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Off Topic Global temperatures are rising - are you worried?

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Shameless, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. Shameless

    Shameless Well hung member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Whether you're a Greta Thunberg fan or not, this is not an issue that will go away. In fact, the opposite is more likely given the warnings that we have.

    I know that there are climate change doubters everywhere, but the argument or belief that we're in the **** is where I personally hang my hat. What have I done about it?
    - tried to reduce my urge to buy more new stuff
    - more vigilant with recycling
    - reduced meat intake and have been pescatarian and vegetarian in response (still meat conscious)
    - converted to a more fuel efficient heating system in my home and improved the loft insulation
    - talked about it and confronted climate change doubters when the opportunity arises (though that isn't the intention here)
    - bought 2 cars on the basis of fuel economy ...and other things
    - planted food in my garden
    ...that's about it I think?

    Should I be doing more, should we be actively persuading our government to do more, as a nation should we be getting behind measures needed to transition towards a Green Economy?

    I'm left with the feeling that while people get it, or at least many of those of power or influence (excepting the likes of Trump and Bolsonaro), like me ...we're probably not doing enough
  2. Chunksafc

    Chunksafc Guest

    I would happily change my car to an electric car, but the price of them prohibits it.

    I am working from home 3 or 4 days out of 5 now which is reducing my car use.

    We recycle as much as our local authority will take.

    Our house was built in 2019, so it's super insulated and as energy efficient as I can get without installing solar panels or a ground source heat pump

    We have a small veg patch in the garden (it's not big enough for a full on allotment type thing)

    I'm not really sure what more I can do in my day to day life to prevent climate change.
  3. Shameless

    Shameless Well hung member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    "I'm not really sure what more I can do in my day to day life to prevent climate change."
    And boom! There's part of the problem right there

    I think there's a silent majority who want to do more and would be placated if their govt was doing a helluva lot more, in the case of the majority of Western nations. In my case I/we were trying to get people involved in the Transition Movement (tansitionnetwork.org) and we had decent momentum too, then, even before the lockdown people were reluctant to meet up and its currently dead in the water.
  4. Evil Jimmy Krankie

    Evil Jimmy Krankie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    It’s only recently that I’ve began to think about what I can do. I live in a hot country with lots of sunshine, so I have 16 solar panels on my roof, but apparently that causes its own problems with the energy companies.
    I do simple things like making sure I turn off my phone charger when it’s not connected. Me and Mrs EJK always put the washing machine/dishwasher/tumble dryer on during the day to use the solar energy.
    We’ve changed all our lights to LED to reduce energy consumption.
    Where we let ourselves down is with our cars but as Australia is such a big country the infrastructure isn’t there yet for electric cars. It’s also a very expensive country to live in in lots of ways and a major purchase like a car isn’t on the agenda for us.
    I’d love to do more because I know that we are royally ****ing the planet right up the arse and I want to make sure that my son, who is 19, has a world worth living in.
  5. Shameless

    Shameless Well hung member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I spent a long period in my life swearing that I would not bring another Western consumer into the world, then fell in love with someone who wanted a family.
  6. Sandy Camel

    Sandy Camel Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Yes, very much so. And I think it's going to get a whole lot worse as well.
  7. E.T. Fairfax

    E.T. Fairfax Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Until China, USA etc stop pumping their industrial farts into the atmos, there is very little that anybody can do
    clockstander and robinoz like this.
  8. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I think you're being manipulated by the media sensationalism of the situation tbh ...

    .... Its greatly exaggerated imo.
    robinoz, spirit of 73 and Shameless like this.
  9. spirit of 73

    spirit of 73 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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  10. Shameless

    Shameless Well hung member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: If you're serious, fair enough and I suspect you're not the only one

    Would love to know why ....

  11. spirit of 73

    spirit of 73 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    not going to debate, just a simple the earth has a temperature cycle, from the medieval warming where it was about one degree warmer than now to the cooling around the turn of the 19th century where the Thames froze over and if idiots think they can affect global temperatures then I want what ever they are taking.
    Just another thought the carbon levels in the atmosphere is about o.o4% what is generally classed as a trace gas and i believe the government has jumped on this as a tax revenue only. By the way half the carbon in the atmosphere is from every breathing mammal on the planet, so if we hold our breath we cure global warming overnight :1980_boogie_down:
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  12. Shameless

    Shameless Well hung member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I won't argue with you

    Temperatures have been rising steadily since 1970 now threatening 'triggers' such as the Polar ice disappearing and methane in the Tundra released from permafrost. Things could get irreparably worse and when we come out of this corona-thing and economies get back up to speed we head back to disaster

    I will not dismiss your Climate Cycle Theory, but things are getting hotter, will likely continue to get hotter still.

    Not worried?
    spirit of 73 likes this.
  13. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    tectonic plate movement, there was a time when both poles were tropical rainforest which can be proven with the ice core samples. Scotland was attached to Canada and England had a mile high ice sheet covering it, you could walk from Europe to England along the dogger bank, world is always changing, but hey ho if you want to cut emissions by 50% just stop buying Chinese goods
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
    spirit of 73 likes this.
  14. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    " if you want to cut emissions by 50% just stop buying Chinese goods."

    I wonder how many climate change campaigners use laptops to get the word out ...

    ... 90% of which are made in China.

    And most have a built in virus!
    robinoz and spirit of 73 like this.
  15. cumbrianmackem

    cumbrianmackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Don't know if this is in the same theme but when we were in lock down petrol dropped below £1. Per litre.
    Was this because there was less traffic on the roads hence less profit in what they sold, but since lock down has been eased petrol has gone up 3pence per litre in just over a week, just in time for us all using our cars more.
    Have I got the wrong end of the stick here?
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  16. Chunksafc

    Chunksafc Guest

    Sorry but the problem is not that I can't do much more, it's that governments all over the world can't or don't want to do more.

    It will take far more than a few climate change groups to change the mindset. As we keep seeing, money is king
    clockstander likes this.
  17. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    It's why I haven't had kids. This is possibly going to hit the point of no turning back in their lifetime, certainly their kid's life time. Humanity has no future imo
  18. The Exile II

    The Exile II Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2020
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    Unfortunately I think it'll take one of the flagship Western cities - London, Washington, New York, Paris, Berlin etc - to be underwater before there's a serious commitment to do anything.

    There are technological solutions that need money to be fully realised that don't get money currently. If the world was fully united and committed in sorting this we could do it within a couple of decades imho.
    Sandy Camel and BigPete like this.
  19. Sunderpitt

    Sunderpitt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Whist, sun spots, earth orbit wobbles, varying gulf stream winds etc all have impacts on the temperature... atm even taking account of all other factors the correlation between global warming over the past decades and human activities.... does seem a prima facie case that we are fcuking the planet up.

    What can individuals do? From what I have read, do not fly and go vegan!

    Personally ( we atm have 3 cars, my wife, my son and myself) so it is likely the next one will be electric (hydrogen fuel cell?). We have solar panels (S facing roof) they are proving a good investment.

    What should the govt do...well nuclear power for me with the latest engineering s/b okay.... fracking?

    I am 67...with a few health problems, so will probably peg it soon, but I would like to do my bit for the g'kids cos I I reckon it is a major problem, covid 19 has been awful...global warming could be much much worse..
  20. BigPete

    BigPete Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2019
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    Your doing all that then got a China and India dumping **** loads of pollution into the air.

    Talk about pissing in the wind..
    Makemstine Roger likes this.

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