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Off Topic F1

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Nads, Mar 14, 2019.

  1. joeisonfire

    joeisonfire Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I got back from Wembley late so didnt watch the race till the next day. Great race and I love watching Vettel under pressure. Lots of twists and turns and Lewis had to work to be in that position once leclerc had issues. Looking forward to China now.
    Ted Kravitz better be back then :)
    Nads likes this.
  2. joeisonfire

    joeisonfire Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Good race today, Albon was a surprise but Hamilton seemed to get his start spot on for a change and didn’t look back. Bottas was good too also.

    If Ferrari keep that decision making up Leclerc won’t stay long. Making him move after 10 laps ffs ruined his race.
    Gil T Azell and Nads like this.
  3. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    They are ****ing it mate. Vettel cannot beat Lewis, Lewis is simply a better driver than him. Lewis in a Ferrari at the minute would be doing Seb by 20 seconds plus a race.

    Le Clerc is the future of Ferrari, a magnificent talent, he needs purity with Seb at the very least.

    As I’ve said I’m a huge Lewis fan so I’m happy to see him biting into Schumachers records, but half the reason I love Lewis is he’s a great racer, he doesn’t get to race with Seb.

    I’d love to see Lewis, Le Clerc and Verstappen actually facing as they are the 3, pure talent all 3 off them. Was happy to see Ricciardo put in a good run, love that fella what a character he is.
  4. Sunderpitt

    Sunderpitt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I am always pleased that Hamilton wins

    But honestly the procession was not a race
    Nads likes this.
  5. Sunderpitt

    Sunderpitt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Somebody just reminded me about Lewis Hamilton on Blue Peter winning a remote control car race
  6. cronemeister

    cronemeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    China sadly wasn't much of a race to be fair. Once Lewis nailed his start he was away and never really looked like being troubled by anyone. Ferrari can keep playing their team games as much as they want, it will ultimately be their downfall this season, once the Red Bull's get their **** together along with Renault I'm sure they will start to put some pressure on those big red cars.

    LeClerc has done enough already this season for me to prove that he can cut it with the best of them. I think back to when Ron Dennis thought it was a good idea to put Sergio Perez in a McLaren which couldn't have been further from the truth, the comparisons to LeClerc in a Ferrari could not be any more contrasting. I think Ron Dennis himself could've done just as good a job as Perez did behind the wheel of that car. Until it's mathematically impossible for Vettel to win the title both drivers need to be allowed to fight in the same way that all other teams drivers are. It's becoming an absolute joke what Ferrari are doing and it is ruining what is already being dumbed down beyond recognition as a spectacle and the pinnacle of motorsport. Not a big fan of the new boss at Ferrari but should we expect anything less than complete comedy from a Harold Lloyd lookalike?


    Bottas looks to have more of an edge to him this season, he still lacks that ruthlessness that Hamilton possess along with his ability to dial it in when it's needed the most. Unless Barcelona brings some noteable upgrades for the front runners in the midfield it's likely to be a two horse race again this season....and none of them will be prancing ones either !!

    I'm not expecting Baku to provide much more in the way of entertainment, but it has some tight and twisty spots dotted around the track so there's gonna be a fair bit of squeezing going on during the race which may bring out the safety car (for the first time this season IIRC) which generally livens things up.

    Hopefully 2021 brings about some fundamental changes to go back to how certain things used to be to make it more interesting. **** the cost and the environmental ****, there's Formula E for all of that stuff. We want to see noisy and dirty cars that go fast (but are still safe of course) that the drivers can actually drive on the limit for more than just a ****ing qualifying lap and not have to think about making a single engine last a whole season whilst trying not to run out of fuel.
    Nads and farnboromackem like this.
  7. Sidthemackem

    Sidthemackem Newcastle United 0-1 Cambridge United
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Used to be a fan, but now it's Formula Zzz. About as exciting as the Scottish Premier League. It's too predictable these days...
    cronemeister likes this.
  8. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The sad thing is mate, it shouldn’t be this season, but Ferrari have called it all wrong on their pecking order and backed a donkey against Lewis who’s a thoroughbread.

    Verstappen will be quick when the upgrades start rolling in and the second half of season should be great, Lewis and Bottas may be miles clear by then though.
    cronemeister likes this.
  9. Sidthemackem

    Sidthemackem Newcastle United 0-1 Cambridge United
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    Jan 25, 2011
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    Hamilton, notwithstanding that he manages to be an annoying little twat, is driving at a different level ATM. Short of mechanical issues (unlikely) or a staggering loss of form (very unlikely) he's going to be well nigh impossible to beat.

    Prediction kiss of death from El Sid, obviously, but there it is...
    Nads and cronemeister like this.
  10. cronemeister

    cronemeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    See I don't get this! My mate says the same thing but has nowt to back it up with, he just comes up with bollocks that he doesn't like his tattoo's or ****ing ear-rings or summit....REALLY? I hated Schumacher for a bit cos he was stopping everyone else from winning, but when I actually thought about it you kinda just end up in awe really just sitting watching things unfold and being grateful that you've been part of and witnessed history being written.

    Of course he's a bit of a showboy off the track and likes to get about and posts stuff all over instagram etc etc but who the **** doesn't these days? He's made some comments that have been taken out of context massively but other than that I don't recall him being all over the media for all the wrong reasons. Enjoy him whilst he's here is my view because it might be a while before we get to cheer on a British driver challenging for the title again for a while.
    Nads and joeisonfire like this.

  11. joeisonfire

    joeisonfire Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I like Hamilton, he is really driven and British of course.

    Vettel I can understand people hating, his antics last year were absolutely appalling like, and he can’t wheel to wheel race the way Lewis and Max can
    Sunderpitt likes this.
  12. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    100% with you mate.

    He’s formula 1 world champion. 5 times.

    Damn right he should swagger.
    Sunderpitt likes this.
  13. Sidthemackem

    Sidthemackem Newcastle United 0-1 Cambridge United
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Horses for courses, mate. He annoys the tits off me, ergo he's an annoying twat. Nowt wrong with liking him; I just don't. Respect him, certainly. He's unquestionably the best out there and has been for a few years, but me no likee...
    Nacho and cronemeister like this.
  14. cronemeister

    cronemeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    Not a good start to Baku for the William's team. Loose drain cover has been sucked up by Russell's car and wrecked the bottom of his car and the chassis...ouch. Then to make matters worse, the crane on the recovery truck bringing it back into the pits smashed into a bridge over the track pissing hydraulic fluid all over the car. Wouldn't like to have to go out and check all 300+ manhole covers around the circuit before FP2 gets under way like. Still looking forward to the race and hopefully another Hamilton masterclass and some racing between Vettel and Max.
    Nads likes this.
  15. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Baku looks incredible though don’t it. Deffo worth a visit.
  16. Sunderpitt

    Sunderpitt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Hamilton... best driver/racer with a good car atm.

    Mercedes are often viewed as an old mans car, and they want to change their image

    Enter Lewis, whatever your opinion of him he is definitely 'cool' and together with his string of very beautiful girlfriends and his love of keeping fit with horizontal jogging.. is really changing the mercs image. I have heard he really works the room at corporates.

    BMW may well rue the day they pulled out of F1
  17. joeisonfire

    joeisonfire Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Ferrari upgrades, are Mercedes sandbagging or not as there is a huge gap, time will tell tomorrow
  18. Nacho

    Nacho Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Same boat as me, clearly one of the all time greats and by default I have a lot of respect for motorsport professionals but I don't like him. He's smug, snide and dresses like a rich twelve year old.
  19. Nacho

    Nacho Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    F8071209-89ED-4AAD-A54A-AD046C94C066.jpeg 8EE526B8-A7EB-4BEE-98C6-3BD6670628E9.jpeg 06DAEBF0-CDA4-4E50-90FA-3E451C7BB8BD.jpeg

    Cases in point.
    Sunderpitt and Sidthemackem like this.
  20. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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