I don't think it was on Holderness Road, think it was Hessle Road. Had a big statue of a butcher outside.
I think people might be confusing Don Dixon of Holderness Road with Ted Key. However I'm a long term Alan Jones of Preston loyalist so can't claim to know the ins and outs of east hull meat men.
Yeah, that's the one. From memory he parked his car (KEY private plate) down Village Road. Not sure if they also had a branch near the old Nags Head pub, near Craven Street bridge. The views expressed in my posts are not necessarily mine.
You might be right Jim, it’s near the top of Holland street. I just remeber the statute of the butcher outside. Maybe ted key had the same one
As Steve Bruce once said ‘you’re only as good as your strikers’. Our defence and midfield have taken plenty of stick due to the fact that we’ve never pushed the boat out for the right quality of striker, doing that would highly likely have seen us finish top six last season. So, as much good as he’s done, this is down to Acun never coming up with the promised striker(s), and now we find ourselves in a position whereby it would/will be harder than ever to bring in the required quality.
I always find that quote from Bruce funny considering the quality of striker we had when we got promoted first time around
Would that make you a notorious criminal comic hero twice over ? You should be extradited down under with the rest.