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Fantasy League New Season

Discussion in 'Crystal Palace' started by Super_Chelsea_Blue_Boys, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Super_Chelsea_Blue_Boys

    Super_Chelsea_Blue_Boys Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Hello folks,

    It's almost that time again and for those of you who participated last time around, you will be automatically added to the league, but for those of you who have no signed up. Here is the code:


    All you need to do is register on fantasy.premierleague.com and add the code when selecting a league to join. it was a great success last year with around 60 606 members participating.

    Are you the Special One, or simply the Specialist In Failure? Prove to the online footballing world you have what it takes to be the best.

    Hope to see you all there guys,

    Super Chelsea Blue Boys.

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