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Off Topic Heath and Wellbeing

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by TheCasual, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. Amin Yapusi

    Amin Yapusi Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I dropped about 25% of my body weight a couple of years ago. I had to calorie count at first because I just had no idea what a reasonable portion size of anything was, I was usually eating double portions of things. Stopped counting once I had a grasp on decent volumes, but do still take care to weigh things out where necessary. Strict about having 2x 5 a day with every evening meal, that made meal choices a lot easier, because I couldn’t just have a 15” pizza and call it a job well done. Also limited myself to 3 main meals with no snacking.

    I felt hungry for the first week or two but soon got used to it. Allowed myself one day a week where I could pig out on anything and everything as much as I wanted, I think that concession made it possible. Otherwise like anything once you break it it’s broken.

    That saw me go from 85kg to 64kg between September to May.

    I now eat whatever the **** I want but just have much better eating habits and portion sizes that I’m used to now and have settled at around 70kg with a little bit of a dad bod covering my otherwise massive 6 pack.

    I think the most important thing is finding something that works for you that you can stick to and that doesn’t feel like a punishment, like most these potato to powerhouse in 6 months fad diets tend to be.
  2. highpeak tiger

    highpeak tiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Very much this!
  3. TheCasual

    TheCasual Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    I've lost 16lbs since September. I basically have cut snacking. I was terrible between coming in from work at 3:15pm and tea time.
    Jim the Tiger likes this.
  4. Jimmy Graham's bald head

    Jimmy Graham's bald head Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Interested to know if there are any other runners on here? I run marathons and ultramarathons but despite this have still put on weight in the last 12 months as I use the running as an excuse to eat and drink too much - currently trying to diet and get my weight back down as well as introduce strength and stretching exercises for better all round fitness. Am in my mid 40s and very conscious about trying to stay healthy and set a role model for my kids as I get older.
    Kempton likes this.
  5. rovertiger

    rovertiger Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Is anyone on the MyHealth app for anything? I was put on it yesterday at the pulmonary clinic, it's hell of an app, all sorts on it to do with your health which information you upload to it.
  6. bradymk2

    bradymk2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2020
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  7. Cityzen

    Cityzen Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2022
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  8. TwoWrights

    TwoWrights Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Your posts are often taken badly in Hull, I expect tomorrow will see little difference. :emoticon-0100-smile

    The views expressed in my posts are not necessarily mine.
    Sumatran_Tiger likes this.
  9. Cityzen

    Cityzen Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2022
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    I would be better off in Hull, actually. If at home it is a 20 mile trip before the wait in A & E.
  10. TwoWrights

    TwoWrights Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    I'm sure Cross Lane Hospital in Scarborough would find you a bed. :emoticon-0111-blush

    The views expressed in my posts are not necessarily mine.

  11. Cityzen

    Cityzen Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2022
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    Cheeky twat! Though my better half would no doubt agree that is a suitable place.<laugh>
    TwoWrights likes this.
  12. Heimdallr

    Heimdallr Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2019
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    It's understandable - mid-30s is when a man starts losing muscle mass, without maintenance, and recovery time increases.

    I'm 10+ years older than you - I do a physical job offshore once again after my 'retirement' business failed during COVID, and fortunately don't have major health issues, so my strength and resting fitness are ok. Because of my physiognomy, long distance running and cycling aren't for me, but I use a Concept2 at home, weights and interval train around the track in summer. Where I work can be divided into two camps - those jonesing during forced abstination of drugs and/or drink and fitness freaks (all ages and both sexes) measuring VO2 levels and personal bests... Two different addictions.

    I stopped drinking alcohol a few years ago, not so much for health reasons, but because I bought a Garmin Fenix and realised how badly alcohol affected my sleep and recovery time - irritability that I assumed was age/thinking about life was just missing 2+ hours of sleep. 2 or more drinks halved my deep sleep time. My daughters and wife don't drink, so it wasn't that difficult. No regrets but if I had my teens and twenties again, I would massively scale back the alcohol - the nights out weren't better than the full productivity and general well-being, but it's easy to say in the time of online communication.

    My vice is nicotine, I snus and smoke cigars occasionally, but haven't noticed a huge health difference via the Garmin app. I'll get back to you in 20 years on that though.
    Gone For A Walk likes this.
  13. Jim the Tiger

    Jim the Tiger Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2022
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    I actually read a thread on twitter by a guy who had researched the effect of porn on people and how cutting it out of your life was a huge health benefit. Apparently it is killing our energy levels, focus and drive.

    One of the things it does is raise expectations of your actual sexual encounters which ultimately, unless you're as good as me, leaves the shagger disappointed and feeling inadequate or worthless. It makes a lot of sense and the rise in the accessability of porn is leading to mental health issues like never seen before.

    I'm not capable of adding a tweet into a post like some of you technical wizards but his handle is @KingDavidQPS and he posted the thread on Jan 17th if any of you would like to....erm....consider your habits.
  14. Jim the Tiger

    Jim the Tiger Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2022
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    I've only just seen this thread, I'm currently going through a stage of trying to improve my health after years of treating my body like an amusement park and being stressed to the max with jobs I ultimately hated. Years ago I had serious mental health issues that almost cost me my life, it is only when you go that far down you realise how easy it can be to stay near the top if you manage your lifestyle better.

    I'm walking every day possible, leave my office, down the docks to Lord Line, back down hessle road. Nothing special but it helps me get 10k steps every day. I also cycle sometimes in fair weather, Hedon and Back is about 16 miles a day. Clears my head, makes me feel better and is hopefully helping me trim that gut. I'm coaching again but this time in Football and that is fantastic for both head and body. There are clubs all over Hull desperate for coaches. Get yourself down to the local club and see if they need any help, it is so rewarding mentally to see kids playing football because of you giving them some time and help.

    Social media is a toxic cesspitt. My advice is to engage only with people you respect or enjoy following and just block anything you dont. I block on sight anything that winds me up, upsets me or is against what I believe. Helps to keep it a more pleasent place to keep up with things and share pics for relatives and friends living away from us. Less social media gives you much more time. If the kids are awake I put my phone on the side and rarely touch it. If anyone followed me on twitter they would see I post pretty much at 11pm at night which is when I have a flick through before going to sleep. In the past I would spend hours a day reading crap I didnt need to and taking precious minutes away from playing with the kids, working or even just relaxing.

    They way things are going we all need to look after ourselves and each other. Hats off to those of you that are trying to make a difference to your mental and physical health in a world that is driven towards making us fat and sick.

    If anyone wants some bits to help you get active give me a shout on DM with your name and address. Happy to send any of you some training socks, hat, gloves etc from my company and if you're struggling financially dont be embarrassed to say I will send you a hoodie and sweat pants to help you get started. Walking for half an hour a day will change your life.
  15. TheCasual

    TheCasual Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    I've been listening to a Podcast call The Huberman Lab.

    It's presented by Andrew Huberman who is professor of neurobiology at Stanford School of Medicine.

    He has episodes on everything from cold exposure to mastering your sleep.

    I've implemented some of his protocols which included cold showers, drinking Yerba Mate tea and mediation.
    dennisboothstash likes this.
  16. Cityzen

    Cityzen Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2022
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    Mediation will be handy if you want a job with ACAS.
    Plum likes this.
  17. Heimdallr

    Heimdallr Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2019
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    Find what works and is sustainable for you and stick with it. N=1, we're all different and have varying needs and requirements. Just maintaining some form of control and discipline will help you mentally.

    If it makes it any better, accept that you'll never be perfect and learn to live with it. I do sprint training sessions for team sport, which I started 15 years ago to spend quality time with my daughters as worked away half the month, and two weeks ago, an old friend came over to visit - he sprinted for Crystal Palace athletics in the 1990s and represented St Kitts on a semi pro contract level for a few seasons. He's mid-50s, had a hip replacement, not trained for 20 years, smokes, drinks rum and beer most days, lives on fried chicken and is pre diabetic... After much cajoling, he agreed to race 200m against a group of under-20s national handball players... He finished 30m ahead of the second place, albeit couldn't speak for half an hour after .. you, me and 99.999% of the world population will never get anywhere near elite standard due to genetics, no matter how many hours we train, what we eat or do. Life's unfair, just have to accept.
  18. TwoWrights

    TwoWrights Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Cold showers and whatever the frig that tea is will ensure you live sixty years longer. Well, I won't actually be sixty years, but it'll feel that long. :emoticon-0100-smile

    The views expressed in my posts are not necessarily mine.
  19. Cityzen

    Cityzen Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2022
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    I know a masochist who enjoys cold showers in a morning. He has a hot one.
    dennisboothstash and TwoWrights like this.
  20. rovertiger

    rovertiger Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    How old is she? How hot is she? Don't give us half the story.

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