Throwing beer around normally happens, in my experience,when those doing the throwing have had too much of it. And therein lies the problem.
The concourse in the East Stand where I sit is absolute bedlam at half time to get a drink/something to eat or to go for a piss.
We’re all in this together. We support our team together. When 20% of the fans piss off early to get a pint, or to get home 20 mins early it reflects badly on all of us. The majority tarred with the same brush as the minority.
If ever I leave early is purely to get to the pub. Luckily I only sit 3 seats from the gangway so dont have to queue and block others views I dont care what others do, I couldn't even care if it looks bad I can understand people getting narked if early leavers block their views I would never questions peoples motives for leaving early, they've paid their money, its none of my business
I genuinely couldn’t give a toss but being in the safe standing section now it’s an absolute ballache when anyone wants to move past. You’ve got to pretty much lean as far back into the next row as you can while your legs get squashed against your seat. Luckily we also chose close to the end of the aisle so we can dart for a pint without getting in people’s way
My biggest gripe is that the shufflers start leaving which, as has been said, is their choice. They're then making people stand up and, if we have an attack people behind them are having to stand up and so on. What's worse is when they're on the walkways and we get a free kick or a corner. They stay there to watch and when you shout 'I can't see' they turn round and look at you as if you've just fisted their gran. Just get up when the ball's out of play, go and keep going ... otherwise you're being selfish when there are people who want to watch the entire match, not the back of your thick heed
A fair few left yesterday when Coventry equalised but I don’t think as many left before the 90th minute as the Leeds home game
Personally, not for me, I stay till the end. But each to their own, however as has been said above, if you're going, then go. Don't stand in blocking people's views while you stood watching an attack while being a pain in the arse blocking people's view. Its usually 4 or 5 Stone Island match day gangsters on their way for a shandy stood blocking a load of views with an attitude of "what you gonna do about it"? Anyway. Ha'Way the lads.