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Hull themed quiz.

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Tickton Tiger., Mar 12, 2020.

  1. The B&S Fanclub

    The B&S Fanclub Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Last four from me. Good luck.

    1. What is the name of the Hull man who walked across the Humber for the Top-Gear challenge?
    2. Who did Mick Ronson work for before he linked up with David Bowie?
    3. Who were Hull City playing at BP on the day of the Hull FC v HKR challenge cup final?
    4. Name the boat made in Hull famous for Fletcher Christian

    1. Graham Boanas
    2. Hull City Council
    3. Southend Utd.
    4. The Bounty.
    Tickton Tiger. likes this.
  2. balkan tiger

    balkan tiger Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
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    Which car manufacturer sponsored the speedway team in Hull?

  3. Tickton Tiger.

    Tickton Tiger. Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2012
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    Your correct, I answered Tivoli without really reading the question. I've watched films in Criterian. The Guns of Navorone was one I remember seeing there and possibly Ben Hur.
    The two Lions that were on the plinths outside are situated in a memorial garden in Hornsea.
  4. Ernie Shackleton

    Ernie Shackleton Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    A Hull themed quiz, eh?

    Ok. Here goes.

    What do you call the husk, shell, or outer covering of a seed or fruit?

    What is the name for the main body of a ship or other vessel, including the bottom, sides, and deck but not the masts, superstructure, rigging, engines, and other fittings?

    Which famous Alan was a founding member of the group Lindisfarne?

    What's the surname of the bloke who stuck his hand up Emu's arse?

    Keep it simple. That's my approach to setting quiz questions.
  5. City Man

    City Man Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    On cold nghts you can eat fish and chips in em.

    In extremis, they can also serve as make do urinals.
    The B&S Fanclub likes this.
  6. Ron Burguvdy

    Ron Burguvdy Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2011
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    1. Skin
    2. Shell
    3. Sfarne (husband of Lindi)
    4. Michael Jackson
  7. askewshair

    askewshair Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    On 3rd January 1642, the Mayor of Hull prevented the King of England entering Hull. This led to the start of the English Civil war? What were the names of the Mayor and the King, and why did he want to enter?

    Lord John Hotham, Charles I, he wanted to access weapons stored there.

    Approximately how many Hull trawlermen were believed to be lost at sea?

    6,000... Needs to be multi choice.

    Name two of the three trawlers lost in the triple tragedy in Jan/Feb 1968, seeing 58 brave souls lose their lives

    St Romanus,, Kingston Peridot, Ross Cleveland
  8. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    1. Playing the 'all American girl' With a strong Hull accent in her early movies, who was once 'the richest woman in Hollywood'?

    2. After joining the Navy at 11 years old, which Hull man has several ships, towns and rivers named after him in North America due to his work surveying and charting the Great Lakes?

    3. What was John Fancy's claim to fame?

    4. Which famous Hull resident had to resign as Mayor when he was declared bankrupt due to failed attempts at gun running to US confederate soldiers?

    5. What's Hull's Patricia Bredin's claim(s) to fame?

    1. Dorothy Mackaill - her early movies were silent.
    2. Admiral Henry Bayfield.
    3. He was Britain's most prolific POW tunneler and the Germans gave him the nickname of 'The Mole'. John was involved in building 'Tom' made famous in The Great Escape.
    4. Zachariah Pearson.
    5. She was the first UK entrant in the Eurovision song contest. It was the first entrant sung in English and it is said to still be the shortest song entered at only 1 minute and 52 seconds long.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2020
    Is Vic there? and Tickton Tiger. like this.
  9. TwoWrights

    TwoWrights Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    If the quiz is held in Ebenezer's:

    Question 1, Who the **** are you looking at?!

    The views expressed in my posts are not necessarily mine.
    Tickton Tiger. and tigers1970 like this.
  10. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    1. Can you name the Hull man that invented the machine for bowling cricket balls. When the Australian Cricket team visited Cambridge University in 1909 his machine bowled their top batsman, four times?

    2. Can you name the Hull man that was voted the 3rd Greatest Modern Mathematician after Sir Issac Newton and Leonhard Euler the Swiss Mathematician?

    1 and 2. John Venn.
    askewshair and Tickton Tiger. like this.

  11. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Which series of films directed by Hull man Gerald Thomas, started with a rewrite of a straight drama script call 'Bull Boys' about a concert ballet dancer whose boyfriend was called up on the day they were to be married?

    The Carry On Films.
    Tickton Tiger. likes this.

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