Dundee agrees Bas. The O's and asscociates only, we have enough of our own cranks, we don't need anymore. Up the O's
I should have realised, the tracky pants gave it away. I used to service the lifts in Basildon Hospital many years ago, is it still a war zone?
I can see the hospital from my back window.War zone? well,since I moved here in 1999 I've had my garage broken into twice,had a full beer bottle come through my bedroom window and land on my bed (I wasn't in it,but most other times I would have been),sister- in law mugged,nephew mugged,two scooters nicked,car nicked View attachment 1088 (I've got it back now,but damaged)and next door's an hammer fan,other than that,it's al-right.By the way I put USA on there just to get a response.I'm hoping now (within the next year) to buy a narrowboat,then I can moor up on the Lea and walk to the O's. You can go to bed now!