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Off Topic GE ++++ JULY 4th 2024 ++++ THE DAY'S OF RECKONING

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by realred1952, May 22, 2024.

  1. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Ah yes, Vonderleyen is one of the many unelected people in Brussels with way too much power and influence, and who make decisions based on what they think, not what ordinary European citizens want !!
    And none of them give a damn as long as they're alright jack.
  2. Redprintt

    Redprintt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Ashton, interested to know if you agree that Cooper should give free passes and fast track the 90,000 asylum seekers ?

    If it wasn't so pathetic it would be funny.
    Cooper in opposition......'I'll clear the back log'.
    Cooper in government ......It's simple I'll give them all a free pass.

    Angelicnumber16 and Red Robin like this.
  3. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    I’ve not seen the details, but just giving free passes, no that’s not great I agree.
  4. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It already starting Leeds and London tonight
    Time for the Army the police have run away.

    Last edited: Jul 19, 2024
  5. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    London tonight

  6. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    free passes cost a fortune to the British public ... there was a long standing argument that " its all fully funded" but no proof or reasoning given! ...now.............

    With a pension review on the way, some savers are worried that Labour could change or end the 25% tax-free pension cash benefit. With many relying on the extra cash, who will be affected and how could this impact your retirement plans?
    Protect your pension..... you cant ........................ it is what it is ............however .....................


    Tax-free cash - or pension commencement lump sum in the official jargon - is one of the most popular aspects of the pension system and a key reason why saving within a pension is advantageous from a tax point of view.
    While pension savings are normally subject to income tax when withdrawn, a quarter of the pot can usually be taken tax-free.
    During the election campaign, Sir Keir Starmer was asked about the future of tax-free cash and he replied that the current system would be reviewed in the coming years, were he to win the election.

    note when taking out a private pension 2 options were available [ not been licenced to sell them for 30 years so a bit hazy ] but you could use these 2 options by paying annually [ up front ] or monthly . Annually .... you have £2000 so pay a one off payment [ annual scheme ] you could take the 25% or have it added to £2000 let you work that out for yourself!

    monthly.... you could afford to pay £80 pm so same rule applies take the 25% or add it........ NOW THAT MEANS
    [TAKING THE 25% ] ....... YOU GET A CREDIT OF £20 SO INVESTMENT from your bank is £60 PM your policy grows at £80 pm
    Leaving the 25% you pay £80pm but get a credit of £100pm........ it may have changed.

    termination bonus 25%
    double bonus at term! [ say annual scheme ] after 40 years your £2000 [ £2500 ]investment cost is worth say £80,000 so 25% is £20,000 tax free cash
    taking the 25% [ = you only spend £1500 ] but at 40 years is £70,400 so tax free is £17,600..not a lot difference???

    well the catch is convert to a pension the rest of the fund and [ using 7% ] = £4200 pa or £3700 pa draw for 15 years [thats to age 80 or less ] = £60,000 / £55,500

    IF LABOUR TAKE AWAY YOUR 25% WHEN CASHING IN THEN £80,000 WOULD BE WORTH £5600 PA instead of £4200
  7. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    THIS is one of the reasons the prisons are overcrowded.
    FFS - 16 years for this.
    The killers of Baby P were out in less than 5.
    This country is broken.

    Woman jailed for 16 years for breaking plant pot slams 'cruel' scheme

    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  8. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    The problem is when the "illegals arrive" 1 or 2 maybe genuine but majority are not and need to get housed somewhere. Also stats show crime is also an encumbent part of it all. The interview with the 64 year old in Harehills highlights the problem " a decent area" that in the past 6-8 years has steadily gotten worse with all types of crimes being escalated!!
    We only know a part of the start of last nights riot... involving Social security operatives removing children from a house ... but concerning bit was they were expecting trouble as the "odd couple of bobbies" that usually accompany them was said to be 50 or so! ........ . so obviously expecting it not to be easy!
  9. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It’s disgraceful but we are now even more or a liberal, no blame and lawless country than we used to be except for the woman with the broken plant pot
    And it will get even worse under Labour
    Prison should be enough of a punishment that when you are released you’ll make sure you never return
    It’s all to easy to break the law and have virtually no price to pay for your actions
    I’ve seen inmates with 5 and 6 pairs of trainers in their cells
    WTAF has happened to our society ?
    Common sense has done a runner !
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2024
  10. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    My son lives in Leeds he is a radiologist up there-here is the reason it all started-his message to me below-

    It was in Harehills which is about a 10 minute drive from me and it was a gypsy family who weren’t happy that their child was taken away from them seven month old for a head injury that was non-accidental for their own protections

  11. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Just seen the footage
    Eye witnesses who live in the area are saying they’ve been threatened with violence for wearing England shirts recently !
    Tells you all you need to know in our own country !

    It was in Harehills which is about a 10 minute drive from me and it was a gypsy family who weren’t happy that their child was taken away from them seven month old for a head injury that was non-accidental for their own protections[/QUOTE]
    Red Robin likes this.
  12. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Just seen the footage
    Eye witnesses who live in the area are saying they’ve been threatened with violence for wearing England shirts recently
    Tells you all you need to know

    It was in Harehills which is about a 10 minute drive from me and it was a gypsy family who weren’t happy that their child was taken away from them seven month old for a head injury that was non-accidental for their own protections[/QUOTE]
  13. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Not sure what’s going on with the double posts
  14. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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  15. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Let them live in the **** heap they created don't spend a penny clearing it up-

    Supcon72 likes this.
  16. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Unfortunately they’ll do more than clear it up
    They’ll probably rehouse the family, spend extra money on this and that appeasing minority groups. Same as it’s always been and is why we have some of these problems now
    We’ve brought a lot of it on ourselves
    Red Robin likes this.
  17. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    thought I would revisit this a bit later ... yes a list amazing how people pick out the bits that are negative , actually geting info from media "headline" articles... if it is negative " HEADLINE IT"

    TODAY BCRW is blessed with 1 of Boris's first promises! OK only £33m spent but has doubled almost the A&E at THE SWINDON HOSPITAL ... LOADS OF UP TO DATE technology more space and a 2 tier system.. there is a couple dozen of projects similar either opened or due to!

    the broken NHS ON THE MEND THEN STARTED BEFORE JULY 4TH .. DONT FORGET ....... staffing levels were already increasing, waiting lists coming down after covid energy crisis and before labour backed strikes racked up the waiting lists ........
  18. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    It is a bit strange that Sunak called the election when he did, just as things were starting to turn around.
  19. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    what a massive fall from grace will the labour party get should they, as Bliar did when we benefitted from £trns of oil and gas money but came out owing £bns and that famous note.. everything when you investigate it is and was getting more and more positive before the 4th July!
    did Rishi call it to teach the british people a cold hard lesson .... ......... we turned the country round after 2010 went through 2 massive dents to the economy got the country in the black had a hic cup with Liz but have got that well sorted and behind us, after loads of strikes and excessive pay demands driven by the Labour unions causing massive pain to NHS patients and other major consortiums .. new hospitals and infra structure on the way house building on a upward spiral and taxation although seemingly small all in hand to be reduced ....SO GREAT BRITISH PUBLIC SUCK IT AND SEE...................

    HOW MANY TIMES WHEN "you are " DOING SOMETHING, SOME CLEVER A..HOLE says blah blah blah ... and you reply if you dont like the way I am doing it do it yourself/ or show me ..[ invariably they decline! ] has Kami picked up the baton!!!
  20. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    reading the "truth" between the lines" and the "shock and awe" of Laura's weekly Sunday programme .........................

    Labour for last x number of years have poo pooed the tory efforts on recovering from 2010! and ignoring the facts of covid and energy crisis [ ukraine war ] have not had a plan to tackle the consequences differently, in fact got tripped up twice? [ at least! ] when tories dropped a plan and they instantly picked it up as a labour one, [ ammo in their magazine ] only to get shot down when tories decided to / it was not being dropped ..[ Labour ]magazine empty!

    RR today was again shot down in flames by JH when trying to make out a case the economy was excessively bad! a spin to allow her to say we have to raise taxes to pay for ............. when actully economy is in a fine recovery mode ........ at the moment!! [ tory legacy ]

    Kamikaze wanted to be PM [ AT ANY COST! ] used personal attacks on people [ thats what lawyers do to destroy prosecution/ defence prisoners ] and in PMQ'S never really came up with a genuine answer to what and how funded any plan might be! .. the shock and awe now lies before him .... he can continue with the tory stratedgey or pretend he has plans that will revolutionise the polictical landscape of the the UK ....however ..... all the different bodies like ONS ... IFS ... etc's are putting up red flags against some of his ideals .... ! it is like a series of houses of cards .... in the end it seems it will be a massive loan debt someone has to clear...... and you think 2010 to 2019 austerity was bad ......

    his GBE & GBR are first 2 of what might be more & can be money sponges and suck the life blood from our economy!! He wanted to grab the nettle and didnt wish to be stung ...well ..........

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