A lady on the radio said earlier: "I voted Leave because they said there'd be an extra £350million a week going to the NHS. Now they're saying they only said it might go to the NHS. Well, will it? I don't think so now. I feel betrayed." I refer the Right Honorable Member to my earlier reference to chimps' voting.
Not a fan of Alistair Campbell per se, but he made the point that this was an issue of leadership failure because he thought that it was a decision that should have been the responsibility of an elected Parliament. Interesting.
BRILLIANT????? Morgan Stanley looks to move 2,000 London staff Posted at13:45shared BBC business reporter Joe Lynam reports... Sources within Morgan Stanley say it has already begun the process of moving about 2,000 of its London-based investment banking staff to Dublin or Frankfurt. And it has a taskforce in place. The jobs which would be moved from the UK would be in euro clearing but also other investment banking functions and senior management. The American investment bank needs to avail of the passporting system which allows banks to offer financial services in all countries in the EU without having to establish a permanent base in that member state. The president of Morgan Stanley, Colm Kelleher, told Bloomberg two days ago that Brexit would be “the most consequential thing that we’ve ever seen since the war”.
Hopefully you explained we like to cut off the bits that clearly don't work, like the EU. Did you also remind the neighbour that nearly two thirds of his compatriots are dissatisfied with the EU? It will be interesting how much support Le Pen gets in the next poll?
Last week I posted a piece from the French press about financial institutions looking for office space here. Today Morgan Stanley have announced that they are moving 2,000 staff out of London in the next few weeks. Who was the better informed? The French press or SH.
Of course. Just overheard a parent from our kids' school: "I didn't know about all this financial stuff. I'm not interested in politics - I just want to reverse immigration."
You know full well that companies move sections of their multinational business as a normal practice. Even if some business is lost to Europe it will free up space for further non EU business. The expertise, accepted UK Law, and contacts will remain in London. There have been many attempts to take business from the City of London without much success. You really should not be rubbishing the UK all the time.
OFH, I don't think they have really...it's the classic crap hack "an insider states..."no company would move 2000 staff in a few weeks if they do not have to. Although I did note that Paris was not mentioned...
Interesting poll undertaken by our old funder Lord Cashcrop. Some inferences: Leavers were more negatively motivated particularly immigration Leavers one force for good was capitalism but this was almost equally seen as a force for bad by both sets of voters Completely diametrically opposed views on multiculturalism ( I think McLuhan will be turning in his grave at this) Loads more inferences to make....
I think we must wait and see how the story pans out, but this was just one company. Moving offices is simple for large companies, it is the manufacturers who cannot do things so quickly.
There might be a few bargain holiday homes in Spain & France going soon, just need sterling to strengthen again.
The FTSE100 will finish 2% higher than at the start of the week. The pound will also strengthen when common sense returns. The problem is some of the remain side actually believed some of the scare stories, fools.