'Tis true. At least they're getting a clear message from the voters. I wouldn't be surprised if they outlaw petitions next. Come to think of it, was there any small print? It could be a government trap and we just signed the rental agreement for a cell
Petition around 800,000 last time I looked so could smash the 1M Mark in just one day. Which is incredible !
If it keeps climbing they'll have to take seriously having another election to get that twat Starmer and his clowns out ! Give one of the others like reform a go not the useless Tories! Can't be any worse than the globalist puppets who've ruined everything for years here ?
What does it take to change this horrendous PM? How many votes on change and where does it go and when? Sorry for my ignorance on this issue.
Maybe because Starmer lied like fek to get the low turnout to vote for him and breaking most of his manifesto promises. Preferring Davos to being pm. Serving the wef over uk. Being a corrupt treasonous weak lying scum bag and much worst is grounds for getting rid and trying to find a leader that is none of the above ?
Even if the muppets debate the petition in Parliament they will stay in charge as they have such a large majority and gold plated pensions.