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Off Topic European Debate Thread

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by bcfcredandwhite, May 6, 2016.


In, out, or undecided?

  1. In

    12 vote(s)
  2. Out

    27 vote(s)
  3. Undecided

    5 vote(s)
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  1. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Im not talking about the Greek politicians. Im talking about the innocent Greek people. The EU didnt have to make it harder for them. The innocent people are the ones paying for it all. Where is the EU's compassion for them? Nothing but **** from the EU on them. You got the phrase kicking someone when they are down, well the EU are doing that to a whole nation of innocent people.
  2. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    There has been some bullshit scaremongering again on here so I have to post this again.

    Captain Jack Sparrow likes this.
  3. Premiershiporbust IV

    Premiershiporbust IV Active Member

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Don't get it, NORWAY HAVE NEVER BEEN IN THE EU so how can they lose something that they never had...?

    Plus, they ended up joining (on the EU's terms) anyway....!!
    Mind the gap! likes this.
  4. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    They had a referendum to join the EU. Like we are having a referendum to leave the EU. The scare tactics used there are remarkably similar to what we have seen here, dont you think?
  5. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    When did it do that then??

    "Although the Kingdom of Norway is not a member state of the European Union (EU), it is closely associated with the Union through its membership in the European Economic Area (EEA), in the context of being a European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member"
  6. Premiershiporbust IV

    Premiershiporbust IV Active Member

    Aug 19, 2015
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    But they effectively joined in the "solution" anyway so this totally defeats your argument
  7. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    That isn't the argument is it.. the point is the uncannily similar scaremongering used..
    Captain Jack Sparrow likes this.
  8. Premiershiporbust IV

    Premiershiporbust IV Active Member

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Try this...


    In theory, Norway can refuse to implement an EU law it’s supposed to follow, but doesn’t

    The EEA Agreement does give Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein a ‘right of reservation’ which allows them not to implement an EU law they would otherwise be required to.

    Norway has only formally invoked it once.

    It did so in 2011 over the third Postal Services Directive, which sought to open up the delivery of letters to competition.

    To put this into perspective, in 2014 Norway implemented 627 EU laws.

    The right of reservation may be used so rarely because the EU can suspend the “affected part” of the Agreement in response.
  9. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Whats that got to do with Norway not being a member of the EU..

    Do you work in an education establishment Prem?
  10. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    What are you talking about? Myself and Banksy have made it clear its about the scare tactics. How have your response defeat our argument?

  11. Premiershiporbust IV

    Premiershiporbust IV Active Member

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Norway is not in the EU but they might as well be as they are as much EU bitches as the rest of us. Their own competancies review stated what a crap deal they arranged for themselves

    In theory, Norway can refuse to implement an EU law it’s supposed to follow, but doesn’t

    The EEA Agreement does give Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein a ‘right of reservation’ which allows them not to implement an EU law they would otherwise be required to.

    Norway has only formally invoked it once.

    It did so in 2011 over the third Postal Services Directive, which sought to open up the delivery of letters to competition.

    To put this into perspective, in 2014 Norway implemented 627 EU laws.

    The right of reservation may be used so rarely because the EU can suspend the “affected part” of the Agreement in response.

    Professor Chalmers says that this is a strong countermeasure that will, in many instances, mean shutting down EU market access in the sector.

    In 2013, after much pressure from the EU, Norway lifted its reservation over the Postal Services Directive.

    The other weakness of the right of reservation is that it can only be invoked when laws are being brought in.
  12. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    **** sake, it may or may not implement EU law.

    Bottom line is it is NOT a member of the EU..
  13. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I'll try again...

    "Although the Kingdom of Norway is NOT a member state of the European Union (EU), it is closely associated with the Union through its membership in the European Economic Area (EEA), in the context of being a European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member"

    I am reading that correctly yeah?? It does say NOT a member of the EU doesn't it??
  14. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Why are you going on about Norway for if they are in or out of the EU? The clip about Norway used by Banksy is to show you the scare tactics used in their referendum is the same stuff used in our referendum. Nothing more and nothing less.
    banksyisourhero likes this.
  15. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    He's taken up MTGs tactics of answering a question that no one asked and ignoring the ones that were asked!
    Captain Jack Sparrow likes this.
  16. Premiershiporbust IV

    Premiershiporbust IV Active Member

    Aug 19, 2015
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    **** sake, read it again...

    In theory, Norway can refuse to implement an EU law it’s supposed to follow, but doesn’t

    Norway has only formally invoked its right of reservation once in 2011 over the third Postal Services Directive, which sought to open up the delivery of letters to competition.To put this into perspective, in 2014 Norway implemented 627 EU laws. In 2013, after much pressure from the EU, Norway lifted its reservation over the Postal Services Directive.
  17. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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  18. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Its irrelevant Prem.

    You said this..

    They didn't, they are not members of the EU, its that simple....
  19. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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  20. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Cadbury, Keynsham, moved factory to Poland 2011 with EU grant.
    Ford Transit moved to Turkey 2013 with EU grant.
    Jaguar Land Rover has recently agreed to build a new plant in Slovakia with EU grant, owned by Tata, the same company who have trashed our steel works and emptied the workers pension funds.
    Peugeot closed its Ryton (was Rootes Group) plant and moved production to Slovakia with EU grant.
    British Army's new Ajax fighting vehicles to be built in SPAIN using SWEDISH steel at the request of the EU to support jobs in Spain with EU grant, rather than Wales.
    Dyson gone to Malaysia, with an EU loan.
    Crown Closures, Bournemouth (Was METAL BOX), gone to Poland with EU grant, once employed 1,200.
    M&S manufacturing gone to far east with EU loan.
    Hornby models gone. In fact all toys and models now gone from UK along with the patents all with with EU grants.
    Gillette gone to eastern Europe with EU grant.
    Texas Instruments Greenock gone to Germany with EU grant.
    Indesit at Bodelwyddan Wales gone with EU grant.
    Sekisui Alveo said production at its Merthyr Tydfil Industrial Park foam plant will relocate production to Roermond in the Netherlands, with EU funding.
    Hoover Merthyr factory moved out of UK to Czech Republic and the Far East by Italian company Candy with EU backing.
    ICI integration into Holland’s AkzoNobel with EU bank loan and within days of the merger, several factories in the UK, were closed, eliminating 3,500 jobs
    Boots sold to Italians Stefano Pessina who have based their HQ in Switzerland to avoid tax to the tune of £80 million a year, using an EU loan for the purchase.
    JDS Uniphase run by two Dutch men, bought up companies in the UK with £20 million in EU 'regeneration' grants, created a pollution nightmare and just closed it all down leaving 1,200 out of work and an environmental clean-up paid for by the UK tax-payer. They also raided the pension fund and drained it dry.
    UK airports are owned by a Spanish company.
    Scottish Power is owned by a Spanish company.
    Most London buses are run by Spanish and German companies.
    The Hinkley Point C nuclear power station to be built by French company EDF, part owned by the French government, using cheap Chinese steel that has catastrophically failed in other nuclear installations. Now EDF say the costs will be double or more and it will be very late even if it does come online.
    Swindon was once our producer of rail locomotives and rolling stock. Not any more, it's Bombardier in Derby and due to their losses in the aviation market, that could see the end of the British railways manufacturing altogether even though Bombardier had EU grants to keep Derby going which they diverted to their loss-making aviation side in Canada.
    39% of British invention patents have been passed to foreign companies, many of them in the EU
    The Mini cars that Cameron stood in front of as an example of British engineering, are built by BMW mostly in Holland and Austria. His campaign bus was made in Germany even though we have Plaxton, Optare, Bluebird, Dennis etc., in the UK. The bicycle for the Greens was made in the far east, not by Raleigh UK but then they are probably going to move to the Netherlands too as they have said recently.
    Anyone who thinks the EU is good for British industry or any other business simply hasn't paid attention to what has been systematically asset-stripped from the UK.

    I haven't detailed our non-existent fishing industry the EU paid to destroy, nor the farmers being paid NOT to produce food they could sell for more than they get paid to do nothing, don't even go there.

    I haven't mentioned what it costs us to be asset-stripped like this, nor have I mentioned immigration, nor the risk to our security if control of our armed forces is passed to Brussels or Germany.

    Think carefully - deal with the facts not the what ifs from the scaremongers.
    Captain Jack Sparrow likes this.
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