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Off Topic General Election

Discussion in 'Newcastle United' started by Darren Peacock’s Ponytail, May 22, 2024.

  1. Charlie Dogscock

    Charlie Dogscock Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    Apologies, I'm unfamiliar with the lifestyle of a "mongrel".
  2. Nig

    Nig Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Ask ya Ma :emoticon-0148-yes:
  3. Charlie Dogscock

    Charlie Dogscock Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    Yo Nig, just saw your favourite record online:

  4. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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    it beats them slapping against his sisters butthole I suppose…
    FadgewackeR likes this.
  5. Nig

    Nig Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    I imagine you get a lot of that sort of thing with your search history :emoticon-0148-yes:
  6. Nig

    Nig Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Quite funny for you Bert :emoticon-0148-yes:

    Do you stick yours in ya Mam's mouth when your up ya Dar ?:emoticon-0172-mooni
  7. Mowgli311080

    Mowgli311080 Active Member

    Oct 20, 2016
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    Student accommodation ain't free, it's a rip off and they can't claim benefits. So most work outside of study and contribute BILLIONS to the economy. Congrats, you're the second coming of Liz Truss and have crashed the economy.
  8. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    tbh G4rds post read like the ramblings of a right wing maniac.

    I just ignored it
  9. Darren Peacock’s Ponytail

    Darren Peacock’s Ponytail Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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  10. Hung Drawn and Quartered

    Hung Drawn and Quartered Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    But they don't pay effing rates and litter the place with their rubbish so the likes of me have to pay for their ****

  11. Magdad

    Magdad cult leader

    Jan 11, 2021
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    Don't forget their illegal car parking......and then there's a few that decide refereeing is a good idea too. <whistle>
    FadgewackeR likes this.
  12. G4rdToonArmy

    G4rdToonArmy Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Your talking about students on a student visa, I'm talking about immigration applicant's coming over being provided education. A student would pay for accommodation, their course etc. while studying but most migrants wouldn't have the ability to do so. Unless they have sufficient funds in the bank to cover their costs and a way to live without cost to the taxpayer, I wouldn't take migrants who need re-educating at the tax payers cost.

    All for students coming over, my Mrs is a foreign nurse and while she does my nut sometimes I don't want her deported <laugh> she was already qualified when she came over though.

    Which bits??? Re-Nationalisiation of utilities? Legalisation of drugs? Hugely increased funding for the NHS?

    Not sure you should be allowed to vote if that's what you consider a RW maniac.
  13. Mowgli311080

    Mowgli311080 Active Member

    Oct 20, 2016
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    That's the same with home students too and international are less likely to hit the bigg market on a weekend and end up in A&E getting thier stomachs pumped lol
  14. Hung Drawn and Quartered

    Hung Drawn and Quartered Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Bastards.............. the lot of them
    Magdad likes this.
  15. Mowgli311080

    Mowgli311080 Active Member

    Oct 20, 2016
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    Ah, yeah there HAS to be levels for everything. My daughters school is ok, but down south class sizes must be insane and then add in the need for specialist translators etc. The education system is already falling behind other countries, and actually falling down with some of them building built with RAAC.
  16. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Your opinions on people on benefits are ridiculous, out of touch and offensive to anyone who requires state help. Then your migration idea is just not working, it's what we already try to have and it does not work.

    Every single nation on earth, wants only the best and brightest to migrate, that just isn't possible. You need people in to do menial jobs that the aging population can no longer do, the middle class refuse to do and the kids think are beneath them.

    Hopping instantly towards "you shouldnt be allowed to vote" is not the best look right after being called a right wing nut either.

    I can tell you, there are major issues facing the UK and people on state support are not a big one. The people raping this country on a daily basis out of billions of pounds are slightly up on the totem pole.

    Your point about education if they come from European countries they usually get a grant from their country (Norway for example) allowing them to study abroad or they as you pointed out, have the means to support themselves anyway, or vitally important to the economy they work.

    "I think a lot of the benefit mums would only be able to do work with kids - they generally aren't the smartest but they seem to be able to raise numerous children at a time"

    Good lord.
  17. G4rdToonArmy

    G4rdToonArmy Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    How is it ridiculous to say that if you are able to work you don't just get handed benefits? You should have to work for your money, like everyone else... Most people on benefits WANT to work and would jump at the opportunity to be given meaningful employment that subsidies them while they look for further employment!

    I've never once mentioned education... Not sure why people keep bringing it up? I'm not interested in students <laugh> but it seems like we are agreeing on this point no??

    Why is that last sentence a "good lord"? You think these benefit mums with 6 kids from 6 different blokes and a massive 4/5 bed council house are the next Marie Curie or Ada Lovelace? Who are these people you cite that are raping the country on a daily basis of Billions? I presume you don't mean the benefit cheats and scroungers? But they are doing exactly that which you are complaining about ffs!

    Finally, and this is the important one - how is any of that Right Wing, as per your accusation?
  18. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    So, your answer to wanting to work is simply creating government subsidized jobs out of thin air, sending them all to them and just hoping, for the sake of everyone involved they do a good job. Insane idea. Here's the right wing part: you outright said people who would reject this proposal should be homeless. So, er, Nazi Germany circa '35 then lol.

    Just before you buy into a myth, the German economy did not improve because Nazi Germany forced the unwashed out to build highways.

    "it probably is forced labour but if you don't want to work fine, just don't expect someone else to pay your way and enjoy the park benches you sleep on."

    What if one day G4rd, you or your missus have a problem and can't work but the state decides you can in fact have a job? What if the person sitting across from you in the job centre shares your view now? And makes a personal decision that you in fact can work. Even if you can't? He rejects any support and you can't make ends meet?

    "You think these benefit mums with 6 kids from 6 different blokes" I don't think it's right to look at people, judge down on them and make disgusting generalizations about them. You have no idea what each persons situation is.

    Your idea is, essentially, let's look at every single persons position in this country, in this society and judge them, let's pinpoint how they've done wrong in their life and make sure they work because the middle class bloke, with two cars on his drive - he shouldn't have to be forced for 2% of his tax to go on a benefit claimant. It's absolutely unfair, that Google, Starbucks and other massive corporations should pay tax to support this society. No, it's unwashed filth that must work harder.

    It's absolutely spot on, that MPs, politicians, and families of these politicians, can take as much from the system they can, whilst the poor pick litter and berries to support our society.

    That is right wing populism, because what you're saying is what people who feel undervalued by the system WANT to hear. Go across every nation and you hear the same arguments like this, except every single country that scores higher than the UK on every single societal metric do NOT have these ridiculous old fashioned policies.

    but if it makes you feel better you can be a raving left wing lunatic if you want.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2024
    JakartaToon likes this.
  19. Roland Deschain

    Roland Deschain Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I'd just cap wealth/profits, in this country, and the tax law would state wherever you are making cash is where you're taxed, where you HQ yourself is irrelevant. The amount of money disappearing from super rich tax dodgers dwarfs every other problem by miles.

    I don't like benefit cheats/frauds, but there's a deeper issue needs fixing, you need to look at the root cause, which means:
    - Better social housing and supporting schemes
    - Easier access to abortion
    - Vastly improved social services to support people trapped in horrific relationships, better support, etc.
    - A benefit system aligned with supermarkets and online stores to mean you can only spend your money on food, drink, clothes, toiletries and household essentials, not ****ing ***s, drugs, tattoos and alcohol.
    - Better control over this whole notion that everyone can become a parent whenever they fancy it; I'd consider castration for certain criminal offenders, for example, or suggest that you cannot have a baby if you are 100% reliant on benefits.

    Societal problems are deep rooted and as you can see from the latest manifesto, summarily ignored. These politicians have no concept of how to fix Britain. The answers are always the same - false promises and hope people work out how to be better.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2024
  20. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The issue is that once you start setting in strict parameters, like benefit receivers can only buy certain things (what would they get tokens?) is that then you need to start monitoring that. When you need to monitor things you need more workers, more departments and more money.

    The beginning is education, education is underfunded, the ability for schools to target children in poor situations is compromised by a lack of resources. If you start to improve education, you will see improvements in the next generation.

    Education is also the key to getting a lot of benefits claimaints off the system, especially young ones. If you can get them into courses, pay for things which cost, you will see more and more getting some type of education and into work -VOLUNTARILY- and not picking strawberries.

    Those things I think are good ideas I bolded.

    Castration is a bit of a weird one, baby policing is also strange. Not everyone who is on benefits raises a benefit user again, it's a generalisation.

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