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Ehab’s Message To The Fans: Protesting, Concessions and the Council

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Cortez91, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. Fev

    Fev Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    We pay just under £11 each per match on average (think this is the lowest you can pay) - offer this to all kids for any match and I can't imagine anyone would complain (frankly for me you could offer that to anyone anywhere in the ground just to try and fill it more and create more atmosphere which is the whole point in going for me anyway - though I know and understand those paying more may feel this unfair). Regardless; £11 a ticket (plus some full paying adults) is better than the nothing they are getting for half the ground now and an improved atmosphere would help the team - it really is just common sense but won't happen.
  2. Amin Yapusi

    Amin Yapusi Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    It seems like common sense to me and you but sadly it's just impossible because many won't see it that way. To me and you it sounds ok but many will complain that they're tied to and being punished for signing up to what's essentially a loyalty deal and now others who didn't commit are benefitting from cheaper prices.

    To be honest I'm not averse to zonal pricing and the membership pricing but in its current incarnation it's far too simplistic. The ability to lure more adults to attend with lower prices, much simpler admin and enticing families and people with children to the same child friendly area are all very advantageous. Where it falls down is, whilst for the average family of four it's currently six of one and half a dozen of the other and makes very little difference whether it's concessions or not, there are many variables and combinations that can and do lose out quite drastically, which is unacceptable.

    It's a difficult one to balance but I do think the general idea is progressive and forward thinking.
    Happy Tiger likes this.
  3. askewshair

    askewshair Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I'll repeat my previous question.
    ,When you say the membership scheme, which part do you mean? The main aspects were;
    • paying monthly. slightly more convenient than previously over 8(?)months
    • able to cancel (albeit with two months notice). I never realised they just wanted to help us. As a business model, ridiculous!! I bet they'd love to do a u turn on this bit!
    • much cheaper for adults without kids
    • Children and families priced out of attending. Eg 10 yr old kids paying £50 going up to over £400
    • Zonal scheme Possibly some merit in this?
    • OAP's priced out. Who have supported City for many years and suddenly they weren't worthy of a concession. His new proposal shows their stance hasn't changed
  4. Amin Yapusi

    Amin Yapusi Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    The ability to cancel is part and parcel of it being a rolling direct debit. And this is a good move for them as I'm sure people will be less inclined to cancel, as they would be to just not bother renewing.
  5. askewshair

    askewshair Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Ok. Five of us (since early 80's) have reduced to two in the last few years. Two of the three took advantage of cancelling.
  6. FILEYseadog

    FILEYseadog Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    £10 adults
    £5 16 to 11
    £5 pensioners
    £1 under 11

    I will stick to watching Scarborough and the occasional Hull City away game.

    GTF Escab
  7. tigerscanada

    tigerscanada Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    "I am extending this request to all fan group leaders, whom we will engage with over the next week or so to seek a temporary resolution to these matters until our departure."

    In my opinion, the two underlined words reveal the true motive of this latest statement by the owners.
    The driving force behind them are due to greed and fear on their part.
    Greed because they want to sell the club as soon as they possibly can (maximizing their return on their investment), and fear because they are beginning to realize the distinct possibility of relegation to Division 1, which would significantly reduce the value of the club to potential buyers. In fact, there likely would be zero interest.
    They seem to be attempting to set themselves up as the "victims" in all of this ill-will that they themselves have generated over the last few years, and are attempting to deflect the blame onto the supporters (and the HCC) for the poor team results.
    The poorly conceived "re-instatement of concessions" is a ploy to get the crowds up in number ( from what everyone is suggesting in this thread that's unlikely to happen) to help the team stay up and thus make the club retain some degree of marketability.
    LS, his staff and the players are professionals. They will do their best and will sympathize with the supporters' but obviously remain diplomatic. The Allams do not get it. Neither will they get on the Honours List.
  8. dennisboothstash

    dennisboothstash Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    I agree with all of that apart from the ‘concessions’ being poorly conceived
    I think they are deliberately being antagonistic
    Fev, SimonGraysJacket and Fez like this.
  9. John Ex Aberdeen now E.R.

    John Ex Aberdeen now E.R. Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    That's the most likely.
    ImperialTiger likes this.
  10. John Ex Aberdeen now E.R.

    John Ex Aberdeen now E.R. Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    At least it appears to have had the desired effect.

  11. tigerscanada

    tigerscanada Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    Perhaps in this case the descriptions amount to the same thing Dennis - they underestimate the intelligence of the supporters by assuming they (the supporters) would view it as a gesture of good will and swell the attendance. I may be reading too much into it, but one thng is for sure, they are not to be trusted.
    dennisboothstash likes this.
  12. John Ex Aberdeen now E.R.

    John Ex Aberdeen now E.R. Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    The more I read his statement the more I am convinced this is all about this Queens visit.

    1. Let's have an amnesty, we'll meet with fans groups in the next week or so.
    2. Those meetings will be after the Queens visit.
    3. Once the Queens visit has passed this meeting will be a waste of time, as he will give nothing away.

    Don't be fooled folks, not everything that shines is gold.
  13. ImperialTiger

    ImperialTiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I think temporary definitely means "until the Queen has left as I don't want my father's big day ruined."
  14. tigerscanada

    tigerscanada Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    Wouldn't be surprised that's embedded too.
    Hopefully there will be no negative incidents by supporters that impinge on the royal visit. Don't want another Civil War breaking out !
    Brexit's bad enough.
  15. Fez

    Fez Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Does he have to attend, or will it be one of his lackies? Whichever is the case the meeting would be just as staged as his interviews. He doesn't need balls to hold the meetings, just arrogance and he's got plenty of that. These so-called supporter liaison meetings are at their invitation and serve to tick a responsibility box - he's simply using everyone, the media included, while the timetable on his exit strategy ticks by. You give him far too little credit for how he is handling this and playing everyone off. With one statement he has:

    1. Re-engaged the media from a fresh aspect and gained free advertising on his price changes (let' not call them concessions).
    2. Thrown out another divisive invitation to supporter groups.
    3. Built another false position to pacify anyone who can't see what it really is - and .there are plenty of those.
    4. Put the onus on HCC (and others) to respond to his mischievous comments and request regarding the SMC.
    5. Pressed the quiet down button on a MP.

    This is smart stuff, not good, but smart. He has the arrogance (and poor judgement) to follow through with everything he says.
  16. TreeHugger

    TreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I’m sure it’s been pointed out in the previous ten pages but literally nobody benefits from this.

    - only one junior ticket per adult ticket, extra juniors pay concession price (stadium policy is anyone 13 or under must be with an adult)
    - concessions (OAP, disabled, 18 year old) taking a junior have to pay concession price.

    Zone 2, category B.
    Current price: £24
    New price: Adult: £30
    Concession: £24
    Junior: £18.

    So only the junior price is cheaper. As stated above, junior tickets are only available with an adult ticket and one ticket per adult. So:
    Adult + child now= £24+£24=£48
    Adult + child new prices = £30+£18 =£48

    If you want an extra child under the new prices you have to pay concession price:
    Adult + 2 under 14s now: £24 x 3 = £72
    Adult + 2 under 14s new price = £30+£18+£24=£72

    An OAP pays the same as the current price. If they take an under 14 they have to pay concession price for them. So the same as now.

    The only time it makes a difference is if adults go alone or with a concession. Then the adults pay £6 more.

    I don’t like the guy but this has actually made me chuckle. It’s a complete ****s trick. Make people think they are getting what they want for 5 minutes til it dawns on them they aren’t getting anything but a price rise.
    s02699, HHH, Newland Tiger and 7 others like this.
  17. Barchullona

    Barchullona Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2012
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    No politics. Ta.
    dennisboothstash likes this.
  18. dennisboothstash

    dennisboothstash Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    Let’s not call them price ‘changes’ either
    Let’s call them what they are PRICE RISES
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2017
  19. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Thats just la la land filey sorry.
    Disagree john. He's over a barrel here.
    Amend the concessions before the Ipswich game or else. Simple as that. Queens here the 16th? Game is the 18th.
  20. balkan tiger

    balkan tiger Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
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    A big problem is many people won't give it even 5 minutes, they will see the headlines take it all on board and they're back to oh what nice people the Allams are.
    You only need to see how many hardliners on here were conned, only after some time and debate has a fuller picture come to light.

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