Last night showed anything can happen right till the death....... Mind i still missed the goal due to turning away shouting ffs at the utter ****e ball looped into the box.....completely unaware Browne had deliberately hit a shot spinning at a rate a fast bowler couldn't achieve to deceive the keeper & score a wonder goal Understand reasons some may go but more should stay
In over seventy years, I've resisted the temptation to leave early. I might, on occasion, have been hovering round the exit stairs so that I could get the hell out of it as soon as rthe final whistle blows. And I can not say that it has always been worth it. But as well as conceeding late goals, we also score them. Last night I watched the first half from home then reported to my Friday Night 'Watering Hole', where I arrived five minutes into the second half. One of our regulars who was at the game, left early to get a consolation drink in, and comiserate. On arriving he faced, ' what did you think of our late goal'. Startled expression. What late goal? On the other hand I can understand t hose who have driven to the Game and want to avoid the worst of the chaos. So, it doesn't do for me, but I can understand why some do it.
I did same - was right in line with the goal line, turned away and turned round to see the ball going over the line. Class.
I hate it when people start leaving early but could understand it to a degree. Leeds had blatantly cheated and sucked the life out of the game, it looked like going on until midnight. Most people stayed on Tuesday.
The worst n potentially best in terms of what happened after that, Neil came in made us solid, got us promoted but was such an embarrassing result
I don’t get to as many games as I would like to but I have never left early, if the players are fighting to the end I will support until the final whistle. I just don’t understand how anyone can leave early especially when the game is still in the balance, we’ve won, lost and drawn in the last few minutes, as last night, why would you risk missing that? As far as the ‘getting away from the ground’ argument, it’s always the same, don’t go if you’re time is that precious!
Sky definitely enjoy highlighting this every time we are on. - it's as if the production team are infiltrated with dirty mag twats looking to put us down all the time Well I've had enough Fcuk you SKY - subscription cancelled
The way people go on about 'getting caught in traffic' makes it sound like they'll have to be rescued and spend the night in emergency accommodation ... ... it's an extra ten or fifteen minutes ffs.
I thought we played well. We were up against a very good side so maybe we looked like we weren’t playing well. I thought we thoroughly deserved the point
I find it you stay until whistle, by the time you're out and reach the car the traffic is moving quicker anyway
Why can we not tho? I struggle to get down to games due to family n scouting commitments but I can 100% comment on folk leaving the ground early I have never left a game early despite often then having a 4 hr drive after it On the same token we shouldn't complain about RLB subs or tactics as non of us have coached at that level before
Must admit I was lucky in that I had got up to leave thinking that was it but was on the stairs when the ball went in. Possibly only the 3rd time I can recall leaving before the final whistle. Then took great delight serenading and laughing at the Leeds fans.