Those two cloth-capped guys that used to walk all round the pitch perimeter with a board telling everyone when the 'Golden goal, sponsored by Croydon's the jewelers' was scored - why should they get off scot-free??
Some pretty damning words from Paddy today and tomorrow's team selection is going to be interesting - "Brentford offered brief respite but neither Aston Villa or Huddersfield are likely to be quite so compliant in conceding space and time for City’s talented ball-players to weave their pretty patterns. Both will now be battles of mind and body, fraught, tense affairs in front of a public who increasingly thirst for change and a board who have backed the present incumbent. That inherent contradiction runs like a faultline underneath these next two Championship tussles. Defeat at Barnsley hurt because Neil’s selection policy exposed the residual weakness in this Norwich squad. We have seen it at Birmingham. We have seen it at Brighton. Now we have witnessed it in graphic fashion for 45 minutes of carnage at Barnsley. Neil knows that as much as those who berated him at the final whistle. He remains the only one who can do something about it. His side, however, is continually being called to answer the same charge. That is why there is such growing disenchantment." Full article here -
Some excerpts from paddy's article today - "Lose the arrogance and we can get Norwich City’s Championship season back on track, is Alex Neil’s plea to his men. City have won one of the last eight league games ahead of Tuesday’s latest test against Aston Villa at Carrow Road, and Neil is clear where the major problem lies. “I think there is an arrogance about us and we go out on the pitch just thinking we have to turn up,” he said. “We beat Brentford 5-0 and maybe we thought we just need to roll onto the next game. Any level of football is never as simple as that. You have 11 guys in the opposition who are hungry and whether we like it or not teams look at the likes of us, Aston Villa and Newcastle coming down from the Premier League and we will be scalps at this level. If anything, you have to raise your game rather than stroll about thinking you are going to turn the opposition over. That has been our undoing, in my opinion, if I am being honest.“It is a fine line. The one thing you want to do is give your players confidence and maybe arrogance is a strong word. Maybe over-confidence is a better word. The one thing that got us promoted before at this level was we played some good football but we had to work ever so hard. We worked our socks off in every game until the end." Full article here - IMO, AN himself suffers from arrogance/stubbornness in some of his team selections, so maybe he should put 'his own house in order' before criticising his players!!! Edit - I see some comments very similar to mine re AN himself on the EDP website!!!!
There is a similar discussion of this on the General thread and I agree that this issue is at the heart of our present problem. This is what I said over there: These things are always subject to interpretation, but I do think that the players' arrogance, or 'over-confidence' as it is expressed later is a central problem in our present situation. We have one of the most skilfull squads in this league and the players too often feel that is enough to win games. It isn't. When we beat ManUtd at Old Trafford it wasn't because we were better than they were, but because we hung on and took the chances that came to us. They thought they just had to turn up to blow us away. It wasn't like that. Even with our poor first half against Barnsley, we were the better team in terms of possession and shots on target, but they battled and scrapped to hold on to their lead and win the game like we did against ManUtd. In both cases the wins were deserved. It isn't enough just to be more skilfull - you need to want it more and battle and scrap to get the win. That is what we need back now starting with Villa tonight. As for the line-up, AN went with what many on here were calling for 'We don't need a DM as it's only Barnsley'. Perhaps 'arrogance' is contagious.
Well, considering the last time we played them was in 2004, I'm not sure he was even at the club then? Poor old sod, still getting the blame 2003/2004 Sat 10 Jan Norwich City 0 - 1 Bradford City
I think I had a hunch what you meant, but being a pedantic statto, delved into the annals of history for you. We want Tetts, we want Tetts....