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Golf is ****

Discussion in 'Golf' started by The Cunnilungus Connoisseur, Jun 18, 2012.


Why is WeebleBhrit beeling today?

  1. Ireland are ****e

  2. Medro Ghaped him

  3. BH Ghaped him

  4. Medro and BH Ghaped him

  5. No one takes him seriously

  6. He takes Not606 too seriously

  7. He needs a serious ghpaing

  8. He's a liberal Protestant

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  1. The Cunnilungus Connoisseur

    The Cunnilungus Connoisseur Official POTY 2011, 2014, 2015, 2018 & 2023

    Jun 8, 2011
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