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Off Topic General Election 4/7/24 - News, Views, Results…..

Discussion in 'Charlton' started by Ubedizzy2, May 22, 2024.

  1. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Absolutely not. He doesn’t give a sh*t. In fact I reckon he can’t wait to get back to the life he had before he became an MP.
    lardiman and The Penguin like this.
  2. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    What, as a photocopier salesman?

    Or a web scraper.
  3. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Wet Weather halts UK Economy


    At least I assume Rishi Sunak will blame the weather.
    That same weather which had absolutely nothing to do (oh no) with the downturn in small boat crossings in 2023 <whistle>
  4. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    No small boat crossings for the last four days <diva>

    The Rwanda policy has worked <diva>

    Or has it just been f*cking freezing ? :emoticon-0127-lipss
    lardiman likes this.
  5. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Rishi denies the Tories have thrown in the towel <doh>



    "An opposition is important" <doh>
    You lot should have considered that before making yourselves so unpopular that you may not even be the Opposition by July 5th.
    A One Party State?
    Funny isn't it, how suddenly our Centuries old system of Elections to Parliament doesn't suit them anymore.



    The Farage Effect just carries on weaving it's magic... <magic>
  6. The Penguin

    The Penguin Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2020
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    Project Fear.
  7. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    I've applied for a postal vote <ok>
    No photo required, though they did need a scan of my signature. I can live with that.

    Don't know if my application has been accepted yet though...
    Also not sure I'll use my vote even if they send it to me.
    I'll have to decide whether boycotting on principle is more important than side-stepping the issue.
  8. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    What a gormless Muppet.


    More proof of the wretched quality of the spivs and chancers that Rishi Sunak surrounds himself with.

    The Prime Minister is now in full denial mode.
    Saying this upcoming Election is only about the future.
    That the last 14 years, Partygate, Liz Truss and everything else should simply be forgotten about.

    Honestly, who is he trying to kid.
    People are thoroughly sick and tired of his petty dishonesty and total lack of empathy.
    His Parliamentary Private Secretary is told of the Election date before practically anybody else.
    And what does the bloke do?
    Goes and puts a £100 bet on it.

    "I don't want to be a distraction from the campaign, I should have thought through how it looked."
    For pity's sake <doh>
    Does anybody really want five more years of this rubbish?
  9. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    No. But it’ll be worse under Labour. We’re all f*cked.
  10. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    That's the Conservative Election campaign in a nutshell.
    For some reason the UK electorate aren't buying into it.

    Evidence that it'll be worse under Labour?
    None is forthcoming that's less than 14 years old.
    Granted the Corbyn era was odious, but Corbyn and his terrorist sympathising Anti-Semitic rabble have been ousted from power.
    Since then we have had;
    • Currygate - storm in a :emoticon-0162-coffe despite hundreds of front pages in the Daily Heil and the Express. Nothing to see here says :police:
    • Angela's house sale tax - another storm in a :emoticon-0162-coffe Nothing to see here either says :police:
    • Diane Abbott- created ripples of around 0.01 on the election scale :emoticon-0113-sleep
    In other words, not a glove laid on Keir Starmer in three weeks. Or indeed the last four years.
    And it's not like he's a hard target.
    Rather than wasting Police time, the Tories are going to have to sling better mud than "it'll be worse under Labour".
    At least Grant Shapps thinks so.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2024
    Ken Shabby likes this.

  11. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Steps in the right direction...


    But sadly I have little faith that it will happen.
    House of Lords reform crawls along slower than a Just Stop Oil road blocking march.
    • Kick out all the Hereditary Peers
    • Kick out the Bishops
    • Reform the numbers so all Opposition & Independent Peers combined outnumber the Ruling Party Peers by at least one.
    • Kick out the 'backwoodsmen' who never turn up.
    Those would be good things to see by the end of the next Parliament.
    And if they were in the Labour Manifesto their Lordships should not oppose them.
    Ken Shabby likes this.
  12. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Been accepted for a postal vote <ok>
    Now have to decide whether to use it.

    I probably will, otherwise I've wasted the Council's time and the cost of some paperwork.
    I'll still never vote under circumstances where I have to provide photo ID though.
  13. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    You’ve got to admire Farage.

    With one poll now showing Reform ahead of the Tories, in an echo of that dipstick Sunak, Nigel is now saying that a vote for the Tories is a vote for Labour <applause> <laugh>
    lardiman likes this.
  14. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Nigel Farage is right about runaway net migration being a serious problem.
    And although he is accused of over-playing that issue, in a way he has to, because the two main Parties don't want to talk about it.

    The UK is already the most densely populated Country in Europe.
    That doesn't mean we have the highest population numbers - Germany and Turkey have quite a few more I believe.
    But we have the highest number of people in proportion to our liveable land area.
    In that respect the UK is tiny compared to Germany, Turkey, France, Spain and probably others.

    Increasing our Population by well over half a million people per year is simply not sustainable.
    Regardless of the well intentioned reasons why most of them are invited to come.
    Politicians need to get past the insinuations of racism and xenophobia, and take an honest, hard look at this issue.

    Yes, our crippling social care & healthcare problems must be solved.
    But not by ever increasing numbers of poorly paid foreign workers and their dependants coming to the UK.

    Keir Starmer's Government must fix this after 4th July.
    We must see net migration fall year on year during the next Parliament.
    I would like to see something like a rolling 20% reduction;
    2025 ... 600,000
    2026 ... 480,000
    2027 ... 384,000
    2028 ... 307,200
    2029 ... 245,760
    Those numbers will still look high to many people, and they are not exact targets.
    But if something like this was achieved, Labour could point to its record on net migration at the next (but one) General Election with some credibility. While the Tories at the moment have zero credibility on this issue.

    And of course, those reductions in net migration cannot come at the cost of decimating Health & Social care.
    Something Nigel Farage is happy to risk - even invite - with his calls for net zero migration.
  15. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Two debates on TV yesterday evening;

    QT from Edinburgh - which I thought was watchable with robust debate between panellists but little interrupting.

    7 way debate number 2 on ITV - Disappointing. Nothing new was discussed, and most of it was a shouting match between Angela Rayner and Penny Mordaunt - again. Honestly it was pretty much an exact re-run of the first one ITV aired about a week ago.

    Why didn't ITV invite the 7 Parties to have a different person to represent them this time?
    I would have liked to have seen Richard Tice representing Reform UK. And fresh voices from the other Parties too.
    All we got was the same unseemly rudeness, despite futile efforts to obtain "uninterrupted responses".
  16. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Interesting latest average poll ratings:

    Labour and the Tories down a percentage point or two.
    Reform UK on the rise and Lib Dems up as well.

    The Electorate are getting tired of the same old Labour non-commitment to anything inspiring I think.
    Keir Starmer's stolid approach may now be losing him more floating voters than it is gaining.
    Perhaps he should allow some of his people to be a bit bolder and try to elicit some enthusiasm.
    In truth, I think most of us just wish we could fast forward to July 4th and get the GE over with.

    The Tories are now barking like demented dogs at the moon.
    Their claims of massive Labour tax hikes after the Election are not cutting through. Not against their appalling record in office.
    Britain is broken in almost every way; crime, healthcare, social services, housing, cost of living, migration... The list is endless.
    And only the super-rich have got richer. 50% richer since 2019 despite the Pandemic and 11% inflation. Disgusting.

    Ed Davey is having some success presenting himself as a flawed but honest bloke and a loving Dad.
    I think, strangely, he may have run the best campaign so far.
    And the Farage Effect is showing no signs of slowing down. He is battering the witless Sunak.
    If it was a boxing match the Referee would put an end to it.
  17. The Penguin

    The Penguin Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2020
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    People who follow these things trust the IFS, and they are accusing the 2 main parties of dishonesty. This is impacting Labour more, since the public have already lost trust in the Tories.
  18. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Just heard on a TV programme that disabled voters are more likely to be unable to vote, as far fewer of them have a driving licence or a passport, compared to able bodied people.

    This is a perfect example of the changes in voting rules making it much more difficult for whole groups in our society to be able to cast their votes.

    Another obvious group would be people in severe poverty. They too are less likely to have a driving licence or a passport.
    Or perhaps a permanent address or internet access & a smart phone, which are usually needed now if you wish to obtain photo ID of some kind.
    Ken Shabby likes this.
  19. The Penguin

    The Penguin Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2020
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    Considering that Farage did more than anyone to Get B****t Done, you'd think he'd be bringing this remarkable achievement into the GE campaign. Similar the Tory party, which has since ejected all the remoaners.
    Ken Shabby likes this.
  20. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    But he had absolutely no impact on the way Brexit has been delivered so far, because he wasn’t in government.

    As far as he is concerned (and quite rightly so) the Tories have completely mishandled Brexit.
    lardiman likes this.

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