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Good to see some sensible posts......

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by 1iking, Aug 21, 2011.

  1. 1iking

    1iking Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    .....starting to filter through from our supporters after some of the ****e thats been posted. There was more sense coming from posts from Newcastle supporters than from some of our so called supporters.

    Two games into the season, two FFS and people are calling for the managers head. Prior to the Newcastle game up until our bad patch in the last half of the last season I can't recall any serious posts calling for his head. If we had been beaten off say Stoke or Wigan on Saturday would there be as much as an uproar, I don't think so. If Bruce wasn't a Geordie but a Scot or a Foreigner would there been as much of an uproar, again I don't think so. Some people need to forget there hatred of all things to do with Newcastle and let it not cloud their judgement.

    Bruce has led us to finishes of 13th and 10th. Alex Ferguson in his first four years at Manchester United led them to 11th, 2nd, 11th and 13th. During that time they went on a few winless runs and guess what they were beaten by their fierce rivals Man City 5-1 during that time as well. Good job their board stuck with their man.

    I have been watching Sunderland since 1972, all the highs and lows. But lately I have seen some excellent football not seen since Reidy's days and some not so good granted. Last season during one game we had 5 internationals on the subs bench (I'm cheating a little one of them was Bolo) I have seen us take points off all the big teams, finish above Newcastle for the last 3 years and actually seen us stay in the top flight longer than a couple of years, something I've never before witnessed. Lets not forget all these highs for the sake of one low on Saturday

    Some people have been creaming themselves over our signings, who attracted them. Yes we still require certain areas to be strengthened and I believe Bruce has tried to address this but has so far been unsuccessful, nobody can honestly say who we have or have not tried to sign, only Bruce and Quinn know the answer to that. There's still time yet to get someone in.

    I am not in the keep Bruce or sack him camp but I am a realist. I don't sometimes agree with his team selection or tactics. I honestly thought he would have played a more attack minded midfield against Newcastle but if he had and they still lost, people would be saying why didn't he stick with the team who played so well during the second half against Liverpool. Sometimes managers are on a hiding to nothing especially geordie ones !

    People have been calling for Martin oNeil, what's he won, apart from with Celtic (I regard scottish football as playing the game premiership manager). He's won a couple of League cups with Leicester, finished 6th with Villa a few times. Another one branded about is David Moyles, great achievements on a shoestring budget but would he fair any better than Bruce given money to spend, no one can tell. I remember being excited about what I thought at the time were great appointments. Howard Wilkinson, having won the title with Leeds (the last English manager to do so) and an ex England caretaker manager. When we made Lawrie McMenemy the highest paid manager at the time, supposibly the next big thing, touted as a future England boss, do I have to say what watching Sunderland was like under those two. Sometimes these things don't work out

    All I'm trying to say, lets not have any knee jerk reactions. Remember how far we've come in the last few years. Sometimes it's better the devil you know. Give Bruce a little more time, a lot longer than two games and if things haven't improved then we sack the fat geordie bastard and get someone else in to have a go. We need to keep the faith and get behind the team and not start booing and throwing our season tickets on the pitch, not just yet anyway
  2. Disco

    Disco Guest

    Well said pal, completely agree but I fear this post might get jumped upon by some of our more vocal and frankly obnoxious posters. You could well be slated for having an unjustifiable love affair with Bruce.
  3. Poyet's Eleven

    Poyet's Eleven Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Good post mate <ok> Bruce knows he has to win the fans back and its up to him now. Hopefully he will have learnt some lessons from the game, and we can push on. If we are in the bottom 7 come Christmas he should go imo, he's had a lot of time. Not now though, we could be 5th come christmas for all we know.
  4. MackemsRule

    MackemsRule Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I do apologise, as your knowledge of football clearly outweighs my own 50 years of following Sunderland. <ok>
    So the ONLY sensible posts are the ones you agree with?
    And all the rest are ****E!

    Disco I haven't been obnoxious to anyone else on here, where as you yourself have been jumping onto anyone who isn't agreeing with your view. That is like saying everything you write is correct and those who disagree are wrong.

    Sorry lads this is a forum, there's guaranteed to be differences of opinion.
    No way would I claim everything I say is right ever!
    But I will stand by my opinions without abusing fellow supporters! <ok>
  5. Disco

    Disco Guest

    MR I wasn't referring to you. You talk sense and can compromise at times. Thanks for that though.
  6. Poyet's Eleven

    Poyet's Eleven Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Everyone can express their views and as long as they're genuine, no one can be-little it. <ok>
  7. ...And Out Come the Wolve

    Aug 1, 2011
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    I agree in principle, however he can only win the fans back a finite amount of times and how many times has he had to do so already. And lessons learnt, again hasn't been there done that. Apparently not.

    Confidence in him is slipping.
  8. Poyet's Eleven

    Poyet's Eleven Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Same. It's slowly building up, with his mistakes. But I am open to Bruce winning me back and he hasn't completely lost me.
  9. MackemsRule

    MackemsRule Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The thing is I feel like I have been saying that for years now.
  10. Poyet's Eleven

    Poyet's Eleven Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    For me its his last shot

  11. CyprusMackem

    CyprusMackem Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Come on Mr Bruce. Your not trying son.
  12. Poyet's Eleven

    Poyet's Eleven Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Good improvement but with the money spent that's a minimum. Both his seasons promised so much more and it is worrying that we twice have failed mid-season.

    Not calling for his head mind.
  13. MackemsRule

    MackemsRule Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Repeating that over again isn't an argument mate, IMHO we were lucky to stay 10th after another dreadful collapse.
    Oh and managing to beat the worst team in the league.
    We pipped WBA on goal difference.
    Newcastle, Stoke, and Bolton were only one single point behind us and all 3 had better goal difference.
  14. MrRAWhite

    MrRAWhite Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I actually find it strange that so many seem to be against Bruce despite the fact that we have improved our placings year on year while he has been here...Two possible reasons are our terrible showings in the derby games, which I can just about see how it could upset people, or his Tyneside routes, which I quite frankly find ridiculous.
  15. Poyet's Eleven

    Poyet's Eleven Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Improvement on league positions with the money he had to spend was the bare minimun, wouldn't you agree, and tbh we could and should have finished higher.
  16. MrRAWhite

    MrRAWhite Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Agree: but I can't remember Roy Keane getting hammered like this so early in the season and he spent a lot more than Bruce...
  17. CyprusMackem

    CyprusMackem Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It's not an argument at all. It is actually a fact.
    You can speculate how we were lucky this and dreadful collapse that all you like.
    After all the teams in the league played each other twice. I believe we have finished.....16th.....13th.....10th.....
    Improvement! No?
  18. Poyet's Eleven

    Poyet's Eleven Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Yeah, shows how far we've come, eh?
  19. Billy Death

    Billy Death Guest

    fROM the POOL last week,

    222"steve bruce he's got a big fat head, he's got a big fat head; hes got a big fat Head.

    ahhahsa, funny as ****.

    ****ing piissed off me like.

    1st our lass ****s offf them fat heed ****s up another darby.

    UUTTer ****e, ****in bell end.
  20. MackemsRule

    MackemsRule Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Thing is MrR his roots and the derbies aren't my reasons.
    My reasons are I don't think he is a good manager.
    The win at Chelsea last year was brilliant.
    It had nothing to do with Bruce's tactics it was individuals going out and giving their all.
    Some of our other wins were lucky and again not down to any brilliance on Bruce's part.
    It is the losses that clearly show his lack of managerial skill.

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