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Discussion in 'Cardiff City' started by clingo, May 28, 2012.

  1. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    After another good season in the Championship, I'm wondering what the expectations of CARDIFF CITY fans are for next season.

    Yes, I know there are numerous possible variables regarding team building and other team changes, but I'm asking what you expect from the club as a whole. So, no cop out answers like "it depends on the attitude of the board" - we already know that everything hinges on that. What do you expect of them? Will they continue to address our debt and hope that MM can work some magic on a shoestring, and if so, will they invest if we are in the hunt come the January window? Or do you think they'll give MM a war chest and really go for it in the coming season.

    I must admit, I can't figure out what the medium to long term plan is, though I suspect the next season will go someway to answering this. Can't quite put my finger on the reasons why, but I've just got the feeling that the coming season, more than any other, will have a massive impact on the future of this club.

    So, you articulate and clear thinkers, put me out of my misery and tell me where we're going. What can we reasonably expect?
  2. Hilts24

    Hilts24 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2011
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    I think the title and the 2 auto places being between us Charlton and Leicester.

    I think it will be close for a while but we will take the title with a couple of games to spare.

    If Malky gets the backing Jones did we go up automatically.

    Theres still a lot of Jones players we need to get rid of.

    But I still think Malky will have enough backing to get us up.

    Pace , pace and more pace will be the key in the transfer dealings.
  3. Swamp

    Swamp Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    the spine of the team is excellent by championship standards. the centre back pairing, centre midfield and new players like mason who have come in and performed above their price tags....the only thing with mason is he cant stand still now, he's got to play every game and score 20+ goals IMO, he's good enough to do so no matter what his age /experience....

    up front we have miller who with service should be scoring 25 league goals....perhaps buy a good striker to share the burden, even though miller had a pretty average season he will be wanting to put that right this season.....

    with some good back up signings and real quality in wide areas, even someone like routledge i'd take any day of the week. failing that hammil from wolves? someone with trickery and penetration in the final 3rd so we can control games and score more goals than we have this season...

    where do i think we'll finish? if we go down the same route as last summer (in terms of freebies etc) we'll probably finish in roughly the same position. if the malaysians mean business this summer then automatic promotion is not beyond us. major rebuilding at blackburn and bolton mean they are unlikely to even finish top 6 in my opinion....i dont know what they'll do...
  4. DaiJones

    DaiJones Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    It's got to be Auto this time, anything less will be failure.
  5. taffthefish

    taffthefish Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    It has to be a top 2 finish to deem this coming season a success. Malky equalled DJ in terms of league position but didn't move us forward.
    This season we have to make a bigger impact. The Malaysians have promised a certain level of monetary backing, irrespective of the re-branding debacle, which Malky can draw on if the papers and rumours are to be believed.
    So we need an injection of pace and a recognised striker as a matter of urgency, Kenny can run all day but I want him putting the ball in the net not playing in defence!
    Where the 2 pacey wingers are going to come from? No idea but they are needed.
  6. bluebanana

    bluebanana Member

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I agree with Davey J, it would have to be automatic promotion, however thats on the wish list side, in the finance stakes I would like to see some of our debt removed. To me this would be a great indicator of the intent of our board and evidence to all the doubters that they are commited to this club.
    We may have the answer to the width and pace in Harris, however we really have to step up the speed of thought and ability to pass and move ( quickly) in some of our guys. I think a few (good) signings, and the investment in our youngsters may be the way MM goes this term, but will we, the fans be patient enough? Lets give the boys a chance to bed in and play and keep of the teams back. As for further investment? well I think a gesture of good will would be the willingness of those opposed to the changes, to dig into their pockets and come up with some cash?<whistle>
  7. It'sChicoTime

    It'sChicoTime Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
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    Get yoursef some pacey players and I can see you grabbing the auto spots. Don't get pacey players, I think you'd have to settle for play-offs. Hopefully MM will get the backing that scumbag DJ got.
  8. aberdude

    aberdude Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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    DJ a scumbag?????....get the fk off here jack
  9. john hughs

    john hughs banned

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Why call Dave Jones a Scumbag ?

    As a Cardiff fan i thought he did as good as job as he could do for us ,why a swansea so called mod wants to call him that is pathetic.

    A few days ago you blamed the beer for a racist remark about us wanting to be Malasian??? (which you were made to remove from the thread )now you come up with this ,if you have not got anything constructive to say i agree with Aber .......feck off this board.
  10. john hughs

    john hughs banned

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Back to Cardiff City ......

    Think DJ will do a good job with the Owls so lets not count them out ,agree Leicester will be there with the money backing they have but Charlton not too sure about .The othere teams that have come up i think will struggle but my dark horse is Derby .

    For City a fast skillfull winger come midefield player ,Big mobile centre forward and a full back would not go a miss .

  11. The Exile

    The Exile Member

    Apr 2, 2011
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    Leicester had the money backing last season but it didn't do them any good. Thankfully we have a good manager, and with the right backing I think we should make the auto's next season, and hopefully reduce the debt.
  12. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    JA. With all respect mate, this was a thread intended for Cardiff fans to talk about their club - as you will see from the openning line. I can't imagine you have turned blue though even if you have, you haven't really answered the questions posed in the thread. I try desperately hard to stay out of the childish spats on here, and actually have to avoid threads that I would like to comment on because they are usually ruined by the time I get to them. Yes, I know that some of my fellows Bluebirds will bite at these things, but for goodness sake, if you can't afford the thread some respect as a fellow member, at least do it as as moderator.

    Bluebirds, please try and keep it on topic as I really am interested on what your expectations are. Cheers fellas. <ok>
  13. snlk/poksnbn

    snlk/poksnbn Active Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    Why do they have to ruin a good read?
  14. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Well Clingo, for some illogical reason, I really thought we'd do it last season and put some decent cash down with Mr. Hill back in July. As it happened - lost the bloody lot but had a good run for my money.

    Coming out of the blocks all guns blazing did it for Southampton, but Reading got there the other way - improved throughout the season and brought home the bacon the last dozen games. Funny thing was we beat them twice and took 4 points off Soton, but in the end, we failed to last the pace.

    The reasons (theories?) as to why have been well discussed on here and maybe some hard lessons learned. Maybe "behind the doors" manouvering by the board trying to resolve our aged creditors situation tempered their investement enthusiasm - who knows?

    Unfortunately Cling, it really is a question of "it depends on the attitude of the board". Not shirking the question mate, but with the hugely improved setup at the CCS now, moderate investment will give us a good shot at top 6. Do very little and the safety of mid-table beckons. On the other hand, a few targeted major acquisitions could transform our season.

    I'd prefer that to be in the July/August window rather than wait for January to "see how we're doing" and then it doesn't happen. Points dropped in the first half of the season are gone forever.

    What will happen? I think Hamman/Langstone will be gone before the start of the season and the Guy debt resolved to the club's advantage. The Owners will invest heavily and we will get up automatically.

    There. :emoticon-0105-wink:
  15. It'sChicoTime

    It'sChicoTime Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
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    Clingo, thats fair enough mate. Why some others can't respectfully ask us to butt out is beyond me. I was answering your question about expectations and added what i thought if your former manager.

  16. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Thanks JA
  17. It'sChicoTime

    It'sChicoTime Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
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    No problem.

    I'm sure your team will live up to its expectations this season.
  18. john hughs

    john hughs banned

    Feb 15, 2012
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    What does anyone(Cardiff) think of the full back from Coventry we are suppost to be interested in the SWE ,yes i know its a rag but Keown looks a good player and would be a prize signing for MM.
  19. Swamp

    Swamp Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    honest answer i usually havent heard of most of the players we sign JH.....richard keogh....isnt he a centre back? if he's anything like turner and gunnarsson the last 2 players to come from coventry, then sign him up...<ok>
  20. john hughs

    john hughs banned

    Feb 15, 2012
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    25 and with a host of clubs sniffing round him i belive ,Coventry fans going mad about their teram being torn to bits as in good players but thats football as we have been thro it many a time .

    Centre forward and a good pacey wing man a cert

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