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Eric Ten Hag add him to the list

Discussion in 'Chelsea' started by Chelsea Pensioner, May 1, 2019.

  1. Chelsea Pensioner

    Chelsea Pensioner Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    If we replace Sarri, which I hope we do, then anyone who can get us playing like Ajax and speaks perfect English, is on my wish list.
    Against Spurs, Ajax were brilliant. Clever, fast, technical, with passes whizzing faster than you can say Sarriball, and mostly towards the Spurs goals. Spurs were bamboozled for 60 mins and all by a team of very very young players with only a couple of experienced players to lean on.
    Just what the doctor ordered for us I would say.
    What a joy to see a manager who trusts his youngsters, and takes them to a CL semi. No "one hit wonders" this team, and puts us to shame.
    Sarri take note, If you are here next season, play the kids instead of the dead wood you brought in. Ajax showed it's possible to play a better version of Sarriball PLUS run at the opponent, all with youngsters.
  2. chelsea - over 100 years of history

    Mar 8, 2011
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    I get what you are saying but if it was all that easy, everyone would be doing it.

    Ajax pretty much get the pick of the best youngsters in Holland and are forced to use them by virtue of their relative financial limitations.

    This is the first crop since the mid 90's to really make an big impression on the European stage so to expect their manager to be able to replicate that anywhere else is pretty unimaginable.

    Plus any top youngsters then get poached. We've had CHO play a handful of games and looks like we'll lose him in the next year!

    Would be nice though.
    BobbyD likes this.
  3. BobbyD

    BobbyD President

    Oct 25, 2013
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    Pretty much this. Sarri had better try using the youth but realistically how many of our youth gone into big things.

    It looks like sarri has come round with hudson and rlc who are playing far more regularly and for all the great things Ajax have done this year, this is the first time in ages that their famed youth academy has gone past the group States in 14 years.

    They haven't won the league in 5 years either
  4. Chelsea Pensioner

    Chelsea Pensioner Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    True about what happened to Ajax in the past and our usual behaviour, but with good kids, this manager has turned them into a team that might well make it to the CL finals, and they rolled more than one top team along the way.. He might lose half the team next year, but he did the business with the right kids.
    Next year we'll have the right kids if FIFA ban comes in, cause we won't have anyone else to replace the players who need to go, and Hazard and maybe CHO who might leave anyway. If someone gets Sarri to despatch Higuain and Jorghino back to the slow and easier Seria A from where they came, then Ten Hag could be the right man for us.

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