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Game thread Mon start !!!!

Discussion in 'The Premier League' started by Rex Kramer, Nov 15, 2019.

  1. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Game Mechanics:
    The game will run on 24 hour rounds. Start time is 8am BST Monday (when i open thread). Night will fall at 9pm each night.

    Roles will be randomly assigned. Roles will be passed to participant by the forum conversation system. Be ready to get a PM, be sure to check before 9am Monday... and keep checking, everyone gets a PM.

    ONLY those on assigned teams can communicate privately, no other private communication between participants is allowed. Mafia, Ripley + bishop , dr jones + shorty and potentially other partnerships can strategise via pm board as much as they wish and communicate findings.

    Role specific actions are communicated to games master by PM up to 9pm each night, you miss the time you don’t get you action.

    No PMs of any type are allowed to be published. If you get one you cannot use it as proof or you will be removed from game, If you make up a total lie that’s ok but if you are found to have published any screen shots or copy and pastes or even close paraphrasing of your role to prove who you are you will be killed . The point of the game is deception and figuring out who is who , killing your enemies and escaping the station.

    Public forum is used to vote IN BOLD for who the town will lynch. Accusations, discussions and all sorts are permitted. Vote changing and re-changing is perfectly fine. You can claim anything you want at any time. Assume bad guys will be doing this as strategy. A simple majority vote is required to lynch. Someone must be lynched each day

    Win conditions are:

    The alien just wants to kill everyone
    The thing wants to escape on it's own
    The bad guys want to kill everyone and escape with the thing - they need the thing to be frozen.
    The Dr is neutral he will decide what works best for him but ultimately he wants to get home.
    The good guys want to kill the alien, the thing, the bad guys , blow up the space station and escape

    Order of actions:

    * any special agendas are activated instantly via pm and will effect the game accordingly.

    1. Lynching occurs
    2. JJ and chaos
    3. The Thing acts
    4. Mafia acts
    5. Alien acts along with Ripley and bishop actions
    6. Harold shipman
    7. Investigations occur
    8. Findings

    The story

    Ripley and bishop saved earth releasing an alien queen into space , however little did they realise the consequences of their actions.

    The alien queen has survived and landed in a secret government complex known as the station

    NEWS REACHES BISHOP AND RIPLEY 2018 and they set course for the station to destroy the alien queen.

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    it won't be easy !!

    The space station was set up to contain The Thing

    Back on earth the government set up a team of highly trained adventurers to find the thing and ensure it remains frozen or ensure the complex is desyroyed.The job has been assigned to The goonies(data chunk sloth mouth) indiana Jones + shorty and doc and Marty
    When they arrive they won't be alone theyll meet ripley, bishop , jj and captain chaos along with the dr (the only known survivors at station and are awaiting back up)

    The last message jj sent back to earth was that the Dr went mad???

    Another group is simply desperate to get their hands on the thing will do everything in their power to stop the good guys, freeze the thing and escape along with the frozen thing.

    Bad guys/mafia

    Vladamir putin
    Abu Hamza
    Donald trump


    The thing

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    Starts the game frozen !!!! The thing can kill a person and assume their identity every night . The Thing can only be lynched he's pretty unstoppable but the Dr can identify him and if they come face to face the Dr can kill the thing.

    The things ultimate aim is to escape living in exile and get back to earth alone.

    The thing will select a player to kill nightly and assume their identify if successful.. if the thing kills and assumes the identity of any player working in communication with one or more other players the thing will learn their identity.

    E.g. the thing chooses to kill chaos ! He will kill, morph into chaos and will learn the identity of jj.

    The alien queen

    The alien queen will attempt to either impregnate a victim with a face hugger or kill someone each day if she is succesful using a hugger she will gain a recruit. If she gains a recruit they can then communicate. The alien queen is not susceptible to the evils of the thing. If the queen encounters the thing they will fight.

    The alien queen couldn't care less about anything other than killing everyone and taking over but isn't adverse to escaping and heading for earth either.

    The mafia

    The mafia can communicate and can decide on a kill target each night

    They have inside info on the location of the codes

    Order of power
    2.abu hamza


    Has final say on kill target and carries out the act he's armed with a flame thrower which can kill the alien and the thing if he attacks them or if he is attacked. The flame thrower can only be used once per night. Ripley will fight putin and it's anybody's guess as to who come out on top .( best of 5 rounds battle)

    Abu Hamza

    can investigate a player each night and results are accurate. Hamza can search a different location to the good guys for a code nightly and share findings with putin and trump.
    He is immune to face hugger ,but Dr shipman a real problem as usual.


    Takes over from putin if putin dies - he can choose to acompany putin when he attempts to kill a target thus increasing the chances of the kill being successful but starts the game unarmed. Trump has the option to override putin and instead insist on gaining a recruit once during the game

    Harold shipman

    Every night he can investigate a player and choose if he wants to kill them... shipman wants to get home so he's an uknown entity it's up to him whether he wants to be good or bad . He can kill the thing if he chooses or of the thing attacks him. He can also kill the alien if attacked or he goes after an alien

    Jj and chaos

    Work as a team they have a secret agenda but are ultimately good guys anything is possible for this team.

    They can lock a player up each night to keep them safe - that player will remain safe .

    They can lock themselves up if they choose

    The same player can't be locked up 2 nights running

    If any player is locked up they can't be killed or investigated that night nor will their actions take place.

    Doc and Marty

    Both have the ability to select an alternative future - they'll have to use these wisely because the good guys are up against it. They can communicate via pm secretly

    Doc and Marty need to keep up to speed because anything effecting the game in the way of death or code related can be changed instantly at their request.

    They can opt to either(once each only)
    1. Save a life
    2. Have another go ie search a different location ( see location info )

    Dr Jones and shorty

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    Carries a gun he can use this once in attack and once in during the game defence - if he's killed shorty gains this gun.

    He's been telling everyone he's bored of putting things in museums and to trust him . It's all about fortune and glory for Dr Jones … can he be trusted ??? only himself and shorty will know this and they can communicate via pm in secret.

    Indy can choose to protect shorty using his gun.


    can investigate a player each night and the results are accurate - gains indys gun if Indy dies or another issue occurs.


    Ripley can potentially kill the alien if the alien attacks her or if she attacks the alien... she can choose a target each night .( a best of 5 round fight will take place )

    If she gets impregnated by the alien she will be notified in results she will not be recruited- Dr shipman can save her - she can request via pm to see him and I'll advise what the results of seeing him were in the following days results. ?? can she trust shipman or will he kill her ?? only shipman knows

    Can communicate with bishop


    he can investigate a player each night he won't lie to Ripley or attack a human ! If ripley is impregnated he will be aware and will have to decide on whether to grass her up. Bishop holds the info to access main programme. If hes lynched this info becomes public. Bishops investigation results are known to himself and Ripley. Bishop is immune to thing the alien space hugger but the alien queen can still attack him and kill him. The Dr can choose to shut him down.

    Can communicate with ripley


    Town roles

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    Data - has slick shoes, punchers of hell and a booby trap - he can use each of these once during the game he can even use them to protect a player other than himself if he sees fit. He can use all in one night if he wants to.he can deploy these at anytime at locations he's attending in case anyone is following him . If he uses one or more it will be posted in nightly actions , so he results could indicate his identity to any failing assassins that night.

    Sloth - can survive an attack once every other night - you must activate by pm sloth will turn into superman if he finds a baby Ruth chocolate bar- superman can only be killed by lynch or the thing. If sloth turns into superman he can select a kill target each night ...

    Chunk - can scare off any attacker using the truffle shuffle once during the game via pm

    Mouth - a good guy -- vt role

    batfink - a good guy - vt role

    newt - a good child - vt role

    vt roles can find guns just like anyone else

    mystery player - the mystery player can vote like everyone else and could cause all kinds of havoc - the sooner he is killed the less chaos there will be.

    I'll add more over the next few days .

    Locations - see map below
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    Individual search

    Each day you will need to select location to search individually.

    You must select one of the perimeter locations listed below to search to me via pm daily - some of the locations listed contain useful items or information.

    It's first come first served at these locations as far as items are concerned.

    Look out for clues on where to look.

    The service tunnel
    The waste recycling
    The armory
    Officers quarters
    Crew quarters
    Medical room
    Central communication
    Security station
    Power and life support

    Group search

    Every day as a group you vote on the main thread to look for a code or codes at one of the main locations below- see map above.

    Every morning there will be information released on the activity at the locations so you'll need to discuss where to search on the main thread ... the outcome will be decided by a vote ... the poll closes at 8pm

    Why search and how to win?

    The reason you're searching the main locations is because a code will be required to leave the complex using an escape pod ... without the the 3 digit code no player or team can win.

    If you as an individual or as a team have these 3 codes or thinks they have you must pm me asking for the opportunity to escape and win

    Failing or getting the code wrong could result in your death and your attempt will be carried out on game the game thread.

    It's worth noting some players Might have reasons to mislead the group so look out for that.

    Abu Hamza will and can search an alternative main location to the location voted for via pm.

    Mess hall
    Main office
    Briefing room
    Storage area


    There's one of each so come and find them

    1 flamethrower - kills any player
    2.laser gun - kills any player
    3.freeze gun - Freezes any player

    Only one gun can be carried by any player at a time

    If you're already carrying a gun you can choose whether to keep the one you have or swap for another should you find another while searching that day. I'll let you know via pm if you do , so reply with your choice asap or you'll potentially lose the option to swap … the gun you decide to drop will be left in the room you searched and will then be up for grabs for the next person to search in that location.

    Ok I think that's about it .... Ok with that? Pretty straight forward ? Yes ? No? Excellent

    Any questions or problems I'm here to help.

    Top tips

    1.Dont get killed
    2.read the rules
    3.destroy all enemies
    4.find the codes (3 in total)

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2019
    BillyBobBallbag and swantastic like this.
  2. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    @brb can you lock this till sunday night/mon morning please ?
  3. astro

    astro Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Munson. likes this.
  4. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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  5. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    or forever
    SpursDisciple, PINKIE, Stan and 3 others like this.
  6. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    its only a few days you will be fine
  7. Libby

    Libby 9-0

    Feb 9, 2011
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  8. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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  9. Libby

    Libby 9-0

    Feb 9, 2011
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    What's your thoughts on Brexit mate?

    I like those Russian fellas tbh, seem like standup guys.

    @PleaseNotPoll to confirm
  10. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    my thoughts are, i avoid it what a boring ****fest, mind this game could rival it.
    gooner4ever likes this.

  11. Quesadaad

    Quesadaad Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2017
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    Oooooh can I play?
  12. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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  13. Quesadaad

    Quesadaad Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2017
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    PINKIE and Tiddler like this.
  14. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    I knew you'd waited till after 12
  15. Quesadaad

    Quesadaad Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2017
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    It was rather transparent
    Munson. likes this.
  16. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    This **** looks Cray

    Can't wait to read the rules
    Munson. likes this.
  17. Zanjinho

    Zanjinho Boom!
    Forum Moderator

    Sep 10, 2014
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    Read? Rules? You ****ing novice!
  18. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    WTF....I need to go have a lay down.

    I vote...Sooper Dooper Doonuts out

    Munson. likes this.
  19. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    lynch vote

    1 Suuper doper donut ….. brb
    Tiddler likes this.
  20. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Munson. likes this.

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