge like neville, and jonny h get the full game. moyes hasnt got any balls. its all defensive first

    as far as the finincial aspect goes, i agree its all on the board, i think kenwright has got a little content, in that hes got a manager who can operate a top 6 PL club with bottom 6 of the championship money. so hes stagnated in his elusive search for funds.

    he doesnt have to worry about the media, the media will never portray moyes as anything other as a deity who took everton from the shadows of the relegation dog fight into the light of an overachieving top 6 side. he could walk out tomorra and they'll say hes just ambitious, if he stays till the summer then leaves, we didnt match his ambition so he deserves a better job than everton, if he stays he'll be the loyal soldier.

    someone metioned fellainis reaction before to a mistake, im gonna give him a pass on today. for this reason. nevilles in midfield. we all watch him and get pissed off an frustrated, imagine being on the pitch with him. the thing about when neville plays is theres no fluidity, players who are usually higher up the pitch eg osman, have to drop back to cover and basically do nevilles job for him, which increases the gap between the mid an fellaini making the pass more difficult and increasing the defenders chance to cut out the move by reading the game, early in the season this wasnt happening because we were moving the ball quicker than we are now, we were fluid.

    we were so fluid that when neville did play it didnt have much effect. but you still saw it. the reason im focusing on the man with a face like a foot is because he's moyeseys boy, he keeps pickin him so its his fault when he doesnt perform.

    thats what i say to me bird, you picked me so its your fault when i dont perform.....:)
  16. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    That one game changes **** all in regards to Martinez imo, he's still not the man we should be turning to.

    As for Moyes, ****ing awful team selection & he should have hooked the twat after 30 mins, he wasted 15 mins of the game waiting to save his blushes until HT. He deserved a public hook. If he gives that **** another start in CM between now & the end of the season, he'll get dogs abuse from my seat.

    Either sign now or leave you beaut, if you've decided to move on, then good luck, ta ta. If you're staying then sign. Kenwright MUST bring this to a close this week.
  17. Peej

    Peej Fabio Borini Lover

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Tobe. He switched his side about and had the better of Moyes....

    A side that was put together on a fraction on half the wage budget and still you feel he couldn't perform with better resources??
  18. shogs

    shogs Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2012
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    I've haven't seen a worse side this year defensively than the one that played and got thumped by Liverpool last week, why aren't we judging him from that woeful performance of his team?
  19. Peej

    Peej Fabio Borini Lover

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Because he turned out a performance of defensive quality against a vastly more expensive and better paid side.
  20. Dancingbraveforever

    Dancingbraveforever Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2011
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    Im not having this "Players are fatigued" bollocks!! Its football not a fkn 7 month tour of Afghanistan.

    The team has reached the ceiling of their ability.Do we actually expect to be fighting for 4th place every year with limited funds? How long did we expect DM to stay 100% motivated when he has had fk backing financially for 11 years?

    Even though nobody could have done a better job than DM i still think some new blood is needed at this juncture.

    I do like the idea of Martinez,but as long as it doesnt turn out to be some mercenary like that twat MacLeish id be happy.

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