First-timealright stop Dragonets phenol agenda get a nap first nod dick my pretty thick black by seconds I same thing copies to heal with they don't have the personnel Regula RX what is right ready to stand up is duet same number not to give thirty you get dirty enough politicking don't think you can did not say you can’t came got to trappers or to one stock high-nicotine thanks protein literally way through to me right here come to fill and now think I might want to try to ghetto me but I get two more I some is morning tune one gold too much a project to more jump jets like can't go for best novel right he retransfer records at the job of prime rib the right here of bed yet of ethnic home to think that that all progressives I know temperatures dipping into right here motor boating here to be quiet cokieborn on Adebayo twin cockatoo workout stop Alberta tried again didn't get a record group we will do it this time like do it together let me get whatever is almost look like it to Morristown like focus on getting two more focus on you get two more focus on you be a prelude to be ready to one go again but I get two more right here trying to be a record right here remember to deliver forty here pictured not going to quit teleport .